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What would you say to your 15 year old self?

379 replies

CatherineHMumsnet · 25/02/2015 16:50

Mumsnet's 15th birthday is fast approaching (what'll we WEAR?). And that put those of us at MNHQ to thinking - if, by the magic of some time travelling device, we could speak to our 15-year-old selves - what words of wisdom would we impart?

OP posts:
DixieNormas · 26/02/2015 00:03

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LakeAmber · 26/02/2015 00:19

You will escape from here and you will make a go of it, and what's more, you will have your dream job.

It's not just parent A who is appalling, it's also parent B, sorry. If you can find the guts, walk away from them both forever, now, don't leave it another 30 years.

And yes, you WILL have sex! before too long as well - AND with the boy you hope it will be! He's a chauvinist cheating twat btw but don't worry, you'll get over him (and the sex is great)

Stop holding back and hiding. You have talent, you're beautiful and you can do so much but shyness and lack of confidence is stopping you. The world isn't just about academic results. You can have any hairstyle you want, wear any clothes you want, shag all the boys and write for the magazine, yes, even you. Start now.

Mmmicecream · 26/02/2015 02:51

That the key to feeling good about your body isn't dieting and trying to lose weight, it's about getting fit and strong and being able to make it do things it couldn't previously do through training.

Amy106 · 26/02/2015 03:01

The bullying will not last forever.
but sadly the effects will.

XLIX · 26/02/2015 03:27

You will have a life you never imagined! You will earn your MA, marry the love of your life ( and sadly divorce him) travel around the world, have three wildly different children, lose your beloved father to fucking cancer, remarry a difficult (but worth it) man and feel lots of joy, pain, anger, guilt, fear, love, and happiness over the next 35 years..

wickedlazy · 26/02/2015 03:28

I would tell myself that I have a great figure. To stop stressing and worrying over things and people that don't matter. To try harder at my GCSE's, because yes, not trying and getting average marks is fine, but with a little more effort I could get top marks. Not to let my "friend" cut my hair, because she'll make a balls of it on purpose as she's afraid I'm getting prettier than her. That yes I should leave school and go to tech (college) like I want to, but if I get a job, I shouldn't let the money go to my head and drop out of my A-levels. To stay well away from boys with motorbikes (he never even gave me a ride on the back as he didn't have a second helmet). I wouldn't tell her to much, as if my life had been too different, I wouldn't have the life I have now. Which I'm really happy with.

wickedlazy · 26/02/2015 03:31

Oh and that on the 18th June 2014 I should ring an ambulance for my gran, as she'll die if I don't :(

Boleh · 26/02/2015 05:30

That school are not the best days of your life, don't worry, once you are free of it and the people in it life will just keep getting better.
Get some mental health intervention now, it's not normal to feel as low as you do all the same and it will save a lot of misery and drama over the next 10 years.
Yes, all the work is worth it, those grades you are pushing yourself so hard for will open doors that you can't even imagine!

theblankslate · 26/02/2015 06:32

Carry on as you are because it well lead you to your true love and the 2 most amazing children.

MTWTFSS · 26/02/2015 07:20

"All will be well. You can ask me how, but only time will time" :)

emms1981 · 26/02/2015 07:46

Stop lusting after p.jackson, he doesn't fancy you and never will get a grip girl Blush

Fadingmemory · 26/02/2015 07:53

Work harder at school. Don't spend your early 20s longing to find a husband. Don't marry, don't have long term relationships. Don't have children.

Ah, hindsight...

gemdrop84 · 26/02/2015 08:26

Everything will be ok, it will take a while but hang in there. You are worth so much more than you think and one day, when you least expect it, you will meet someone who loves you with all he has. Call grandma and grandad, just to say hi and see how they are.

rita68 · 26/02/2015 08:36

I would say stop trying to keep everyone else happy. You have the right to be happy too.

Jaded2004 · 26/02/2015 09:15

Do not get fat!!!! Work towards a career you really love and stop underestimating yourself. You look amazing and you're healthy, you do not need to be seeing a man to define you. Flipping a coin is not a good way to make life decisions and do not no matter what marry the man with dark hair from your past. He's the biggest arsehole in the world, ever!

HappyGoLuckyGirl · 26/02/2015 09:21

I love you, even though it feels like no one else does. Everything will be okay and things turn out good for you. Don't try and change Mum. You can't.

dragongirlx · 26/02/2015 09:23

You need to study harder for your exams or you won't get the grades you wanted.
Your mother is not your friend she is only interested in herself and making you and your twin into her carers. Start saving for a deposit for a house now so you can move out as soon as possible. Take twin with you
Your twin has depression it isn't just teenage hormones get her to the doctor for treatment and counselling.
Be nicer to your older sister, she is trying to look out for you and she has problems of her own.

Itsgoingtoreindeer · 26/02/2015 09:35

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FlipFlippingFlippers · 26/02/2015 10:03

Don't change anything as it all leads to good things. There will be shit times but you grow and learn. You'll not hate yourself forever. Try and call dad a bit more, you've not got long left with him.

ChoochiWoo · 26/02/2015 10:09

Knuckle down and stop being so frightened of working hard and still failing you won't you're not stupid you just lack confidence, And one day you parents will seperate and you won't have to deal with this crap anymore!

rockybalboa · 26/02/2015 10:11

Do NOT touch the Sun-In. Step AWAY!!!!

Izzy24 · 26/02/2015 10:14

Learn to decide what YOU want to do.

And then practice saying 'No thanks' .


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SaltySeaBird · 26/02/2015 10:17

Do what you love, not what other people think you should do. You'll regret it. Oh and do whatever you can to buy a house as soon as possible, prices will soar - you will really regret renting for so long.

parttimer79 · 26/02/2015 10:28

Don't define your worth by whether men find you attractive (you are) and break this pattern now rather than in your fucking 30s!

Work at stuff don't give up when it becomes difficult. Mastering that difficult thing and bring self disciplined is what will bring you satisfaction

LarrytheCucumber · 26/02/2015 11:33

Despite what the Deputy Head says you have got the ability to be a teacher and actually you'll be quite good at it.
Stop being introspective. You waste hours looking inside yourself. If you can only make the leap and look out wards life WILL be happier.
And someone will come along who will love you for being you.

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