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Christmas Countdown - Mumsnet's top ten threads of the year

68 replies

AMyrryChristmasToAllMumsnet · 12/12/2013 17:34

Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without lengthy television programmes counting down the year's best and worst moments. Here at MNHQ we're compiling a countdown you'll actually enjoy - the ten best Mumsnet threads of the year.

The task is far too important for us to take on alone, so we're turning to you for help. Let us know which have been your favourite threads this year - for making you laugh, cry or showing the best side of Mumsnet. We'll also ask folks in the Towers what they think, and create a page of the some of the MN highlights of the year.

We're already looking forward to seeing what you'll come up with! Xmas Smile

OP posts:
CatherineMumsnet · 01/01/2014 22:52

Fantastic suggestions and brilliant to relive so many great threads - thanks for all your contributions!

KungFuBustle · 01/01/2014 19:10

Thanks MNHQ Thanks
That made my day.

RustyBear · 01/01/2014 11:07

I'm surprised no-one's linked to the official final countdown yet...

NaturalBaby · 01/01/2014 09:55

Fab, thanks FruOla

FruOla · 01/01/2014 07:56

NaturalBaby, I've linked to the Gluezilla threads upthread a wee bit - you'll find them at FruOla Mon 16-Dec-13 07:41:19

JaneEyresHeir · 31/12/2013 20:27

Cailleach's orphaned kittens thread - she found six tiny flea ridden kittens in November, waited 3 hours for any sign of the mother, then took them home.
Cailleach hand reared them, getting up during the night to see to them, and kept us updated on their progress with fab pics and videos. Five of them survived - she and her family are keeping one, three have been adopted by MNers through the thread. Fudge, the cute black one, is still looking for a home....

NaturalBaby · 31/12/2013 19:39
FruOla · 30/12/2013 10:31
BlondieTinsellyMinx · 28/12/2013 21:46

I just read Graeme the budgie! Utterly hilarious! Grin

FruOla · 28/12/2013 18:06

Just remembered another one. Technically it doesn't count, because it was posted in September 2012 - but the fashionistas in the taxi queue was utterly hilarious

wavesandsmiles · 22/12/2013 12:19

Waves at thekitchenfairy I'm still about, although I keep a lower profile now as a particular person is still online stalking me. Acrobat is nearly 5 months now and so so lovely. He still sleeps every night with his gorgeous MN blanket Smile

It was quite surreal updating the thread from the delivery room and so brilliant to be able to update everyone when he finally arrived, felt like I had hundreds of virtual birth partners. Everyone was so brilliant Flowers

YoniMatopoeia · 22/12/2013 12:10

Oh. Will think about this one

SauceForTheGander · 22/12/2013 11:47

I have just spent an entire morning catching up on 2013. I was meant to be wrapping presents and finding a dress. Curse you mumsnet!

FruOla · 20/12/2013 21:14

I think the police car on the drive thread has gone. The OP probably posted it in Chat, so it's now disappeared. But, I agree, it was rather funny!

OodKingWenceslas · 20/12/2013 20:32

The police car on the drive was quite fun.

LadyBeagleEyes · 19/12/2013 21:01

The postman, the Very Important Letter, Nazis and sexy postmen in shorts.
It was very entertaining, it was only a month or so ago.

OodKingWenceslas · 19/12/2013 12:45

Oh EMINs thread(s) were very sad.

AMyrryChristmasToAllMumsnet · 19/12/2013 12:41

We're loving these threads, they are definitely helping us through the painful stupor post-Christmas party.

Get any last nominations in soon as we'll be drawing up our shortlist imminently!

OP posts:
Iheartcustardcreams · 16/12/2013 08:06

Just read lemon drizzle cake....hilarious! Cheered me up this morning!

GiraffesAndButterflies · 16/12/2013 07:50

duck in the headboard

Oh and YY to Gluezilla.

GiraffesAndButterflies · 16/12/2013 07:46

Find the duck in the headboard! It's in Classics somewhere

Also the chaos babysitting one which was exactly like something from Outnumbered. 'Twas brilliant.


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frenchfancy · 15/12/2013 11:24

Can I change my vote to Graeme the Budgie please - Brilliant.

FruOla · 15/12/2013 10:52

I think that Jesus in the Cabbage Van must have been before last Christmas - or maybe even the Christmas before, Imp. I only remember that because the OP thought the delivery driver's name was so apt for a Christmas Ocado delivery Xmas Grin

Certainly all the Gluezilla threads (4 in total, IIRC) because they kept us all entertained for nearly 2 months!

The One Night Stand at the Army barracks was pretty amusing too, but it got deleted in the end.

ThePigOfHappiness · 14/12/2013 16:30

Angels search for all things pigeon related had me laughing so much at the kookiness of kids Grin

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