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BonkeyHasGOLDMollocks · 13/08/2012 01:20
EmpressOfTheSevenFlames · 13/08/2012 01:21

EVERYBODY should get to experience Sharon.

OP posts:
BertieBotts · 13/08/2012 01:22

I think the point is that Classics was originally for chat threads which needed to be saved. Threads in other topics are saved already, so no need for classics inclusion...

EmpressOfTheSevenFlames · 13/08/2012 01:29

But then surely it would be called Archive or something like that? I'm sure not all the Classics threads were originally in Chat.

I think inclusion in Classics is more of a badge of honour - a place for all that's best about MN & that includes our wild & wacky side. It's where newbies are referred to in order to get a sense of what we're about. The Sharon threads show MN in all its bonkers brilliance.

OP posts:
Maryz · 15/08/2012 11:36

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

EmpressOfTheSevenFlames · 15/08/2012 12:29

So I did. Thanks Maryz.

Weird threads section is a great idea Grin

OP posts:
AbsofAwesomeness · 15/08/2012 12:35

WHY did no one tell me about the Sharon threads? WHY

MN Classics is 1. to preserve chat threads for posterity and 2. to honour particularly fabulous threads, though, through some major oversight on the part of MNHQ, none of mine have made it there nothing to do with never starting a particularly memorable thread. It also means that the wonderment is contained in one space, rather than having to go and try and search through AIBU with vague keywords lik "hamster" and "stew"

NotGeoffVader · 16/08/2012 13:17

More to the point why are there not MORE threads like these? I need a ladleful of absurdity in my day on a regular basis.

EmpressOfTheSevenFlames · 16/08/2012 13:18

There are some fairly wild ones in Classics. I think an eccentric section would be great.

OP posts:
BewitchedBotheredandBewildered · 16/08/2012 13:23

Had no idea there were so many, I've only seen 3 I think. Will save others for when I have more time.

YY should be in classics for reasons above.

EmpressOfTheSevenFlames · 16/08/2012 13:25


MNHQ haven't commented since Rebecca at the top but I think they've been a bit distracted lately.

OP posts:
PerditaMcLeod · 16/08/2012 14:04

Oh my lord....

I am just working my way through the one about wine being thrown up the wall. Bungle and George (and Adam (huh?)) have just made an appearance. Am at work and have had to go and hide in the toilets until I can get the tears of laughter under control. I may be in here a while....

Definitely brightening up a very dull day at work!! Smile

Can we have a Sharon emoticon please?

EmpressOfTheSevenFlames · 16/08/2012 14:21

What would a Sharon emoticon look like, Perdita? Grin

OP posts:
PerditaMcLeod · 16/08/2012 15:41

Empress- would have to be a wine sodden dead wasp Grin

SorryItsNotFriday · 16/08/2012 15:45

Also marking place to read when home from work!!

EmpressOfTheSevenFlames · 16/08/2012 22:53


Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Hearing Erasure,
No escape from reality.
Open your eyes, Look down at the wasp and see,
He's just done T-rex, he needs no sympathy
Because he's done the Owl, done the Mole
Done Spiderman, done them all
Any way he stands now doesn't really matter to me, to me

DH just threw the wine
Made a big splash on the wall, missed the carpet, but that's all
Poor wasp, its life had just begun,
But now DH has thrown the wine away.
Adam, ooh, Didn't mean to make you confused,
If the Rainbow videos aren't off this time tomorrow,
Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters.

Too late, Sharon has come,
Erasure's in her ears, it's the only thing she hears,
Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go,
Gotta pick up truffles and pizza and face the truth,
Bungle, ooh, I don't want to be Zippy,
I sometimes wish I'd never been to Asda at all.

I see a little fruit and veg, Tesco man
Sharon, ooh, Sharon, ooh, will you SWITCH OFF ERASURE.
Wine flying and wasp dying, Mumsnet-mystifying me
(Sharon Sharon). Sharon Sharon. (Sharon Sharon). Sharon Sharon. Sharon Sharon she's a hoor.
(She lives next door). This wall's just painted and now it's all mucky.
It's just a wine-stained wall (but a clean carpet),
The wasp lost its life but how we didn't see.
Rainbow's on, switch it off, will you switch it off.
Bismillah! No, we will not switch it off.
(Switch it off!) Bismillah! We will not switch it off.
(Switch it off!) Bismillah! We will not switch it off.
(Switch it off.) Will not switch it off.
(Switch it off.) Will not switch it off. (Switch it off). Ah.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
(Oh T-rex, T-rex.) Do the T-rex in Asda.
To do Tobey Maguire you have to have the face for it, for it, for it.

So you think you can mess up the wall throwing wine.
So you think you can T-rex and leave wasps to die,
Oh, DH, can't do this to me, DH,
Just gotta get Adam, just gotta get right down to Tesco.

Nothing really matters, as long as I'm not Zippy,
Nothing really matters,
Nothing really matters to me.

Any way Sharon blows.

OP posts:
NaturalNature · 16/08/2012 23:11

Grin brillaint

EmpressOfTheSevenFlames · 16/08/2012 23:17

Thank you Grin

OP posts:
PrincessFiorimonde · 17/08/2012 00:24

Empress, that is truly funny. Grin

NotGeoffVader · 17/08/2012 09:50

Empress, absolutely brilliant. I have just had to sit and sing that all through. Thankfully I am working from home.

EmpressOfTheSevenFlames · 17/08/2012 11:23

Thank you Princess Grin

Geoff, I'd have loved to hear that!

OP posts:
NotGeoffVader · 17/08/2012 12:00

Nah, you wouldn't. My singing made DD (18m) cry!


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LineRunner · 17/08/2012 16:18

Ah, Empress. A new classic.

The truth really is harder than the pain inside.

EmpressOfTheSevenFlames · 17/08/2012 16:23
OP posts:
WinstonWolf · 17/08/2012 16:32

We should have this thread in classics to preserve both that hilarious song and all of the links to the Sharon threads.

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