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Share your post-child style tips with Ecover - £300 voucher and invite to style event to be won NOW CLOSED

268 replies

JustineBMumsnet · 04/09/2017 12:31

Having children is a big life event that involves lots of changes - from the amount of sleep you get to your clothing choices, and Ecover would like to hear about your style tips or laundry dilemmas post children.

Here’s what Ecover has to say: “Ecover’s new concentrated detergents are ideal for your baby's tiny clothes and gentle on their sensitive skin. But what about you? Ecover are hosting a style workshop with a top UK stylist and there’s a chance to either win an invite or a £300 voucher!

When you’re a mum your priorities naturally shift and precious ‘me time’ becomes scarce. We’re excited to be partnering with a top UK fashion stylist to host a feel good workshop for mums! She’ll be covering topics from fashion trends and “go-to” outfits to handy laundry tips to help families tackle their ever growing laundry basket.”

Perhaps you have practical style tips you wish you’d been aware of when you first became a parent? Or maybe you have style or laundry dilemmas that you still wish you had a solution to? Is the kind of outfit you feel great in the same as it was pre-children?

For a chance to win a £300 voucher (for a retailer of your choice, from a list) or an invite to Ecover’s Style Event on 18th September, post on the thread below sharing your style tips or laundry dilemmas.

Please note, the prize draw for Ecover’s style event will be run on the 13th September. The thread will be closing on the 18th September, and the voucher prize draw will take place at this time.

Thanks and good luck!


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Share your post-child style tips with Ecover - £300 voucher and invite to style event to be won NOW CLOSED
OP posts:
twinklenic · 05/09/2017 22:41

OMG after my kids i really dont have any style left haha ... laundry wise i think finding a good stain remover is key especially for little ones clothing once weaned , they seem to stain everything

torthecatlady · 05/09/2017 23:09

I tend to stick with clothes that don't go out of style, but "jazz" them up with cheaper seasonal accessories. I buy much less in terms on quantity, but I am more prepared to pay for a good quality item or an ethically sourced item.

minceandpotatoes · 06/09/2017 00:24

Patterned clothes are much better than plain clothes for disguising stains! You can hardly notice them hiding in a floral pattern.

claza93 · 06/09/2017 06:46

I am a defo jeans and converse type of girl! I think I now keep up more with the trend (finally after 4 children). I have a bit more time to myself to look around now.
I have to be comfy in my clothes but also try to add a little something to jazz it up - a cute piece of jewelry or a funky bag

Callamia · 06/09/2017 07:29

First, Find a good hairdresser and a good shampoo. I no longer need to wash my hair more than twice a week, and the style is easy to maintain and wear. My hairdresser is worth every penny.

Second, get a couple of good stand out pieces of clothing/shoes - a great pair of boots or trainers. Then, no matter how puke-covered and crumpled the rest of your outfit - you've got something that you love and feel good in.

I'd like to know how to remove the smell of wee from washable nappies/wipes. Even after a 90 degree wash, there's a lingering niff. What am I doing /not doing?

finleypop · 06/09/2017 08:51

I used to buy clothes that looked fab, but felt uncomfortable. I will now only buy clothes that feel good to wear

JoGodfray · 06/09/2017 11:01

I spent most of my 30's pregnant (5 kids) I never lost the weight and lived in leggings and tunic tops. I have worked hard since and am now slimmer than before I got pregnant. Now I look back there wasn't much else I could have worn - I was really misshaped in my opinion. I guess I looked ok at the time but I am so happy my body has changed and my style!!

Belmo · 06/09/2017 11:34

I'm not sure I'm managing post baby style really! But scarves are key for me.

Rosehips · 06/09/2017 12:19

If you find a white top you like buy a couple then you have much better odds of having a clean one to wear

giddyypixie · 06/09/2017 12:56

Ironing shirts! I WISH there was a way you could get away with not having to iron shirts/clothes in general. I absolutely detest ironing & most of the time don't have time to do it. But this means most of the clothes I buy are non-iron or the ones that require ironing never get worn! My dream would be some sort of spray that just completely de-wrinkles any item of clothing :)

asuwere · 06/09/2017 14:51

I don't think my style has changed since having DC; physically I am a bit bigger so my clothes are a bit bigger but my 'style' and likes haven't really changed, I still like what I like.

badgermum · 06/09/2017 19:11

When shopping buy waredrobe staples than can be worn for day or ( a rare) night out, I like layers now as I always seem to be on the go

Minnibix · 06/09/2017 19:40

My laundry dilemma is why does my teenage daughter always want to wear the clothes that I have just put in the wash.

Sleepysausage · 06/09/2017 20:08

Marks and Spencer control slips!
They are amazing. Perfect for holding in my mum tum and I can wear my own bra with them

DuskPanda · 06/09/2017 20:28

High waisted skinny stretchy jeans with smart boots live in them come Autumn.

honeyandginger48 · 06/09/2017 21:01

I mostly wear tunics (with leggings or jeans, boots or birkies) as they cover my lumps and bumps and make me feel comfortable.

ScarletSienna · 06/09/2017 21:09

Clothes that let you go to the loo the quickest. Jump suits, belted trousers, and tights are not great when you have 1 minute to go!

Cailin7 · 06/09/2017 21:31

I cannot remember life pre children or what I wore, it seems so long ago now. My work and everyday clothes are all machine washable and I cannot be doing with flaffing about with ironing.

Ren1974 · 06/09/2017 22:00

I wouldn't be without my hat! I have quite long hair which is a nightmare to dry on a good day but when you are rushing around to get kids to school, karate, dancing etc it is sometimes impossible.

Therefore instead of washing it i pop on my hat instead!

sbruin1122 · 06/09/2017 23:01

hair gel! lots and lots of hair gel!

ClaireJ89 · 06/09/2017 23:56

I let my child wear whatever they'd like, it's their own freedom of expression!

TellMeItsNotTrue · 07/09/2017 00:06

DC will get messy, accept that and dress them in appropriate clothes

Clean a stain as quickly as possible, use cold water on it rather than hot as hot can set some stains. If we are out I find that lemonade works well, better than water, then it's thrown in the washing machine when we get home


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kkhimji · 07/09/2017 00:36

My tip is wear practical clothes always

HalimaB · 07/09/2017 01:19

Getting clothes to hide the baby bump as 3 kids on I'm quite petite but have a bulging tummy! Think that calls for exercise more then anything!

My clothing dilemma would be how do you get clothes as clean as you would in a soft water area (used to live up north down south does not seem to get clothes as clean) without causing damage to the materials, plus water softeners can be expensive to use all the time for every wash especially with little ones and all their dirty laundry.

chainedtothedesk · 07/09/2017 10:45

My handbag must always be large enough to carry extra crap stuff, nappies and wipes for the littlest, toy cars for the middle one and drawing supplies fir the eldest!

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