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What would you say to your 15 year old self?

379 replies

CatherineHMumsnet · 25/02/2015 16:50

Mumsnet's 15th birthday is fast approaching (what'll we WEAR?). And that put those of us at MNHQ to thinking - if, by the magic of some time travelling device, we could speak to our 15-year-old selves - what words of wisdom would we impart?

OP posts:
Sunnyshine · 12/03/2016 07:51

Id say don't marry the first boy who shows an interest in you! See the world , have fun and worry about boys later

Eastpoint · 12/03/2016 07:45

Ignore your parents, go out less, work harder & go to university. Don't assume that just because no women in your family work you won't work when you have children and will only be working as a stop gap until you marry. Mainly ignore your parents & listen to the teachers at school.

claraschu · 12/03/2016 07:39

You can't solve your parents' problems. There is nothing you can do to stop your mother from being an alcoholic.

Enjoy your own life. Really go for what you want. Don't worry about whether you are good enough. You will be good enough if you work hard and think positively.

FruStefanOla · 12/03/2016 06:39

This thread is a year old. Although I do get that the subject matter is timeless.

What would you say to your 15 year old self?
asstnitoma · 11/03/2016 19:26

Don't get pregnant Grin wouldn't change her for the world. But wish she had come slightly later in life! With 3 dd's now, life is full and fast...she's 14 now....the worrying really starts!

ScrambledEggAndToast · 27/03/2015 13:10

Don't be in a rush to lose your virginity. Most of the girls saying they're at it are lying and Not Cool Sad

Pixilicious · 13/03/2015 17:17

Dump your 6th form boyfriend, move away when you go to university and shag more men in your 20s!

JugglingFromHereToThere · 11/03/2015 12:32

And for a lighter one I'd definitely say ...

Get some serious traveling in in your twenties.
You'll love it
Don't wait til you're 30 to leave Europe (even if 3 inter-rail trips were fun too)

wol1968 · 11/03/2015 11:48

I'd say, stop expecting the world from friendship. Soulmate friendship only ever happens in Malory Towers and Harry Potter. Yes, your classmates are bullying you, it's not just silliness and it's not something you did (unless being top of the class in a rather small school counts). Oh, and you know that 'best friend' of yours? She's a bully too. Just a very sneaky one. Pull apart, and don't engage, or you'll get all the blame for the fallout and spend the next three years feeling guilty about it.

OurMiracle1106 · 11/03/2015 11:21

DO NOT get with your ex husband. You are worth so much more. And that body you think is fat is freaking gorgeous. Enjoy it! Cos it won't last forwever. And don't worry about your lack of Boobs in ten years your gonna be squeezing them into a double d cup.

Always be gentle with yourself. Take one baby step at a time, and you will get there. After all its not about finishing first its about how far you have come

RickOShay · 11/03/2015 07:32

You are just great you are.

SteamTrainsRealAleandOpenFires · 11/03/2015 03:02

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

TheIncredibleBookEatingManchot · 11/03/2015 00:18

I miss you. I miss your chipped black nail varnish, your panda eyes and your innocence.

Eat a proper meal and get some sleep, you'll feel so much better.

J is not your friend, she's your bully.

Alcohol and drugs don't make anyone cool. No one will be impressed by how drunk you can get.

Don't be mean to the boys you like. You don't have to put them off for their own good. You are not a bad person, and it really will be possible for someone wonderful to be happy with you.

Wineloffa · 10/03/2015 22:27

Don't waste 4 years going out with a narcisstic twat.
Be nicer to your parents.
You're so skinny with the tiniest waist and flattest stomach. Be confident and enjoy yourself!!

Babybearess · 10/03/2015 21:58

Don't start smoking!
Everything will be ok.

JugglingFromHereToThere · 10/03/2015 21:21

Mine would be serious too perspective
Loss and the benefit of hindsight.

We can't be the only ones?
Much love, and unMumsnetty or not, hugs to all x

LollipopViolet · 10/03/2015 19:48

I know the bullying is rubbish, I know you're feeling suicidal, but it DOES get better. But, please get counselling ASAP after you leave school, or you'll still be carrying the lack of confidence the bullies instilled in you, ten years later. It'll be affecting your job and your MH.

Don't comfort eat, you'll be battling your weight for ages and it'll spiral so that whenever you're stressed, you'll eat.

Don't study media, you'll have great fun at uni making films but you have eyesight that stops you driving, you'll never get a media job. Train in childcare instead, because you'll love it.

Stealthsquiggle · 10/03/2015 18:41

LOL that most people on here are advising their 15yo selves to stop wasting so much time on boys (specific ones or in general)

My advice to my 15yo self would be the opposite - to loosen up and have a bit more fun - stop being quite such a bloody goody two shoes, believe in yourself a bit more, maybe go out with a boy or three, and maybe even sleep with some of them in a year or so's time. It would save you wasting college years on a relationship which lasted far longer than it should have done because you had the emotional maturity of a 15yo at 19.

worksallhours · 10/03/2015 17:10

Do not bother trying to conform. It will never work. Those people are simply not your tribe and never will be. Stay away from them.

Never lend anyone money. Ever.

Keep a low profile. Your social life is not important right now. Concentrate on building the foundations of your adult life.

If you are finding something difficult to do, it is not because you are "crap" at it ... it is because you don't actually know how to do it. This is one of the greatest secrets in life and once you understand it, this truth will unlock an extraordinary number of doors in your mind.

Slothlorian · 10/03/2015 13:25

U are going to be ok but it will take a long time and u are going to have to be stronger than u can possibly know. U are in a trap and can't trust anyone around u to help u. Please go to the police or the Samaritans. Somewhere there must be an adult who will help u. U will survive and thrive one day.

milknosugar1987 · 10/03/2015 11:18

The boys you are trying to impress have no ambition and will still be wasters in 10 years time.
Do not have sex with boys because you want them to like you. It does not work that way. Thank goodness you will realise this before you meet your husband.
Have some self respect and keep your flipping pants on! Smile

LancashireTea · 10/03/2015 10:26

Don't do Geography. Ignore your parents and do Drama instead. Also be brave and do Chemistry A level. You then can do something else other than teach.
Go away for Uni, staying at home means zero social life. As does that full time job you'll decide is a good plan. Study instead.
Stay away from boys with rugby shaped heads. You may end up on a different life path but you will avoid 7 years of EA.
Your mum knows best.
Keep up the dancing, you love it and when you stop you WILL get fat.


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mootime · 10/03/2015 09:59

Just read down and STEVE we could have been the same 15 year olds!

mootime · 10/03/2015 09:58

Stop worrying about him. He's not worth it.
Stop worrying about sex, it gets better as you get older so stop racing to have as much as you can.
Focus on your school work, you will do well, but you could have done amazingly.

306235388 · 10/03/2015 08:21

You're not fat.

You know those boys and fully grown men who you socialise with and think they're really cool ? They totally are not. They have no ambition.

Don't worry so much about exams but FFS choose a vocational degree.

In ten years you'll be married with a baby - enjoy these days of no responsibility!

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