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Perfume lovers - vol. 6

999 replies

FrugalFashionista · 19/02/2014 19:57

This space is for anyone who wants to talk about perfumes - ask for recommendations, tell us which scent you are wearing today (=SOTD), list your favorites...

Continued from here

OP posts:
teta · 25/02/2014 21:32

Ordered from 4160 Tuesdays - the sample pack plus Yves Saint Laurent ' In Love Again' - the original version.Someone recommended it on the previous thread.I think I will have to restrict myself to a sample pack a month(or maybe every 2 weeks).
I'm not sure whether I've tried Fracas - probably,but have definitely used Poison - Hate it !Really don't like in your face fumes.Have been categorised as a natural romantic in dress sense and am probably the same in perfumes.Love Soliflores and I love growing flowers and have jugs of spring flowers all over my house.Frugal you have said in the past you have been categorised as a 'drammatic' in style .Does this follow through to perfumes?

heybrother · 25/02/2014 21:36

Love this thread - love perfume. Have Marc Jacobs daisy but have my eye on a Jo Malone cologne - any suggestions? I like flowery scents x

staticdust · 25/02/2014 22:00

I am wearing Jo Malone Earl Grey and cucumber cologne and it is divine, three people asked about it and complemented it, lovely scent, I will be purchasing more.

SecretWitch · 25/02/2014 22:08

It is so frosty cold here in New England but I don't care...I have been wearing Miss Charming by Juliette Has A Gun and Jo Malone's Orange Blossom scent..Roll on Spring!

cosikitty · 25/02/2014 23:28

I have the turin/sanchez guide too. It's very useful, I find it very biased towards American brands like Estee though and cannot understand the praise some of them get, and the hate for Sisley perfumes. I have tried eau du soir and soir de lune a few times and really like them, they smells expensive to me Grin.

Wearing Carnal Flower today.

heybrother try jo malone orange blossom if you like florals.

Apatite I am afraid i agree with Turins Love in White review, it wasn't for me I found it cold and flat smelling. I can't remember what Tommy girl is like, will have to sniff it next time I am out. What family does it fall into?

I love soliflores. My Rose Splendide arrived. Such a pretty rose without being dusty or cloying like most roses I find. It's a little sour at first and green and fresh. I love it.

cressetmama · 26/02/2014 09:45

Adding a vote for the sample set from Parfums d'Empire (Corsican) which range of about 15 includes several favourites, and some scrubbers. Ambre Russe, Eau Suave (my favourite rose) and Equistrius (chocolate/Iris) are all great but I like each one so much I have never been able to decide on a single full bottle. SOTD is likely to be Eau des Merveilles!

Stokey · 26/02/2014 12:23

Love Eau des Merveilles cressetmama. My SOTD is SL Santal Majuscule but am suffering from it being a vial sample and can barely smell it now apart from slight vanilla hint on wrist Sad

Am thinking this spring sampler set looks good. Feel like I should try and move away from my oriental comfort zone now that Spring is coming. Any opinions?

Housewife2010 · 26/02/2014 12:25

Stokey, that sampler looks lovely. I'm waiting for my first order from them - beginner's niche sampler. Does anyone know if I'll get charged tax when my parcel arrives? My SOTD is SL La Fille de Berlin - my last birthday present to myself!

Housewife2010 · 26/02/2014 12:28

This is what I ordered:
Diptyque Olene
Serge Lutens Jeux de Peau
Chanel Jersey
Byredo Gypsy Water
Chanel Beige
Niche Perfume Beginner Sample Set - 10 Best Niche Perfumes for a Beginner
Maison Martin Margiela Replica Lazy Sunday Morning
WEEKLY CHANCE SPECIAL - Jo Malone Rain Series (Limited Edition) Sampler Coffret - Set of Four Samples

clb · 26/02/2014 13:03

The spring sampler set looks tempting. I only know the Malles: L'eau d'hiver is an absolute favourite of mine (bought a decant from eBay) and I like En passant too.

wiltingfast · 26/02/2014 13:43

Ooo that sampler does look interesting!

  1. Guerlain Apres L'Ondee EDT - am personally longing to try this.

2. Frederic Malle En Passant - tried this in London, great perfume though maybe not likely to be a personal favourite for me.

3. Frederic Malle L'eau d'Hiver - Actually had a sample of this and swapped for tabac blond with someone one this thread....., was it fuzzy? It was a bit high and almondy on me but I think she loved it Grin

4. CB I Hate perfume To See a Flower Water Perfume

5. Les Parfums de Rosine Un Zeste de Rose

6. Guerlain Cruel Gardenia

7. Serge Lutens Iris Silver Mist - longing to try this one too.

8. Serge Lutens Fleurs de Citronnier

9. Caron Fleurs de Rocaille Parfum - this is a famous one but I've never tried it.

10. Hermessence Osmanthe Yunnan

Not familiar with the rest but sounds great!

Houswife, when i ordered I was not charged any customs. Order was about $70. But I am in Ireland fwiw. I'd say if you keep the order under $100 you are very unlikely to be charged customs...

I see postage seems to have come down too, it was huge when I ordered before. VERY tempting...
Stokey · 26/02/2014 14:37

And a good $ exchange rate at the moment... seems rude not to Wink

FrugalFashionista · 26/02/2014 15:45

Stokey orientals are my natural comfort zone but I live in a place where summers are very hot so I only use colognes and light, translucent perfumes during the hot months. Ambers can get suffocating when it's sweltering... The spring sampler you found contains at least two favorites, Iris Silver Mist and Un Zest de Rose (just dabbed some on).

When I started exploring perfume, I thought we all have a 'signature' perfume. But the idea is pretty absurd, I've found favorites in most perfume families and like greens, classic aldehydes, bouquets, colognes, chypres, fougeres, leathers and modern conceptual perfumes.

Teta I'm not sure I believe in simple typologies. I like dramatic clothes and quiet neutral outfits Wink I'm an extrovert and I love people, but I also need quiet thinking and reading time every day. I love super loud 1980s 'screamers' (yes, Poison, too) but only wear them at home. I tone down my perfume if going out and wear pretty innocue stuff. And I regularly wear some classic masculines, they feel very 'me' too.

OP posts:
teta · 26/02/2014 20:57

I really want to try Rose Splendid and the niche sample set plus the spring scents and Carnal Flower.I can see this is going to be incredibly addictive.Frugal I hear you.My initial perfume choices will probably be conservative and will hopefully become more innovative and creative.

coffeeinbed · 26/02/2014 21:04

That's a great sampler.
I've tried many of these, had and worn a bottle of Apres L'Ondee and have a bottle of Iris Silver Mist now.
Also the Rosine one.
Been looking to find Fleurs De Citronnier to try. In a store though.

ScienceRocks · 27/02/2014 07:54

Just popping in to ask if anyone has used the perfumed court for samples? Quite intrigued by some of their sample sets (and someone upthread - housewife? - has piqued my interest in the Jo Malone London rain colognes).

FrugalFashionista · 27/02/2014 08:13

I've used them in the past but not recently, no problems.

SOTD Defile New York

OP posts:
FuzzLightbeard · 27/02/2014 10:18

I'm also feeling the urge for more springlike scents. I'd love to try Apres L'Ondee again, only tried it once at the beginning of my perfume obsession and I'm wondering if I would feel differently about it if I gave it another go.

Testing Kilian's Back to Black today, utter honeyed gorgeousness. I'm also on a quest this year for a good sweet pea scent, can anyone recommend some? I tried Fragonard's Pois de Senteur recently but it really didn't smell like sweet peas at all. The closest I've found is actually body shop's sweet pea body butter but it's no longer being sold, bah.

florascotia · 27/02/2014 11:43

Wilting and Fuzzy - Apres L'Ondee is one of my absolute favourites - fresh violets and some iris with a faint undertone of spice and even gentle woodsmoke. Magically, it does evoke spring sunshine and rain - to me, anyway. If you try it I hope you like it!

A previous poster - sorry, can't find the message above - said that they did not like most Guerlains. I wonder whether this is because many of them have an element of aniseed/fennel? That's a scent one either loves or loathes, I think. Having said that, I definitely don't like Mitsouko or Shalimar, and Petite Robe Noir leaves me cold. I love Vol de Nuit and L'Heure Bleue, however.

Housewife2010 · 27/02/2014 11:56

Fuzz, Jo Loves does "A Shot of Sweet Peas". I haven't tried it. My SOTD is Laura Mercier's Fresh Fig. It's nice but I don't love it - it's quite sweet. I was reading lots of beauty blogs last night & one blogger was waxing lyrical about it so I thought I'd give it another try today.

Apatite1 · 27/02/2014 12:18

Tommy girl is a light floral fruity number.

I bought the new Estée Lauder - modern muse. I find it perfect for work, can't wear my big orientals there.

SOTD is Guerlain gourmand coquin. Yum.

cressetmama · 27/02/2014 14:42

Stokey That sampler is very tempting! And as you say, the $ is pretty good..... and I don't know all those scents, but loved a previous sample of Eau d'Hiver.

BTW I've always found Les Senteurs in London very helpful and the samples they've included as suggestions have pleased more often than not. And, no duty to pay which is my bugbear about buying in the US. SOTD is Vetiver Tonka.


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OneLittleLady · 27/02/2014 16:06

Big thanks to Wilting for my parcel this morning, can't stop sniffing myself! Thanks

ShatzePage · 27/02/2014 16:25

SOTD is jean paul gautier classique-its one of the few perfumes my skin does'nt drink up. Have had 2 compliments on it today.

I am still interested to know if anyone has tried Quelque fleurs l'orginal? I know its a classic but is quite expensive even on discount sites.

FrugalFashionista · 27/02/2014 16:52

Shatze I checked but I don't think I have it. Have something else from Houbigant but not that.

Craving spring perfumes. When I went through my vintage samples, I found a vial of Le Dix by Balenciaga. Surely this is one of the great ones...

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