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Misery loves company: riding the mo fo out into Part II

999 replies

ElphabaTheGreen · 11/06/2013 21:29

In our last exciting instalments:

Needles was at breaking point with a screaming 10 mo DD

Hear had experienced the magic of ONE unbroken night!

Dreaming was continuing to confound all with her ability to manage three children on four or five minutes a night, thanks to DT the Terrible.

Stitch was still having her sleep eaten by...erm...Stitch.

Poppy was pondering how the actual fark she was going to manage a newborn on top of BabyAmex's night time shenanigans.

And the desperate Elphaba had turned night duties entirely over to DH with mastitic results.

Join us with your stories of misery and woe in this, the most sleep-deprived corner of MN! Grin

OP posts:
ElphabaTheGreen · 21/06/2014 07:36

The one who requested it is a respiratory physio so obviously likes phlegm and yuck (and she's a good laugh) Grin Suffice it to say no-one would eat the hideous thing. She took it home and her nan ate it very enthusiastically GrinGrin

OP posts:
DreamingOfAFullNightsSleep · 22/06/2014 13:09

All of my.children are in bed (including husband) Flipping. Awesome. Grin

(except for the ridiculously early start that has got dd back in bed)

DreamingOfAFullNightsSleep · 22/06/2014 13:15

and tbf, though I wouldn't want a grim cake like that it wouldn't stop me.eating it. They did all realise it was still the yummy unhealthy sugary stuff not actual fanjo right?!

ElphabaTheGreen · 22/06/2014 14:30

I confess to dipping the end of a pinky in the 'vernix' - grey-coloured buttercream and jam to get that bloody-wet look. Tasty Grin

I think the vag cake has scared everybody else off Dreaming Blush

OP posts:
AnotherStitchInTime · 22/06/2014 19:32

Nope still here and mighty impressed with vag cake Grin

DH is just out exercising dd2 to run down her batteries. 9pm last night she fell asleep, but was still up at 6am.

The days are now getting shorter again.

I have celebrated today with a beer.

HearMyRoar · 22/06/2014 20:14

The vag cake is awesome! There is a guy at my work who makes amazing cakes, I might try and get him to make one like that for my pregnant team member. :o

Me and dh have been struck down by d&v today. I imagine it is a result of the bedfull of vomit the other night. Thankfully dd has been a star all day and put up with us both being ill with remarkable good grace. Bless her cottons :)

BaldHedgehog · 22/06/2014 22:59

Vag cake is impressing but bleurgh

Stitch,this is normal DS's bedtime in our house 9-10 pm till 6ish am

Hear wishing you speedy recovery from this bloody bug.

BaldHedgehog · 24/06/2014 15:47

Waddle, waddle

Apparently EDD is today...


AnotherStitchInTime · 24/06/2014 16:04

Won't be long now bald, are you hot and fed up?

BaldHedgehog · 24/06/2014 17:56

Hot? In the Highlands? No Stitch, I come from overseas so used to a bit warmer summer.

How are you doing and how are MiniStitches?

AnotherStitchInTime · 24/06/2014 19:19

Alright thanks, mini stitch has croup, so many nights steaming him in the bathroom. Stitch is her usual bouncy self. Biggest stitch graduated from Reception class today , but luckily we heard that her school has been saved from closure hooray :)

BaldHedgehog · 24/06/2014 19:42

Good news on the school front :) it's shocking how quickly they grow isn't it?

Poor MiniStitch, hope he'll get better soon.

How are you doing? 6 months since your traumaic birth experience,did you manage to recover? Have you got any physio or another treatments or is it ok?

HearMyRoar · 24/06/2014 20:53

Sorry, did you just say 6 months!? No way! I thought it was only a few months ago. Confused

AnotherStitchInTime · 24/06/2014 21:53

Yes 6 months, feels like yesterday except I have a huge baby who wears 9-12 month clothes to remind me it wasn't!

I am well thanks bald, still get the odd twinge, but really active, bladder normal despite the surgery and no follow up treatment. I am wondering if things will change when I stop breastfeeding so much, still have ovaries but no womb so will get hormone cycle without periods. May go through menopause early if ovaries degrade and need hrt.

Where in the highlands are you bald?

BaldHedgehog · 24/06/2014 23:41

Glad to hear you're doing fine :) can't remember M's weight, was he a whopper? DS was average, currently between the sizes (trousers either too short or too wide)

Just waiting for the cake in the oven so will go to sleep probably after midnight.

I'm in Inverness area.

AnotherStitchInTime · 25/06/2014 01:35

M was 7.5lb when he was born at 34 weeks, he is on the 95th centile.

Always good to be waiting for cake, whatever the time. I am up feeding M.

I have family in Torres not far from you.

BaldHedgehog · 25/06/2014 07:32

Oh Stitch, you've just reminded me what awaits me in a few weeks time Shock I completely forgot about the nightfeeds and all the things associated with a baby! Might get another shock to the system as it still hasn't sunk in that I'm having a baby in a few days time!

Torres? Are you sure? I'll have to check where is it, unless you meant Forres or Tore unless they're halfway inbetween

Cake turned out alright but nothing special ( a kind of apple crumble)

BaldHedgehog · 25/06/2014 07:35

Looks like M was a big baby-DS was 7lb11oz when he was born at 42 weeks and he struggled with his weight for a while! Well, your milk must be the gold top range, mine was probably heavily skimmed!

DreamingOfAFullNightsSleep · 25/06/2014 09:15

Morning all!

you have all given me the worst craving for cake. At 9:10am

DreamingOfAFullNightsSleep · 25/06/2014 09:17

I was told cold air not hot is good for croup stitch though I guess it'll be fairly obvious. Has he had the steroids? Dex whatever it is? Fucking croup, very scary illness. Can't believe your dd1 is out of reception. Sad times though maybe it's just me who can't bear the children growing up

DreamingOfAFullNightsSleep · 25/06/2014 09:17

Oh and can't wait. to hear news of new mini bald arrival Grin

HearMyRoar · 25/06/2014 11:30

Sorry to hear you are worrying about work Dreaming. When do you start? You might find when you start you like it more then you think you will. Do you have the option of going back to staying at home if you decide after a while you absolutely hate it?

I do sometimes think it's a shame we all live so far apart with me all the way down south and some of you up in scotland. It would be fun to be able to catch up over cake and rant in person, and I don't say this lightly as usually I am the last person to want to meet up with anyone as I am generally an unsociable bugger :o

DD was 9.25lbs at 42 weeks. She is tall! I really can't think how she fit to be honest :)


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ElphabaTheGreen · 25/06/2014 21:39

Hear I think we're one of the most widely-flung regular threads on MN. You're way dahn saff, me and Dreaming are oop north and Bald is in the Highlands. It would only be crazier if I was still living in Wales!

Dreaming It is more time consuming at the beginning and, TBH, bedtimes are more effort than they used to be. Pre-Ann, bedtime was bath, then into bed with me at 7:30. Simples, but then I got kicked and hair pulled all night, and zero evening, not that I really wanted one because I was permanently exhausted. Now it's bath, read aloud for what feels like 47 years (Mr Magnolia required three repetitions tonight Hmm), a little bit of an argument with DS about him getting in his bed (at the end of which he sighs huffily and says, 'Aw-wight' ('Alright') and gets in by 8pm, almost never to rise again until 5:5-something or sometimes later (occasionally 7am! Grin) the next day. Trade-off being I have the option of a couple of hours on the sofa with DH after DS has gone to bed and a uninterrupted night of sleep in my own, child-free bed (third trimester insomnia permitting). Ann also said to maintain the one-to-one playing in the room thing, but we haven't and he's still brilliant, so it's mostly only short-term extra work for long-term gain. Hang in there! Thanks

Well done on your recovery, Stitch. I've often wondered how you and monster baby have got along. But the burning does he sleep??

OP posts:
AnotherStitchInTime · 25/06/2014 22:31

I meant Forres bald, bloody autocorrect. Any twinges?

Dreaming you might enjoy returning to work when you get there :)

hear I am dawn saf too in London, but moving to the Midlands next year.

elph M was an OK sleeper, but croup and teething has ended that. So glad for you that you got ds's sleep sorted before mini elph arrives.

ElphabaTheGreen · 26/06/2014 10:22

Stitch Did baby M have to spend any time in SCBU when he was born or did being the size of a full term newborn save him the hassle?

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