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Share your post-child style tips with Ecover - £300 voucher and invite to style event to be won NOW CLOSED

268 replies

JustineBMumsnet · 04/09/2017 12:31

Having children is a big life event that involves lots of changes - from the amount of sleep you get to your clothing choices, and Ecover would like to hear about your style tips or laundry dilemmas post children.

Here’s what Ecover has to say: “Ecover’s new concentrated detergents are ideal for your baby's tiny clothes and gentle on their sensitive skin. But what about you? Ecover are hosting a style workshop with a top UK stylist and there’s a chance to either win an invite or a £300 voucher!

When you’re a mum your priorities naturally shift and precious ‘me time’ becomes scarce. We’re excited to be partnering with a top UK fashion stylist to host a feel good workshop for mums! She’ll be covering topics from fashion trends and “go-to” outfits to handy laundry tips to help families tackle their ever growing laundry basket.”

Perhaps you have practical style tips you wish you’d been aware of when you first became a parent? Or maybe you have style or laundry dilemmas that you still wish you had a solution to? Is the kind of outfit you feel great in the same as it was pre-children?

For a chance to win a £300 voucher (for a retailer of your choice, from a list) or an invite to Ecover’s Style Event on 18th September, post on the thread below sharing your style tips or laundry dilemmas.

Please note, the prize draw for Ecover’s style event will be run on the 13th September. The thread will be closing on the 18th September, and the voucher prize draw will take place at this time.

Thanks and good luck!


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Share your post-child style tips with Ecover - £300 voucher and invite to style event to be won NOW CLOSED
OP posts:
meepmoop79 · 05/09/2017 14:34

Wear those clothes you feel most comfortable in. There is enough to do, without worrying too much about your appearance!

DinosaurSex · 05/09/2017 15:01

I go for high-waisted jeans nowadays to keep my tummy contained with long tunic style tops or mens t-shirts as they're longer than women's. Much more practical for running after/playing with young children and makes me feel better when I know my tummy and stretchmarks will never be on show.

jacqui5366 · 05/09/2017 15:12

I have only just discovered jeggings, and ballet pumps they have been a revelation, not as constricting as jeans and leggings are so unforgiving on me. So its jeggings (one of several colours) a t- short and when I want to feel glamorous a scarf around my kneck.

daydreambeliever21 · 05/09/2017 15:57

In the first few years after having children I had a sort of uniform of easy to wash and dry trousers as I never got to wear any pair more than once. Oh and definitely nothing white. Ever.
My 13 year old has just bought himself a white t-shirt and at first I panicked, thinking it would never stay clean. Then I realised the days of orange and brown food stains on everything are over. It'll be me dribbling down my top soon...

Falconhoof1 · 05/09/2017 16:08

Be prepared to run into primark on way to work when you find your clothes are covered in mashed banana...

Ikea1234 · 05/09/2017 16:16

I soon learnt that a stylish coat and a gold piece of jewellery can dress up any old jeans and top! Seriously, a bright Mac for this time of year and a bold necklace can carry you through lots of situations - school run, supermarket shopping, errands, coffee with a friend......YES!

stefalfie11 · 05/09/2017 17:38

Machine washable clothes! Gone are the days where I'd risk wearing something that was dry clean only, bound to get some sort of stain or mark on an outfit whilst wearing it and can't keep going to the dry cleaners every week

AngelwingsPetlamb · 05/09/2017 17:43

Go and get yourself re- measured for your bras when you can find time because you may have changed shape and size, and you will benefit from the support of a well fitting bra, but while you are shopping treat yourself to some pretty lingerie that makes you feel like an attractive woman again, rather than 'someone's mum' in practical comfy underwear. You will feel better for it.

sweetdiversion1 · 05/09/2017 17:49

I think I just need to give up on wearing nice clothes. Everytime I wear something nice or remotely stylish the youngest always manges to spill something that ends up on me. Currently still trying to remove curry stains from my lovely new hoody.

Fekko · 05/09/2017 17:57

No ecover! You have ruined the detergent with your stinky scent!

Byrdie · 05/09/2017 18:00

Buy clothes that don't need ironing. That's my only tip. Or set aside a laundrette fund. Style? Dressed, clean and trying not to be late is all I have time for. If, on the rare occasion, i have any time, i might use some mascara and throw on a dress!

biffyboom · 05/09/2017 18:00

Wearing my glasses instead of contact lenses to hide eyebags and dark circles from the sleepless nights.

strawberrisc · 05/09/2017 18:27

I wish that somebody had told me that carrots spat out in a tantrum will never EVER come out of your best, white top.

Fekko · 05/09/2017 18:29

Try having your child vomit aubergine and tomato stew down your nice, new white cashmere jumper.

Spices001 · 05/09/2017 19:29

Leggings & tunic tops were a godsend! Black on bottom, patterned on top hides a multitude of sins

sarah861421 · 05/09/2017 20:32

I tried to choose my daughters clothes the night before, then when she started wanting to choose her own, I would give her the choice of 2 or possibly 3 items but not a free choice

juju3 · 05/09/2017 20:33

Invest in good quality bibs - saves loads of time effort and money on laundry

nettymay · 05/09/2017 20:58

Charity shop was my answer - I ran a playgroup for 5 years, and heard a little boy say "I am not going to stay here today if the 'Green Lady' is not here" I had not realized how often I had bought green clothes in the shop!

EasterRobin · 05/09/2017 21:08

Wrap tops are ideal for breastfeeding. I wore them pretty much every day until DD was one.

Emmap12 · 05/09/2017 21:31

I go for any clothes that can be pulled out of the drier and worn without the time consuming job of ironing. Oh and for my boys I go for hardwearing and inexpensive clothing as they spend their time getting muddy outside 😀

Blahblahblueblee · 05/09/2017 21:45

I try to only buy clothes that don't need ironing. Also plain comfortable clothes, white is a big no no for me as it's guaranteed to get stains on it!

Lisapaige24 · 05/09/2017 21:53

Easy to clean and iron, comfortable and practical clothing but still stylish and trendy we might be mums but we can still be fashionable I try to stick to plain colours it's more practical plus colours tend to be more seasonal and plain colours are easier when it comes to washing


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Marg2k8 · 05/09/2017 22:17

My top tip is to keep an emergency outfit in the boot of your car for those unexpected times when you end up covered in baby sick.

jandoc · 05/09/2017 22:17

that I would be willing to not worry so much about the house getting dirty

Alexandra87 · 05/09/2017 22:28

I still wear the same sort of clothes I wore pre dc just now they are from the supermarket or charity shops because I spend all my money on good clothes for the dc

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