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What would you say to your 15 year old self?

379 replies

CatherineHMumsnet · 25/02/2015 16:50

Mumsnet's 15th birthday is fast approaching (what'll we WEAR?). And that put those of us at MNHQ to thinking - if, by the magic of some time travelling device, we could speak to our 15-year-old selves - what words of wisdom would we impart?

OP posts:
SooticaTheWitchesCat · 26/02/2015 11:35

Work harder at school
Be more confident and get over your shyness
Don't fall in love too easily

fleurdelacourt · 26/02/2015 11:47

Value yourself more. Believe that you can be confident and outgoing and relax a little.

And tone down your anger - it's getting you nowhere.

Seeker33 · 26/02/2015 11:53

CHIN UP the future isnt that bad.

Sark · 26/02/2015 11:58

This too shall pass

flamemeallyouwant · 26/02/2015 12:05

Don't spend every spare minute over the next three years at your boyfriend's house. He's a cunt who will cheat on you and loves playing games with you. Spend time at home with your mum and the dog. Your mum is a fucking hero for what she's been through and what she's coped with and you should just hang out more with her. In 10 years the dog will be 17, going blind, deaf as a post and just about able to walk- you should enjoy the 5 miles walks with her now while you still can.

In fact, just dump your boyfriend because he annoys you anyway so what's the point?! Don't waste three years on this loser.

Once you've done that please snog or shag Ben. He works at your gym, he's really hot, you fancy him, he fancies you- just do it!

When you're 19 you're going to go out with someone you really shouldn't. This is okay, it's what being young is all about but don't put out so early, string him along much further and get everything out of him you can. He's punching well above his weight, make him know this every chance you get.

Please stop buying cheap make-up. Either don't wear any at all because you don't actually need it or convince your mum to buy you some expensive stuff. What you wear looks cheap and nasty.

You've got a great figure but if you put some time in now when you're in your late-20s you'll have amazingly toned arms.

All them girls that you secretly wish you were a bit more like are going to massively fuck up and you'll be glad you kept your distance.

But, if you do nothing else from this list at all, please please please, invent Facebook. Grin

flamemeallyouwant · 26/02/2015 12:06

Oh and all of those opinions you have about life, family, the world, men etc. you have them because you are a feminist. I know no-one's ever mentioned that word to you before but that's what you are. Shout it loud and be proud.

Winka · 26/02/2015 12:12

Learn how to enjoy parties because they can be fun (and if not just pretend you have to be going)

That girl who has lied about you will end up boring, and there's no real advantage to you trying to forgive her, because...

Everything gets better in quite a spectacular way when you leave home.

And: you end up with a good 'un :)

thefemaleJoshLyman · 26/02/2015 12:42

Don't do maths and science A-levels. By the way, you are really good at Geography and Chemistry, no matter what you think. You will need to work really hard for A-levels - you can't get away with what you are doing at GCSE.

Boys are a waste of time, don't define yourself by the need or lack of a boyfriend - there will be only 3 that are really important - do not go after the rest.

Get into county hockey somehow - it will give you great skills.

You are not going to grow any more - get used to it!

DamsonInDistress · 26/02/2015 12:59

Sadly things are going to get unimaginably worse for you in a few years but you will survive, I promise. And all in all we have a pretty good life.

DamsonInDistress · 26/02/2015 12:59

Oh, and learn to bloody drive woman!

Degustibusnonestdisputandem · 26/02/2015 13:10

For goodness' sakes get some serious counselling & sort out your anxiety or it will cloud everything you do in the years to come Sad

MuttersDarkly · 26/02/2015 13:16

Stay in school.

DopeyDawg · 26/02/2015 13:42

I would say to myself: Go to the Police. Report him.
Because when you go later on in your life, they will tell you it is 'historical' and doesn't matter. Do it now.

Mabelface · 26/02/2015 13:45

School is shit, yes, but work hard anyway.
Go into 6th form, then go to uni whilst it's free.
You'll meet a charming man next year - avoid him like the plague.
You're gorgeous and you're worth a lot more than you think you are.

TyrannosaurusBex · 26/02/2015 13:54

You are not lazy, clumsy or a 'dumbo'. You do not have 'the brains of a rocking horse, despite your scholarship'. You have ASD and Dyspraxia, possibly neurological damage as the result of an untreated childhood disease. Your parents and exclusive school have failed you in not realising that somebody who excels in certain subjects and comes bottom in others has something unusual going on.

Also...if a man likes you, he will let you know. If he wants to see you, he will find his way to where you are.

irishe · 26/02/2015 14:01

Do lots of exercise and sport when you are younger. You will suffer ill health from your thirties onwards and being fit and strong will help you cope better.

ThatFinalDribble · 26/02/2015 14:16

The first lottery numbers will be: 30, 3, 5, 44, 14 and 22.

ChazsBrilliantAttitude · 26/02/2015 14:29

Be nice to Mum she'll be dead in about 18 months.

Isthatwhatdemonsdo · 26/02/2015 14:30

Don't go and do the hairdressing training just because your mum wants you to, even though it will be the best time you ever had. Join the Police instead.

Lovecat · 26/02/2015 14:47

Your mother doesn't mean it when she says she'll throw you out of the house if you go to art college (in fact now she denies ever saying that although it scared the crap out of you at the time) - call her bluff. Go there. Study stop motion animation like you wanted to and be better than Aardman.

Oh, and you're not fat or ugly. In later years you will wonder why you spent your teens dragging round in enormously baggy clothes to hide your 'flab' when you were actually a size 8 but a comment from your mother about your 'pot belly' made you feel like a hippo.

Have sex. Lots of it.

101handbags · 26/02/2015 14:53

Life is not all about exam results. Go out & have a bit more fun, it won't kill you to go to a party. Rebel a little bit. Laugh more, worry less.

Sheilathegreat · 26/02/2015 14:59

Don't waste your time mooning over footballers and film stars. Run, read, dance, think, plan,'ve got so much to explore.

Also those spots do go eventually.


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wigglesrock · 26/02/2015 15:09

Keep your hair short - don't grow it because you think you should
Don't worry so much about what your Mum says - she's issues of her own, they're not yours to fix
DO NOT touch Southern Comfort at your school formal, the smell will still make you gag over 20 years later.
PS See that boy you're about to meet next year - it's not a passing infatuation, and he's even better looking in his 40s Wink

Teapot74 · 26/02/2015 15:16

Don't go out with the teacher.

AvaAmulet · 26/02/2015 15:30

In 3 years time you will be invited to audition at a prestigious drama college - DO NOT IGNORE THE LETTER and subsequent follow-up reminder letters just because you would rather reject them than have them reject you!!! Have confidence in yourself!!!!! Or you will always wonder "what if?"...

But if you do choose to go down a less dramatic path don't dismay - you may feel 'lost' for a while but .... you will .... eventually .... marry your best friend, adopt to 2 gorgeous cats, have a clever, funny, beautiful daughter and live in a lovely house.... and contrary to what you think, this might sound 'boring and soooo not 'you' ' but you are very happy and have everything you need xxx

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