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Who else is fed up with swearing on MN?

498 replies

ByJingoes · 10/10/2011 16:36

I have been trying to have this discussion on another thread, but don't want to hijack it further.

I am thoroughly sick of excessive swearing on MN. I am sick of encountering posters with sweary names (not least because I have to hide MN as soon as the children come into the room).

MNHQ, could you please look at this again? Every time I mention this on threads, I am told that I have a cat's bum face (which is immensely irritating) and to eff off to Nethuns - yet I loathe the huggy/kissy/hunny stuff, and detest moderation. We are all adults and don't need to be censored. However, part of being an adult surely means having some consideration for other people too?

Here is Justine in May 2005:

"Hi all,
We've had a few complaints about obscene language on the boards. Our policy on this is that we would appreciate it if people would keep foul and abusive language to a minimum and that if you feel it necessary to swear to make your point then use asterisks please [...] we don't want to be over-prudish about this - we're not talking minor offenses here - and sometimes (parking attendant, gp receptionist annecdotes etc etc) we agree that nothing else but a swear word will do but it's a fair point that lots of members look at mumsnet with kids who may be early readers at their side and as the saying goes... less is more sometimes, so if you could use your discretion it would be much appreciated.

Ta very much."

That seems eminently sensible - but MN seems to have somehow slithered into a site for sweary people only.

Am I the only person who is utterly fed up with it?

OP posts:
unfitmother · 10/10/2011 18:23

I'm fucking fed up at all.

Grumpla · 10/10/2011 18:24

It is fucking big, it is fucking clever.

Swear filter or nothing!!!

jezebelle · 10/10/2011 18:26

Ohhh i love the whole ' my child might see' worry, wtf are you doing letting your child read over your shoulder then ??? fucks sake :)
Its an adult site, where adults swear, because that's real life !!

FreckledLeopard · 10/10/2011 18:28

I like the fact that individuals can swear, as and when they choose. There are some brilliantly witty people on here, some that swear, others that don't. I'd loathe for this to become a moderated forum with banned words.

And I don't accept the argument about children potentially reading the words on the screen. I have books throughout the house, none of which I would censor, some of which contain a large amount of swear words, that the kids can pick up and read if they so desire. Simply because children are aware of swear words, doesn't mean that they're suddenly going to spout them aloud.

LadyClariceCannockMonty · 10/10/2011 18:34

I love swearing in RL and I love the swearing here on MN; it is often creative and hilarious.


Have done two of these in one day today!

MrHeadlessMan · 10/10/2011 18:38

Do the objectors never find a way to drink alcohol on their homes? Watch an 18-rated movie? Have sex?

Any reasonable adult life involves stuff that you keep separate from your kids.

IHaveYourRandomKitchenUtensils · 10/10/2011 18:38

I loves a good fuck, me.

verlainechasedrimbauds · 10/10/2011 18:38

Re: lack of vocabulary argument:
In theatre/luvvie land, where the inhabitants are surrounded by the richness of the English language in all its glory and where those inhabitants (try to) make their living using this glorious language, I have heard more swear words used more frequently than most other environments I've ever been in. Just saying.

PinotScreechio · 10/10/2011 18:39

heh heh IHYRKU

SayGhoulNowSayWitch · 10/10/2011 18:41

If it's good enough for Brian Blessed, it's good enough for me.


SuePurblybilt · 10/10/2011 18:42

That's actually the basis of my new religion Saywolef

SayGhoulNowSayWitch · 10/10/2011 18:43

Did anyone watch Planet Word last night? Very interesting look into uses of swearing.

BTW I have a very extensive vocabulary. I often feel quite sesquipedalian. I also like to say cunt on a forum by adults for adults.

AnyFucker · 10/10/2011 18:44

BJ yes, but I didn't tell you that they would do as you say Smile

SayGhoulNowSayWitch · 10/10/2011 18:45

Hehehehe - AF :o

higgle · 10/10/2011 18:46

Well, next time I'm in Tesco and the two youths in front of me keep up a foul mouthed conversation where every other word is a rude one I will not say "young man, would you mind your language!" I will marvel at his intelligence and wit and study the use of emphasis in his speech.

SayGhoulNowSayWitch · 10/10/2011 18:49

Higgle (I hope you don't mind if I capitalise your name), using swear words isn't exclusively indicative of a high intelligence. One would hope that one's own discretion and intelligence would enable one to form judgy pants opinions on another's wit and intelligence.

It's a bit like saying, if all badgers are furry, then all furry things are badgers. You're just being silly! :o

HelenBaaBaaBlackSheep · 10/10/2011 18:52

I like the swearing, it's honest and entertaining!

buggerlugs82 · 10/10/2011 18:53

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SuePurblybilt · 10/10/2011 18:53

To be fair, many furry things are badgers. They are masters of disguise.

Onemorning · 10/10/2011 19:02

I love a bit of swearing but don't always swear. I'd hate it if we weren't allowed to swear from time to time.

Sorry OP, we'll have to agree to disagree.

SayGhoulNowSayWitch · 10/10/2011 19:05

Sjue that's very true. But not all furry things are badgers. Some, of course, are wolefs....

SuePurblybilt · 10/10/2011 19:07

That's a different kettle of fur though, that. Unless all wolefs are really badgers too.


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TimeWasting · 10/10/2011 19:07

I find people who find swearing offensive offensive to be honest, which I usually am.

I have found in general terms that those of low intellect use a select few swear words a lot due to limited vocabulary and those of high intellect use lots of swear words due to an open mind and love of the English language.
People who don't like swearing are very much in the middle.

FontOfAllEvil · 10/10/2011 19:08

Oh I like a good swear. I especially liked the 'scattering of cunts' from earlier in the thread...a new collective noun perhaps?

Hmmm, perhaps i'm not supposed to know what a collective nouns is though, what with my limited vocabulary.

Hungrydragon · 10/10/2011 19:11

The one argument that always fails to sway me in regard to moderating language on Mnet is the think of the children one.

There is a whole load of content on here I wouldn't want my dc's reading as it is a ADULT site. Not to be left open around dc's.

And tbf, scool swimming lessons were a classic last week as wee little Claire piped up "Sir, what's a Cunt?" As they strolled past the fences latest offerings.

So would you rather they asked at home, in privacy thanks to Mnet, or be Claire's Mum? Grin (Who when she found out at pick up took it rather well Wink)

Swearing will seep into their lives at some point and you will have to deal with it. Bad language on Mnet is not the start of delinquency in children. fruitshoots are

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