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Kate Down Under...the fashion verdict so far...

300 replies

susannahmoodie · 14/04/2014 09:23

Changed my username when I changed my password but am a regular...

Thought we could enjoy a (shallow and lighthearted, yes) analysis of Kate's antipodean wardrobe choices?

I'm finding it all a bit matchy matchy so far, all the colour blocking reminds me of the queen herself.

Would like to see we in more trousers other than the skinny navy jeans + Breton combo which has been done to death.

OP posts:
sleepdodger · 15/04/2014 23:54

She needs whistles, j crew, ted baker orla kiely, DVF, for middle of road global stuff
Then drop in the mcqueens, for formal and marants, sandro, maje for casual!

MrsMcGregor · 16/04/2014 08:58

The yellow dress she was wearing when the arrived in Australia was much better - fitted, vibrant and shorter hemline. Took a good few years off her!

hollyisalovelyname · 16/04/2014 09:25

Kate has amazing legs.
How does she stay so thin?
I'd love to know.
Does she vere get hungry?
I think she has played a blinder on the tour.

sassytheFIRST · 16/04/2014 09:32

I suspect she is hungry quite a lot of the time.

Think I like the yellow dress, it's certainly a lot more adventurous than the previous efforts.

Legologgo · 16/04/2014 10:11

i think people are just naturally slim - and she is one of them

Cereal0ffender · 16/04/2014 10:15

I find the pair of them getting off airplanes dressed up as charles and di faintly ridiculous, they are too young and times have changed

Olddear · 16/04/2014 11:09

Hate those wedges. Hate that yellow and white dress. Loved the red suit she wore at cricket.

TheFarceAndTheSpurious · 16/04/2014 11:12

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FoxyHarlow123 · 16/04/2014 11:33

But this is style and beauty so of course it's about the way she dresses and looks. Start a different thread if you want a more high brow discussion.

Love the yellow dress today. She looks fabulous in it! I'm another with major leg and body envy.

celestialsquirrels · 16/04/2014 11:44

She should follow Sam Cameron's lead. She always looks fab, stylish, young yet not too racy.
Better yet she should hire Emily Sheffield since clearly that's who dresses Sam.

I haven't seen her look good in a single thing this tour. The black and white play group dress was ok I suppose. Her mother dresses with more verve than she does and that's saying something.

It is really shocking. She should never be allowed to choose a pair of shoes for herself again, cut at least 4 inches off her hair and hire a makeup artist. If you are going to be the most photographed woman in the world (as well as the laziest woman in the world) you ought to at least do it properly.

She just can't be arsed though, can she.

celestialsquirrels · 16/04/2014 11:47

What position farce?

She doesn't do anything useful. She could at least drum up some business for the british fashion industry but that would clearly be too much like hard work. So we get her choosing the shittest bits of the high street and in return hand her millions of pounds of free houses and holidays a year.

Bad bargain if you ask me.

FairPhyllis · 16/04/2014 12:18

I like best the green Erdem coat, the blue McQueen coat and the yellow dress. The Tory Burch dress was nice too.

I think her clothes are her choice - I think for these more formal events like tours she's choosing what she thinks of as a 'royal uniform', which might not necessarily be what she would choose to wear casually. But as someone said above her natural style is Sloane anyway, and what she wears is influenced by that. If you look at what she wore to formal events before her marriage and how her mum and sister dress it's just how she dresses. That's what Sloanes wear regardless of age.

I think the colour blocking is mindful of the fact that what she wears will be photographed and filmed - prints don't always look great on film. And she's figured out a silhouette that works for her and who can blame her for sticking to it.

If she wore edgy high fashion all the time, it would be completely inappropriate for most of her public appearances. It would look too frivolous for state events and completely out of touch when visiting normal people. Not to mention the fact every item would be costed by the papers.

CardiCorgi · 16/04/2014 12:23

Well, I'd happily judge her by what she thinks or says but going by what little I read in the papers she doesn't do either (ok, unfair, but she certainly doesn't say much).
Anyway, I envy the shiny hair but think it looks better worn off her face and wish that both her and her husband didn't need to dress like a pair of young fogies all the time.

susannahmoodie · 16/04/2014 20:00

On a tangential note, why is the nanny wearing a suit?? A bit formal and stuffy for playing with PG no?

OP posts:
ParkingFred · 16/04/2014 20:03

I thought that re the nanny.

But judging by George's 1950s get up, she's lucky they haven't got her dressed like a Norland nanny.

coraltoes · 16/04/2014 20:17

I loved the yellow dress. Great colour, great designer. Agree she ought to rejuvenate her look a bit, less of the frumpy shoes and hemlines. I wonder if she needs a net-a-porter account! Shoe-wise she needs to discover Rupert Sanderson, brilliant british brand, "sensible" options as well as mental heels and very good quality. Bloody LK Bennet and those bloody wedges.

got to say i object more to what they dress George in- stiff, dated and dull

PlantsAndFlowers · 16/04/2014 20:20

I think she looks great.

Cereal0ffender · 17/04/2014 08:35

This made me lol

Kate Down Under...the fashion verdict so far...
Mrswellyboot · 17/04/2014 08:42

Lol at that!

I think it is a kind of uniform. She is playing very safe and I do like what she wore on her shopping spree to Gap before flying over. She has to be respectable I suppose. Maybe she feels under pressure as an outsider to the blood Royals to conform to this image.

Agree with supporting British designers. She could wear anything. I love watching style chouces her though.

Legologgo · 17/04/2014 09:09

Those bloody wedges

santamarianovella · 17/04/2014 09:35

She killed that beautiful roksanda dress by wearing those awful court shoes,they are really hedious,

Amethyst24 · 17/04/2014 11:49

Interesting how much she has clothes altered. The original of that RI dress has much wider sleeves and I think Kate's version is a big improvement. Fuck me though, those shoes....!


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WipsGlitter · 17/04/2014 12:55

I loved her in the RI dress and the DVF dress but those wedges - she must really love them, but they looked way too high for what she was doing. I read on the Daily Mail that the RI dress was specially remade for her. I prefer her in dresses than the really formal coats.

What fun she must have picking stuff for these trips! A money no object shopping spree!

squoosh · 17/04/2014 13:25

It's a shame, there isn't a designer in the world who wouldn't give their right arm for her to wear one of their creations and yet you just know that all she really wants is to wear is a wrap dress and a pair of those Sloaney knee high black suede boots.

trixymalixy · 17/04/2014 13:35

Quit honestly I think a lot of it has been hideous. Those coats and matchy matchy hat are very air hostess.

The yellow dress was much better. Wish she would dress a bit more her age as she could look fabulous.

The clutch bags really bug me for some reason I can't quite put my finger on. She just seems to hold them so awkwardly.

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