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Share your post-child style tips with Ecover - £300 voucher and invite to style event to be won NOW CLOSED

268 replies

JustineBMumsnet · 04/09/2017 12:31

Having children is a big life event that involves lots of changes - from the amount of sleep you get to your clothing choices, and Ecover would like to hear about your style tips or laundry dilemmas post children.

Here’s what Ecover has to say: “Ecover’s new concentrated detergents are ideal for your baby's tiny clothes and gentle on their sensitive skin. But what about you? Ecover are hosting a style workshop with a top UK stylist and there’s a chance to either win an invite or a £300 voucher!

When you’re a mum your priorities naturally shift and precious ‘me time’ becomes scarce. We’re excited to be partnering with a top UK fashion stylist to host a feel good workshop for mums! She’ll be covering topics from fashion trends and “go-to” outfits to handy laundry tips to help families tackle their ever growing laundry basket.”

Perhaps you have practical style tips you wish you’d been aware of when you first became a parent? Or maybe you have style or laundry dilemmas that you still wish you had a solution to? Is the kind of outfit you feel great in the same as it was pre-children?

For a chance to win a £300 voucher (for a retailer of your choice, from a list) or an invite to Ecover’s Style Event on 18th September, post on the thread below sharing your style tips or laundry dilemmas.

Please note, the prize draw for Ecover’s style event will be run on the 13th September. The thread will be closing on the 18th September, and the voucher prize draw will take place at this time.

Thanks and good luck!


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Share your post-child style tips with Ecover - £300 voucher and invite to style event to be won NOW CLOSED
OP posts:
buckley1983 · 04/09/2017 22:49

Gone are the days when I shop for fashion! It's all about comfort & function for me these days - multiple pairs of dark skinny jeans teamed with anything forgiving which will hide my ever-expanding tummy (due to food consumption, not baby!!) - I love a good checked shirt - hides a multitude of sins & super comfortable!

Ganne1 · 04/09/2017 22:50

Fashion and style may take a bit of a back seat when children arrive. So, just sort out your priorities. I know what mine were.

freefan · 04/09/2017 23:02

My style tip would definitely have been if it's clean it's fine haha and no I most certainly don't wear the same as before I had children. Before it was all up to date style, now it is purely comfort, ease of washing and something that I can move around in.

beckyinman · 04/09/2017 23:03

I have a load of cheap baggy clothes for home that I don't mind if they get trashed!

ShatnersBassoon · 04/09/2017 23:08

I didn't really wear anything different from my pre-children days. I've always worn normal clothes that are suitable for all women. My children have never ruined any of my clothing, and washing clothes is washing clothes.

gemsi · 04/09/2017 23:26

I don't feel I have much style tips now being a mum, ha ha! I don't tend to have the time to really think about my outfits but I try my best. It always makes me feel better when I buy a new top or dress and then I wear the heck out of it! It's easy to get caught up with buying things for your little one, so when I do treat myself it's nice. In terms of laundry dilemma's, I have more laundry to do now we have a 20 month old, but I still love washing little items to be honest!

MrsDramaQueen · 04/09/2017 23:29

Since having my second child I have not lost the weight like I did the first time, plus I have had health problems, so I tend to wear clothes that I am comfortable in, for home or shops it's usually a pair of jeans and a comfy jumper. For work I make sure I am well presented with black trousers and I wear colours that are slimming.

For my kids I tend to make sure they have really nice clothes and go for more expensive makes because they last longer and wash better. My son can get through jeans so quickly the amount of times he runs and fulls over.

pennysays · 04/09/2017 23:41

I've got a whole new wardrobe since the babbie came along. Wrap tops and dresses are great for breastfeeding, dark jeggings look smart wherever and I invested in a few pairs of really nice trainers, I can't wear anything else when I'm carting him about in a sling.

A smart black leather rucksack is my nappy bag and big scarves double as blankets for him when we're out and about.

Finally waterproof mascara and 12 hour lipsticks are my finishing touches everyday. I love my long-lasting lipsticks, I went into labour wearing one and it was still on when I finally held him in my arms!

StepAwayFromCake · 05/09/2017 00:11

I'm still a jeans and t-shirt person who enjoys a dressy occasion, but now I have clothes in my wardrobe that I don't wear because they are impractical, or need ironing, or I just don't have dressy occasions.

My tip is - just go ahead and wear them! I want to enjoy what I've got, dress for myself, rather than for what people expect.

voyager50 · 05/09/2017 00:20

When he was a baby and toddler I would wear clothes that i didn't mind getting dirty. Now he's 7 I wear what I like again unless we are going something where lots of mud and/or water is involved!

I always wash adult clothes separately to child clothes as it's easier to sort it out after it's washed and dried

glennamy · 05/09/2017 00:27

I seem to attract sick and dirt from babies and toddlers... So for the sick I always have a small towel over my shoulder esp. when I am burping baby! :)

As for toddlers just go with it, you will never stay clean if you are truly involved in their routine of play, eating & drinking... Just relax and know that the stains will come out in the wash! :)

pinkjjf27 · 05/09/2017 02:49

I have always been fairly glammy and that hasn't changed since having My DC expect that I have less to spend on clothes. The trick is to wear what suits you, buy mostly classics and add a few trends and have a basic mix and match system. Luckily there are some lovely smart casual trends around that are practical, comfortable, easy to wash and still look quite glammy. AS for baby sick I always have a wet flannel wrapped in a freezer bag on me,

MrsMarigold · 05/09/2017 04:30

Really good jeans or trousers. Before I had DC, I preferred dresses but there is so much bending over at playgroups, picking them up, playing on the floor dresses just aren't that practical. Plus get acquainted with the iron, you always look like you are smarter if your tops are ironed (even if you feel awful). Wear basic make-up that makes you look fresh-faced everyday to reduce the tired look and make sure you keep your hair in a proper style.

TracyKNixon · 05/09/2017 04:33

To minimize pilling on cashmere cardis/sweaters, wash the garments inside outon a gentle cool wash and gently remove pills with a sweater shaver, or even a new kitchen scrub sponge. If I use those sticky tape rollers they seem to make the problem worse!

maryandbuzz1 · 05/09/2017 06:46

Wearing clothes which are quick and easy to get on and off and wash well is essential. I was quite happy with leggings which wash easily and then could style up or down depending on where I was going. Tunics are also a good bet as they hide the post baby bulge!

SSCRASE123 · 05/09/2017 07:02

For my little one it would be to ignore any outfit that involves having to take the darn thing off completely to change them. I'm always guilty of buying them things like this as they look great but totally non practical.

kerryv · 05/09/2017 07:04

I now wear a lot of dresses/ long tops with leggings. More forgiving of the mum Tum.

vonniebab2 · 05/09/2017 07:24

Easycare clothing non iron I dislike dry clean or hand wash garments

koalab · 05/09/2017 07:37

My mum gave me a lovely woollen jumper just after I had my DD. It was winter and she said she felt so cold after having her babies even in the summer. It us a lovely jumper unfortunately it's not suitable for chucking in the tumble dryer and too thick to keep pulling up to breastfeed. So after as couple of wears it has stayed in the cupboard. Now I live in basic tops with vests underneath that can wash easily. It's the same for baby cloths too.

IonaAilidh11 · 05/09/2017 07:38

i have work clothes and casual clothes, if i need something smarter i would panic as dont have many since kids came along

Truetruetrue · 05/09/2017 07:50

After having children my body seems to have changed shape, even though I am back to my previous weight. It's like I have to find my own style again, something I was quite confident with before, but I don't have the time or energy to do it! My tip would be to look at what other stylish mum's are wearing at baby and toddler groups, if you like something then compliment them and ask where it is from, everyone likes being told they look nice! Most mum's stick to good quality jeans, basic easycare t-shirts and loose fitting jumpers, and comfy trainers or boots. And a mumbun Grin (all hair pulled up high in a bun). My biggest tip when going back to work after maternity leave... When dropping off your little one at nursery/childminder or where ever, wear a jumper or shirt OVER your workwear to prevent going to work with baby sick or breakfast all down your top (I've learnt from experience!)

lizd31 · 05/09/2017 07:53

I shop for clothes on Ebay. You find lots of bargains & things that you can't find on the High Street


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BellaVida · 05/09/2017 08:09

My whole look has changed since the 4 DC, but I think that is partly an age thing! I used to have loads of time to browse for outfits and plenty of disposable income. I would match outfits, shoes, bags and accessories and not really think about the cost.
Now I rarely get any time to myself and have a 'uniform' I created for myself for work. Home wear is easy trousers and tops. I used to wear heels all the time, but can't tolerate them now except for special occasions. Wedges, a block heel and flats are much more practical for racing around between work, school and activities.
I used to relish a couple of hours at the hairdressers, but now I dye it myself to save time and money. I guess the one thing that hasn't changed is that I never leave the house without make up- I might feel frazzled most days, but I hide it well!

seeingdouble2 · 05/09/2017 08:10

A problem I have is dried blood on bedding or clothes, if I notice the stain straight away I was away with cold water and treat. This method does not work if the the stain has had time to set in, how can I save the item as well as help the environment?

GhostsToMonsoon · 05/09/2017 08:20

Some of the mums on the school run look very well groomed - hair, make up, smart clothes - even if they're not working outside the home. I should probably just live in my old gardening clothes. Children are always wanting to do something messy with mud, food colouring, cooking, paint or blackberries. May change when they are both at full-time school from tomorrow!

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