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Kate Down Under...the fashion verdict so far...

300 replies

susannahmoodie · 14/04/2014 09:23

Changed my username when I changed my password but am a regular...

Thought we could enjoy a (shallow and lighthearted, yes) analysis of Kate's antipodean wardrobe choices?

I'm finding it all a bit matchy matchy so far, all the colour blocking reminds me of the queen herself.

Would like to see we in more trousers other than the skinny navy jeans + Breton combo which has been done to death.

OP posts:
Kundry · 18/04/2014 14:08

I've found this tour v disappointing - her clothes for Canada and the Far East tour were far better.

I don't even think we can blame the Queen for the boringness as some of the worst items have been Kate's own choices - the wedges, that Zara jacket. Whoever picked the red air hostess outfit should be sacked.

Sophie Wessex is proof you can do the royal dress code and still look amazing and very fashiony. Lady Helen Taylor doesn't have quite the same constrictions but always looks fab. I think ultimately the problem is Kate is quite dull - the sodding hair, the eyeliner, those LK Bennett shoes she used to wear all the bloody time.

She's making McQueen look boring. I remember shouting at the time of the wedding that if I had the opportunity to have a McQueen wedding dress it would have been way more exciting - they tone it down and I think she wants them to.

polyhymnia · 18/04/2014 14:22

Agree she is indeed dull - but guess that's an asset in her 'job'.

Legologgo · 18/04/2014 14:22

how is her hair dated? its just long wavy hair!

rubybleu · 18/04/2014 14:51

I loathe the white Zimmerman dress. They do great clothes - I wore a lot through university, still see plenty on my Instagram feed - and she's managed to find something that looks like Hobbs at its worst.

She needs to look to Sam Cam for inspiration. You could see pre-wedding that she has that awful Sloane habit of picking safe, dull, mildly ill-fitting attire but she would look fab (and appropriately Royal) if she took her preference for fitted dresses and picked things just a tiny bit edgier. The yellow dress was a good step in that direction.

GiddyUpCowboy · 18/04/2014 14:54

I didn't realise her hair was ever in fashion in the first place, so I also have no idea how her hair can be classed as dated.

polyhymnia · 18/04/2014 15:06

Yup -I find long hair that just lies there - however well conditioned - boring personally but it's no more or less boring now than at any other timeIMO.

sansucre · 18/04/2014 15:11

I think the main problem with Kate's wardrobe is that it's safe, 'naice' but not stylish. And that's the thing, Kate's not stylish and doesn't have an innate sense of style.

I thought today's Zimmerman dress was beautiful but didn't look great on her. It was also too big. The shoes, as usual were awful.

She's actually quite frumpy which given the designers she works with/buys from is totally inexcusable.

polyhymnia · 18/04/2014 15:45

I would have hesitated over whether the DVF dress was too safe and dull myself and I'm close to her mum's age.

Slackgardener · 18/04/2014 18:58

I think she's well groomed and very restrained rather than stylish.

I've liked some of her coat dresses but I can't think of an occasion where I'd ever consider they were appropriate for anyone of her age other than the job she is doing.

Trojanhouse · 18/04/2014 19:07

Agree that Kate is simply dull.
Dull makeup, dull shoes, dull clothes and dull hair.
She appears to be a lovely young lady , but I don't ever feel inspired when I see her.

NomDeClavier · 18/04/2014 19:10

I don't think she's ever been allowed to develop a sense of style though. They met at Uni and she's been hounded and castigated ever since.

coffeeinbed · 18/04/2014 19:13

I don't think she has been hounded and castigated.
There was and is a lot of goodwill towards her.

And high expectations too though.

Nancy66 · 18/04/2014 19:24

haven't liked a thing she's worn so far. All very frumpy and dull.

Forago · 18/04/2014 19:50

I think she is dressing like she is 10 (of not 20) years older than she is.

I also think George is getting a bit old (and is a bit too much of a (cute) bruiser) for all the newborn romper suit type clothes. so many nice baby clothes out there, does he have to look like a Victorian child all the time?

saadia · 18/04/2014 19:59

She does seem to have very traditional and conventional taste in clothes and luckily they look ok because she is tall and slim. In a way though I hope that all the criticism doesn't get to her. She should really wear what she likes and feels like herself in.

Lesleythegiraffe · 18/04/2014 20:11

Didn't like the red outfit she wore when she arrived as it was too queen-like.

The dresses are ok in a high-street, seen them before kind of way.

It's not her clothes that concern me but her hair. It's a non-style - just long and trailing.

PinkBolly · 18/04/2014 20:27

Actually I like her style. I think she carries it off very well, bearing in mind she has the confines of royalty appropriateness.

Personally I would love it if I had her figure and the clothes she wears.

BuggersMuddle · 18/04/2014 20:37

I think she's gone a bit far with the 'regal' look (if indeed she was asked to improve her wardrobe in that direction).

She could have done regal by doing more with her hair and make-up while still wearing young clothes. As it is, while some stuff has been nice (red coat yes, matching hat - didn't they call your mother 'doors to manual') some has been much too frumpy.

Kate and I are of an age (if not income) and I am shorter and fatter. I would still raise the hemlines a little. The coat dresses were okay, but one of the evening dresses looked really frumpy. My DM (60+) might have worn it, but equally might have asked if it was too 'old ladyish' first.

BuggersMuddle · 18/04/2014 20:38

Lesley Agree with your other comments, not sure about the trailing hair.

I have long curly hair - it's what it does - so no hope of a 'hairdo' so admittedly I might be out of touch, but I thought 'dos' were a bit old school?

florencedombey · 18/04/2014 20:42

I really like her clothes. There are lots of people in the public eye already who wear high fashion. I like the fact that Kate is a role model for those of us who have to wear "safe" classic clothes to work. I've liked everything she's worn on the tour so far apart from the yellow dress (horrible colour) and today's white one (too sack like)!

Vintagebeads · 18/04/2014 22:18

I don't think she is that into fashion.
It comes across very much as "work wear" that she has agreed to rather than loving the clothes she is in.
Due I assume to Diana ,we see very little pap shots of her doing normal off duty stuff ,but I imagine none of what she wears is cutting edge fashion,by the couple I have seen.
I really like the white laser cut dress she wore today.
She seems to dress in the same way her mum does, and I imagine Kate dressing much the same when she is her mother age with slightly shorter hair.

Slackgardener · 18/04/2014 22:27

The hats are awful though.


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HappyGirlNow · 18/04/2014 22:32

Yes but her long hair isn't 'unstyled' in a cool French way, it's us styled in a long, lanky, 'styled' way... Hard to explain but there's a difference....

HappyGirlNow · 18/04/2014 22:33

*it's 'un-styled'

RonaldMcDonald · 19/04/2014 00:27

Fashion free zone
Dresses like my mother except with less edge

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