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Share your post-child style tips with Ecover - £300 voucher and invite to style event to be won NOW CLOSED

268 replies

JustineBMumsnet · 04/09/2017 12:31

Having children is a big life event that involves lots of changes - from the amount of sleep you get to your clothing choices, and Ecover would like to hear about your style tips or laundry dilemmas post children.

Here’s what Ecover has to say: “Ecover’s new concentrated detergents are ideal for your baby's tiny clothes and gentle on their sensitive skin. But what about you? Ecover are hosting a style workshop with a top UK stylist and there’s a chance to either win an invite or a £300 voucher!

When you’re a mum your priorities naturally shift and precious ‘me time’ becomes scarce. We’re excited to be partnering with a top UK fashion stylist to host a feel good workshop for mums! She’ll be covering topics from fashion trends and “go-to” outfits to handy laundry tips to help families tackle their ever growing laundry basket.”

Perhaps you have practical style tips you wish you’d been aware of when you first became a parent? Or maybe you have style or laundry dilemmas that you still wish you had a solution to? Is the kind of outfit you feel great in the same as it was pre-children?

For a chance to win a £300 voucher (for a retailer of your choice, from a list) or an invite to Ecover’s Style Event on 18th September, post on the thread below sharing your style tips or laundry dilemmas.

Please note, the prize draw for Ecover’s style event will be run on the 13th September. The thread will be closing on the 18th September, and the voucher prize draw will take place at this time.

Thanks and good luck!


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Share your post-child style tips with Ecover - £300 voucher and invite to style event to be won NOW CLOSED
OP posts:
libra101 · 17/09/2017 11:35

I wish Ecover had been around when my children were younger. The stronger biological detergents caused lots of skin rashes, itching and chaffing. The milder detergents failed to remove everyday stains, such as sauce, egg, mud etc.

Before having children I tended to wear stylish, fashionable clothing and high-heeled shoes. Speedy school runs meant I chose easy to wear trousers and tops, easy-wear items simple to wear and wash.

Practicality was the priority, not fashion!

ha2el · 17/09/2017 13:54

I tended to wear the same clothes over and over when I first had youngsters to look after. If I had to do it again, then in preparation, before the birth, I would be putting together a selection of outfits for mixing and matching, or set outfits that would always go together and which could be lifted out of the wardrobe without thinking about it.

GetSchwifty · 17/09/2017 15:22

Dark colours and anything that can be machine washed! Also a good warm and waterproof coat is a must.

HelenSw4les · 17/09/2017 18:11

Before my children were born I was over enthusiastic about the laundry, I would iron everything, yes everything, even socks, pants and tea towels. I now wonder 1) how did I have the time and 2) why on earth did I bother. Since my children have arrived, the less ironing I do the better, I buy clothes that require little or no ironing and fold the clothes as soon as they're dry to eliminate creases and the need to iron.

alison991 · 17/09/2017 18:54

I wish I had known what the laundry symbols meant so I had't tumble dried and shrunk my fav jumper

TiggersAngel7774 · 17/09/2017 21:15

"People that care dont matter, and people that matter dont care"
These are words i live by, wear what makes you feed good and that is comfy

baconbap · 17/09/2017 21:40

I don't bother ironing, just hang things up to dry carefully

Freeedom · 17/09/2017 21:42

Be minimal. We (DH and I) are paring down our wardrobes, less stuff feels much more manageable. With young kids I need to be comfortable bending down a lot, scrambling about on the floor.
Life is too short to iron. Buy non-iron clothes.

Gill81uk · 17/09/2017 21:47

Make time to have your hair done and eyebrows waxed. Even if you're in scruffy clothes and covered in baby food (or worse!!) you'll still feel much better :D

Rakobane · 17/09/2017 22:02

Necessity is the mother of all invention so I keep it inexpensive and simple no time to waste. I get a monthly fashion magazine which costs £1 and see what happening new in the world of fashion. A few quality items for the important times and comfortable and practical for the rest. If you get it right classic styles can be timeless with a few modern touches to add interest. I have no interest in the modern throw away attitude, I want my children to enjoy this beautiful world and look after so I want to be a positive role model for them.

glmcall123 · 17/09/2017 22:04

I could never get carrot out of my DCs clothes. Loads of clothes left with an orange stain.

chrisstreet · 17/09/2017 22:14

I remember once we had to cut my son out of a vest after a particularly nasty code brown incident. I guess for me it's finding clothes that are robust and can deal with 'slide tackles' 🤔

tanyavt · 17/09/2017 22:20

Always buy clothes that don't need to be ironed... the amount of time you save ironing can be better used somewhere else!!

OutComeTheWolves · 17/09/2017 22:42

On a Sunday night I get a coat hanger for each day that I'm going to be at work & hang my outfit for that day on it. I make sure it's clean and ironed and I hang a clean pair of knickers on each hanger too. I find it doesn't take long to do but saves me time each morning when I'd spend ages hunting for something to wear. And at the very least, I look reasonable for work even if I fall a bit short of that the rest of the time.

JasmineGreen · 17/09/2017 22:47

Get the whole week's clothes ready on the Sunday night, so that you don't have to think about it for the rest of the week.

Jocelynne123 · 17/09/2017 22:48

Buy a pair of really stylish, comfy flats. Toddlers and heals just don't mix! Plus don't forget to look after yourself. Some days doing your hair and makeup can help you feel good xx

JayJay1874 · 17/09/2017 23:15

comfort over style definitely. Laundry dilemmas? Socks always come out with a trail of white from the washing powder on them. Why always the socks?

cluckyhen · 17/09/2017 23:53

I found comfort more endearing the style! If I was comfortable I was happy. This meant slouchy slobby clothes but I was tired and sore

sofieellis · 18/09/2017 08:28

For me, I think the main priority was comfort, not style after having my DCs, especially after my twins, who were born by C-Section. I learned very quickly that I only had approx 4 minutes per day to do my make-up, so I perfected a very quick routine of moisturiser, foundation, concealer, powder. And for special occasions (like actually managing to leave the house!) I added mascara, blusher and lipstick.

As for clothes, it was elasticated trousers and baggy tops!

Pimmpom · 18/09/2017 09:31

As a stay at home mum there are days when I have to force myself to put 'proper' clothes on. I always feel better when I do although my mum uniform does seem to consist of jeans and breton tops! Good quality flat shoes are a must though.

kirstykovacs1 · 18/09/2017 09:38

always buy plain socks! I used to buy any socks... coloured/patterned/striped etc. The boys NEVER put them in a pair in the wash bin and when I filled up a bag for life of odd socks afters hours of trying to pair the things, enough was enough! now I just buy plain black or white packs and its soooo much easier when sorting the washing out!

Sammyislost · 18/09/2017 09:51

I really struggle to get the sweat smell out of my husbands shirts!! Do I presoak the armpits or something?


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Gazelda · 18/09/2017 15:05

It has to be easy care. And separates that can form a number of different outfits.
Black trousers, smart tee shirts, good boots, accessories to jazz an outfit up. A couple of easy to wear dresses.

CatRash · 18/09/2017 15:09

Non-nursing wrap over style tops make great nursing tops without being frumpy!

molly57 · 18/09/2017 19:41

Easy care clothing that is hard wearing.

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