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What would you say to your 15 year old self?

379 replies

CatherineHMumsnet · 25/02/2015 16:50

Mumsnet's 15th birthday is fast approaching (what'll we WEAR?). And that put those of us at MNHQ to thinking - if, by the magic of some time travelling device, we could speak to our 15-year-old selves - what words of wisdom would we impart?

OP posts:
Woozlebear · 25/02/2015 18:43

Your parents are idiots, and they don't want what's best for you. Do the subjects you want, do the activities you want, ignore their outdated status chasing.

Don't get into a mega serious relationship with anyone at 17, let along an abusive controlling idiot. I don't care how good looking he is.

Stop letting other people determine what you like, what you do, your ambitions. Stop letting your friends pick you and pay attention to the quieter less self centred people who you actually have more in common with.

Never cut your hair short. Do you really need to do it twice to learn it looks awful on you!

Don't waste all your money.

Travel more. Don't be scared.

Moniker1 · 25/02/2015 18:45

Nothing, as I know I wouldn't listen.

ParyMoppins · 25/02/2015 18:48

Don't be afraid to come out to mum 3 years from now. If you have the courage life might be different.

Do your coursework and take your GCSE's seriously.

Don't lose touch with your friends from high school - they get you more than anyone else you might meet in the next 2 decades.

Live in the moment and don't worry so much, life is going to be fine.

Maryz · 25/02/2015 18:49

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

GiantGaspingSatanicCyst · 25/02/2015 18:50

One day you will be happy again.

Lagoonablue · 25/02/2015 18:50

You are gorgeous. Make the most of it. When you hit 40 it is all down hill.

BTW make sure you don't stand up that Chris R boy. I know you are nervous but he is really hot.

Don't be mean to Jill. She is struggling with weight issues.

Focus on your GCSEs, especially maths. If you don't get it now you never will.

Plus don't consider leaving home to go to uni when you are 18. You will miss valuable time with your DBrother who may not be around in a few years. Also if you move you will never make it back to your home town and will really miss it in years to come.

cantseemtohaveitall · 25/02/2015 18:53

Enjoy your thinness (your figure really is much better than you believe) and don't worry so much about your skin - it will clear up in the end when it really matters!
Keep nurturing that confidence - it will be your most important tool (weapon) in life - but know that you don't have to be a mean girl to be popular.

The good friends you have now will remain some of your best friends for the rest of your life.

Work a wee bit harder and get that bloody A at English A Level (not a B that you're ashamed of when you get to Uni...)

You will meet some great men and you will (much sooner than you thought possible) meet a truly fantastic and very good looking guy that will become your husband and the father of your kids.
Mostly you will get everything you ever wanted so stop worrying and keep dreaming.

BramwellBrown · 25/02/2015 19:00

Stop worrying, DS turns out awesome, he is worth everything you've been through and is every bit your son, not that rapist pricks. None of this was your fault and you've made the right choice.

Your life isn't over by the way and you don't need to give up on uni, you just have to be patient, you get there eventually.

Pennies · 25/02/2015 19:12

Check your breasts.

mdpis3 · 25/02/2015 19:14

15 year old me, stop wearing Lisa Stansfield red lipstick.

Chilliplantbox · 25/02/2015 19:16

Dear Chilli. Don't be so afraid of contact lenses. Just stick the bastards in your eyes. Don't be so afraid you look like an alien and naked without glasses on.

Wash your bloody hair. Not with the Netto shampoo & conditioner that your Mum insists on buying either.

Make the most of hanging out with your dear brother before he turns into a pubescent mute - only 1 more year to go!

Sod that girl who makes you feel like you aren't worthy of talking. You'll spend the next 2 3 4 years saying nothing otherwise. Don't give her that power!!!

Keep working hard. It will pay off and you know it will :)

rambunctious · 25/02/2015 19:18

I love you.

Littlehomebird · 25/02/2015 19:26

Stop being frightened of absolutely everything- try new things & try to be more confident! You are just as good and important as everyone else. Stop being such a mouse!
( oh and don't ditch that boyfriend who adores you & treats you like a china doll- he's a self made millionaire in 30 years time.)

awfulomission · 25/02/2015 19:34

Do some exercise. You'll feel less depressed and won't end up overweight at 38. Tell the hockey coach to go stick that goalie helmet somewhere dark; you get bugger all exercise in training and she only sticks you in goal because you're reliable and have slight anger management issues. Seriously; swimming's a much better bet.

And stop getting back with that boyfriend.

oneowlgirl · 25/02/2015 19:35

Work hard at school & study engineering at university.

[Totally agree with the pp re engineering. It was never mentioned to me so I never considered it & I really wish I had, especially given my current job, I know I'd have been a great engineer Grin]

Do NOT worry about what other people think - just have confidence in yourself.

Have faith, you'll have an ace life - things really will get a million times better.

marshmallowpies · 25/02/2015 19:38

It gets better. Honestly. Not for a while yet, but it does.

Oh and don't do that thing you're going to do when you're 17. Just don't.

douchbag · 25/02/2015 19:43

Enjoy time with your friends as you've years to find a man.

Laska42 · 25/02/2015 19:46

ignore your Dad who thinks civil service jobs are what you should do .. he is wrong .. get A levels , take that uni offer , travel ..

Dont pine after unobtainable boys who put you down .. you are worth more than that ..(also they are complete dicks.. take no notice of them ( and dont marry one of them .. ) ..

SenatusPopulusqueRomanorum · 25/02/2015 19:48

You are not a loser, you are an introvert and very probably have Asperger's syndrome.
Find a sport you like and stop eating.
Even though you get stellar marks without any effort, work harder at school. It will be hugely helpful later in life.

BertieBotts · 25/02/2015 19:52

Get your teeth straightened Yes! God. I wish I hadn't listened to my dentist's assurance that I only needed it done for cosmetic reasons. I'm developing a lisp :(

Go to the doctor. Get treated for depression before it gets worse.

Go to the doctor again. Ask them why you can't concentrate on your school work or stay organised.

Find mumsnet (it already exists Grin) and go and move in with somebody from the Relationships board. Learn about life.

Oh and listen to the Christmas temp when he tells to go to and shag your fellow till-monkey already Grin

Kleptronic · 25/02/2015 19:52

I would say, 'get a fucking grip, you twat'.

biffyboom · 25/02/2015 19:54

Look after your skin, stop being so greedy, speak your mind more and don't worry about what other people think so much.


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98percentchocolate · 25/02/2015 19:54

It gets better. And karma will get those bastards.

CalicoBlue · 25/02/2015 19:55

Go to school! Work hard and stop pissing about.
Sex does not equal love and affection.
You are pretty and clever.
Stop fighting everyone.
Stop eating chocolate.
Stop smoking.
Get a plan!

zippyandbungle · 25/02/2015 20:29

Enjoy every minute, hour, day that you have with your big sister. She won't be around for ever. Your mum is often very wrong, very judgemental and very snobbish. I would start ignoring her views right now. Stop smoking for God sake.

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