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I was told this top was "ageing", is it true?

310 replies

WatercolourFlower · 02/02/2018 20:42

I was shopping with my friend today and was having a look at the new stuff in Joules, as they ususally do lovely patterns.
I saw this top and immediately loved it (what a gorgeous and delicate pattern!). I said this to my friend...and she immediately said how ageing it would be. Here's the link to the top, in the cream botanicals print

Is my friend right? I'm not ususally affected by stuff like this and wear what I want, but a man recently said I looked much older than I was and now I'm overthinking things. For the record, I'm 20 years old.

Any advice much appreciated 😊

OP posts:
WatercolourFlower · 02/02/2018 21:03

Thanks for your advice. I will look at the websites suggested...I like some of the stuff on Pull and Bear and similar sites, but I feel it would suit someone who is more edgy if you get what I mean. I'm definitely not edgy and I don't want t o look like I'm trying too hard...I'll trawl through their websites a bit more

OP posts:
Camomila · 02/02/2018 21:03

Oh thats pretty, i'd wear it...I'm 30 and would look mumsy in it (but I am a mum so who cares)

I'd have worn it at 20 too and probably looked edgy.

CauliflowerBalti · 02/02/2018 21:03

If you like floral things, I saw this outfit the other day and thought I'd quite like the whole lot even though my hips really, REALLY wouldn't...

That Joules top is too old for me and I'm nearly 40.

Style is really personal though. Wear what makes you happy.

NerrSnerr · 02/02/2018 21:03

If you like it then wear it. People who wear clothes they love and not clothes other people tell them to love always look the best in my opinion.

CountFosco · 02/02/2018 21:04

Floraks on a white background are blah. If you like pretty florals get something with a dark background colour,
Much more fashionable. DMBL40 had a post this week about printed tops, there are some pretty tops there. I hope you enjoy the irony of getting fashion advice from women old enough to be your mother.

WildWindsBlowing · 02/02/2018 21:04

I think it would depend on your height and shape.

If you are tall and very slim it would look nice with black tight trousers.
Your bony wrists and delicate collar bone would show, your shiny [blond] hair would swish etc

If you are normal it might look frumpy.

Haffiana · 02/02/2018 21:05

TBH Jeans and stripey top is very Joules...

WatercolourFlower · 02/02/2018 21:05

I wear this dress quite a lot and it's good for layering...does this look ageing? Now I'm overanalysing my whole wardrobe, I don't want to look old before my time

OP posts:
Lashalicious · 02/02/2018 21:06

It’s a pretty top.

I don’t get why all the posters think it’s for 70 year olds.

I think it would be cute with white skinnies and wedges/ballet slippers or a miniskirt and strappy sandals for spring.

If it had decorative edging then people would say it was juvenile. So you can’t win.

I’m curious why color and pattern are considered so “middle aged mumsy?” I see this a lot, women rolling their eyes at anything that is not drapey black polyester tops. Now that is mumsy! All black and plain is not always flattering and is usually very boring and not automatically elegant. I personally cannot stand dark colors (or dark sheets on the bed).

OP, you are a classic dresser and you like pretty and classic clothing, nothing wrong with that.

Mummybo88 · 02/02/2018 21:06

I agree with pp’s that it’s too old for a 20 year old.

I’m 29, and a very loyal topshop customer. My style has changed over the years and I suppose now that I have children, I look for clothes that are more easy to wear and comfortable than I once did. I second that you should look at the ‘New In’ section to get an idea of trends and see if there’s anything that fits in with the style you’re going for. Also, try things on that push you a little out of your comfort zone, sometimes you’ll be surprised by how great you look in something that you never would have considered trying on otherwise. Another tip would be, revamp your outfits with trendy accessories. Topshop are great for bags, necklaces/chokers etc. You have the whole rest of your life to wear tops like that. Enjoy your youth and experiment a little with fashion Smile

WatercolourFlower · 02/02/2018 21:07

I think my hairstyle is quite ageing as well...I have what some people would call a 'mum bob'...I've just been stuck in everything style and beauty for years and years...I think it is because I have low confidence or self esteem

OP posts:
Alisvolatpropiis · 02/02/2018 21:07


Joules is nice for young children and OAP’s. That’s it.

Boxingdaydisappoints · 02/02/2018 21:08

It's very Mary Berry x

Tanaqui · 02/02/2018 21:08

I think at 20 you might look pretty, sadly at 46 I would look matronly!

What sort of style do you like- sporty, preppy, sexy- then people here will know where to shop!

LillyLeaf · 02/02/2018 21:08

Way too old for you. Go on ASOS and search 'floral top' some really nice young versions, also they are styled really well to give you an idea of how you could wear them. You're young, be brave, have fun.

Alisvolatpropiis · 02/02/2018 21:08

Op - re hair the “lob” is very current and probably not a million miles from the hair you have now. Have a google

WatercolourFlower · 02/02/2018 21:09

Oops forgot to add link in, not my last post, but my post before. This is an outfit I own..I layer the dress with tops, shirts and jumpers

OP posts:
Magpiemagpie · 02/02/2018 21:09

It's the sort of thing I would buy for my mum as a present
She's 81

CountFosco · 02/02/2018 21:10

You are 20. You should be making your fashion mistakes now. Have fun, don't think 'oh, I'm not edgy' and limit yourself, fashion is pure joy and you are at the age where you should be trying extreme looks while you find your own style. Look back at your photos in 30 years time and think 'what was I thinking but didn't I look gorgeous despite being crazily dressed'.

Tanaqui · 02/02/2018 21:10

If you are 20 you can’t have been stuck for year! Jack wills does have some quite young stuff, how do you feel about a new haircut? Or just go to primark, top shop, new look and try everything on (look at the window displays for ideas on combos)

Lashalicious · 02/02/2018 21:11

If a person is overweight, especially with a flabby belly or thunder thighs then they would look mumsy in pretty much anything. Take the criticism on this thread with a grain of salt. A young slender woman would not look mumsy in that top! That model certainly doesn’t!

Aridane · 02/02/2018 21:12

I really don’t like that New Look one linked above.

I think a young person could carry off the Joules top


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lottiegarbanzo · 02/02/2018 21:12

Thing is, if you're young, you can make 'frumpy' look 'knowing and ironic'. There are whole genres of style based on that idea.

Like, the fashion for men's cardigans a few years ago - 'old man' cardigans on slim young men looked good. On middle-aged men with a belly they just looked, frumpy.

I think they key is to mix things. One loose-fitting item with a close fitting one and nice accessories. That's my 'style 101' advice (I never got past 101 though and have often looked frumpy, especially when younger, so probs not the best advisor!).

60sname · 02/02/2018 21:12

Zara often has some nice florals here

TabbyMack · 02/02/2018 21:13

At 20, you can wear anything and still look young.

I like it & would wear it. But I am twice your age and then some so I am not sure that's much of a recommendation.

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