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Misery loves company: riding the mo fo out into Part II

999 replies

ElphabaTheGreen · 11/06/2013 21:29

In our last exciting instalments:

Needles was at breaking point with a screaming 10 mo DD

Hear had experienced the magic of ONE unbroken night!

Dreaming was continuing to confound all with her ability to manage three children on four or five minutes a night, thanks to DT the Terrible.

Stitch was still having her sleep eaten by...erm...Stitch.

Poppy was pondering how the actual fark she was going to manage a newborn on top of BabyAmex's night time shenanigans.

And the desperate Elphaba had turned night duties entirely over to DH with mastitic results.

Join us with your stories of misery and woe in this, the most sleep-deprived corner of MN! Grin

OP posts:
HearMyRoar · 17/06/2013 18:09

We live in a tiny flat with our bedroom next to hers. We just keep all the other doors closed so she can go in the hallway and our room and that's it. The hall is small and dull so really nothing else for her to do. I'm not sure I would do it if we had a different layout. We have been careful to make it baby safe so i don't really mind if she gets up and just plays in her room, as long as she does it quietly :o

DreamingOfAFullNightsSleep · 17/06/2013 22:51

The babies tag teamed us til 4:30 last night. Dd up 6:10. I'm a broken woman.

Marvellous news hear, well done your dd!! And elph

NeedlesCuties · 18/06/2013 08:25

So after a few good nights of only 3 wake-ups and feeds, things have changed a bit.

DD has her first tooth breaking through the gum, and is now waking up multiple times and crying in her sleep. Ended up in our bed from about 2am feeding feeding feeding for comfort.

Poor thing, hope the tooth comes through soon!

PoppyAmex · 18/06/2013 08:33

Hear I think that's fab; was last night ok too?

We're doing the big move this weekend and I'm very nervous.

Yay for MiniNeedles first tooth!

Ruby where in Glasgow are you? BaldLime is in the Highlands and I'm in Forth Valley near Linlithgow.
ElphabaTheGreen · 18/06/2013 19:56

Oh dear, Dreaming and Poppy Sad If it's any consolation, DS hasn't yet come close to the fabled 7pm-7am. The best we've had is 7pm-4:50am about three times now. We're still getting a co
wake-ups a night then up for the day no later than 5:15.

OP posts:
ElphabaTheGreen · 18/06/2013 20:04

*a couple of wake-ups a night.

MN app playing silly buggers AGAIN! Angry Would write more but giving me THE SHITS (sixth attempt at this post! Angry)

OP posts:
StitchAteMySleep · 18/06/2013 20:15

Stitch decided to wake up for the third time at 2.30am and refused to be put back in her cot after her feed. Cue feed, transfer attempt, transfer fail cycle for the next two and a half hours. She did the same at nap time today. I think it is her teeth again, two upper premolars and upper canines at once.

On the plus side she is exhausted tonight and sleep feeding, so hopefully she will sleep deeply enough to transfer after I finish feeding her, if I can get her steel jaw grip off my boob without her chomping down.
HearMyRoar · 19/06/2013 07:08

She did it! Dd slept through the night from 7 to 6 in her own bed! :o

amazingmumof6 · 19/06/2013 09:02

this is to cheer you all up Smile:

I'm wide awake, you're in my arms and screaming
You're in pain, coz you are teething,
But it's 4 am! I'm seething..
We tried Dentinox, Bonjela and Calgel
Desperately begging Mumsnet for an answer
Coz every moment spent like this makes me feel like a failure!

I really wanna close my eyes,
I just wanna fall asleep
Would do anything, babe
But I won't put you in a sling!
I'm running out of patience now
I wanna help you, tell me how
Would do anything, but
I'm not driving and I won't sing!

Lying in my bed hyperventilating,
And I'm wondering what you're feeling
Why the fuck you are not sleeping
Then I realize
it's 5am! I'm crying!
I just want to end this night, because this is a nightmare
a nightmare, a nightmare

I really wanna close my eyes...


HearMyRoar · 19/06/2013 09:39

Gosh! Aerosmith are on mumsnet! How exciting, I shall now be wondering who it is :o

PoppyAmex · 19/06/2013 10:10

Hear I'm disproportionately happy for you! Yay!

(might have something to do with the fact that our DC were born in the same week, so I'm hopeful it's a SIGN for DD!)

Oh well, if we never see you again, it has been nice knowing you Grin

Elph your DS is getting ready to sleep through, it's clear as anything. Any day now...

amazing I'll be humming that tonight at 3am when DD is chatting away.

Stitch at least there's loads of teeth coming through at the same time

I'm going to Ikea to stock up on nursery things as we're doing the big move this weekend. I can't believe how nervous I am (and slightly sad, as she has never slept away from me) Sad

amazingmumof6 · 19/06/2013 10:21

poppy - that was my pure aim and reason.

to cheer you up in those dark, lonely hours of pain and misery! Grin

and I know what I'm talking about - we have 5 boys and a baby girl - I do not remember having a proper night sleep in 12 years!Grin

NeedlesCuties · 19/06/2013 15:29

Aerosmith! Woot! Love them Grin

amazingmumof6 · 19/06/2013 15:54

you'd be CRAZY not too!
I'd point you to the front door and tell you to WALK THIS WAY! Grin

amazingmumof6 · 19/06/2013 19:44

but I wouldn't want you to be CRYING! Grin Grin

feekerry · 20/06/2013 07:03

Hello...... I am back....
Wad on the previous thread for a while and checked out when things improved mildly.
But it was only for a while. Over the months we have reverted back to shit sleep. I am also 6 weeks updiffed and massively worrying as to what the future holds. Currently this is how i see things panning out....
Dd currently 15m wakes about 3-5 times over 10 hours and gets up about 5.30am. Newborn when its here will be up every 1-2 hours. Hmm. When am i actually going to sleep. Still boob dd. Will be boobing newborn. Can't see how this is going to work.
Dd screams the place down if dh goes to her.
I want the ground to swollow me up. I feel totally bullied by my dd.
Tried cc the other night. Total disaster. Dd is now uber clingly

NeedlesCuties · 20/06/2013 07:40

Hi feek wow, that sounds stressful. I know it's easy for me to say, but please try not to worry. Congrats on your pregnancy, but you're only 6 weeks! Birth is ages away, and your DD would change her sleep pattern by then.

Can she walk yet? I think (through the mists of time) that my DS got clingy around the time he was learning that skill. It passed though!

feekerry · 20/06/2013 07:54

No she can't walk yet. Well not unaided. Happy to walk holding hands and walker etc.
Thing is i have a bit of a nursing aversion at the moment and it hurts a bit too and all dd seems to want to do is suckle and twiddle.
I am a go with the flow type of person but when i see or here other babies sleeping well and not clingy i think i have caused this misery.
I have never had one night away from dd. Ever.

amazingmumof6 · 20/06/2013 07:55

Feek listen to Needles, some wise words there!

I remember fretting shopping with s toddler and a baby when I was pg with DS2.
nowadays, if I must, I have to take all six! it's fine!Smile

it doesn't feel like it now, but I guarantee you that you'll figure it out!

my DS3 had serious separation anxiety when he was 15 months old - he was fine previous to my trip, but when I got back after 5 days he went ballistic!
I didn't realize what was going on for weeks, I thought he was just naughty, then he was teething as well.
It got so bad, he would scream when I tried to put him down for a nap -which was never a problem before!
took me 5 months to sort it, by then I was 4 months pg with DS4.

if I can do it so can you!Wink

Ubermumsy · 20/06/2013 09:58

Hello ladies! Tis I, fishandjam as was...

Not been on for a while but I like the new fred. Sorry to see people still struggling - and I am in need of handholding too Sad If a good fairy was to turn up and say that she could grant me my heart's desire, I'd ask for an unbroken night's sleep!

DD is still rubbish at sleeping but it's bearable, especially now she's more or less 100% formula rather than boob. (She started to lose interest once she got her chops round bottles at nursery. This, you may recall, is the baby who flatly refused bottles at home. She now slugs 180ml at a time quite happily.)

DS age 3.5, however, has gone from being a wonderful sleeping angel to... well, I don't know. He wakes several times a night, screaming and crying, and won't settle again unless either me or DH are physically next to him. I don't think it's night terrors as he is awake when it's happening. We've ended up either getting him into our bed or one of us getting into his bed, but it's a nightmare as we don't really sleep - he thrashes about, kicks us, is really hot and ends up shoving us to the very edges of the bed!

Anyone got any ideas?

feek, that sounds mega stressful but as needles says, please try not to worry. Your DD may well improve her sleeping by the time the baby arrives. (Congrats, by the way!)

amazing, I love the Aerosmith cover.

Right, off to read the rest of the thread.

amazingmumof6 · 20/06/2013 12:32

thanks Uber
I'm quite proud of it!Wink

BigPigLittlePig · 20/06/2013 19:43

Can I join please?

In 7 months, I can count on one hand the number of times I have had more than 3 hours sleep. I go back to work (50+ hours a week) in 9 days time. I will be misery personified Grin

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ElphabaTheGreen · 20/06/2013 21:38

Hello BigPig. I lasted about four months working full time on the same quota of sleep you describe before I was reasonably certain I was going to collapse and die. At this point in time, the fourth round of sleep training seems to be having some effect on 13mo DS and (I say again, at this point in time, as it has all gone completely tits-up in the past after a painfully brief honeymoon period) I've had 6-7 unbroken hours' sleep most nights for the past week. This soporific bliss is tainted somewhat by the fact that it seems to be coming to an end at increasingly ridiculous hours - 4:30am is up-and-at-em time DS? Really? Good job I'd have to get up for work at 6am anyway but I'm still going to bed at child-o'clock to get in enough hours to get me through a working day without walking into walls more than I already do. Still haven't really had an evening with DH since he was born. Hey ho. I'm a lot more rested than I was and early waking beats 6-10 wake-ups a night any day.

Oh, crumbs, another reformed sleeper fallen off the wagon again feekerry Sad Not at all depressing for those of us newly rediscovering sleep and thinking all of our troubles are over, eh Hear? Hear...? She's probably snoring too loudly in her baby-free bed to hear me Grin

Would the gradual retreat that we did be worth a try feek, Poppy and uber, even if it just buys you a little respite for a while? I got nothing for you, Dreaming. Sir DT Puke-a-Lot makes anything where crying may be involved a bit tricky...Confused

OP posts:
DreamingOfAFullNightsSleep · 20/06/2013 21:54

That bloody baby makes everything a bit tricky. Can you tell I'm particularly sleep deprived and grumpy?!

Hello feek I 'met' you on a thread where we all thought we would be pregnant forever, no?! Except I had an eviction date booked for my duo, just didn't think I'd actually survive to make it I was so vast Wink

I did gradual retreat with my dd at that age feek, about 13-17 months- it took a while, but did work. Reckon I'd try it with your ds uber, and a star chart for staying in bed?? My dd likes us to stay in with her too, but she's 2.9 now and finally we can talk her round a bit/ bribe her... Worth a try maybe? We are also trying a gro clock for her...

So, today I have a fat lip, after Dt1 was fed at 10pm, unsettle-able again by 11 but to avoid feeding I brought him into our bed, where he lulled me into a false sense of optimism then arched so violently I got a bleeding lip. The horror. Plus Dt2 up twice, so i fed him twice too Hmm plus dd up once. Then i went to work for a break

DreamingOfAFullNightsSleep · 20/06/2013 21:55

Oh, and clearly Dt1 did not sleep from 12 til 5:30, aka 'morning', oh no, he fitted another 3 feeds in...

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