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Who else is fed up with swearing on MN?

498 replies

ByJingoes · 10/10/2011 16:36

I have been trying to have this discussion on another thread, but don't want to hijack it further.

I am thoroughly sick of excessive swearing on MN. I am sick of encountering posters with sweary names (not least because I have to hide MN as soon as the children come into the room).

MNHQ, could you please look at this again? Every time I mention this on threads, I am told that I have a cat's bum face (which is immensely irritating) and to eff off to Nethuns - yet I loathe the huggy/kissy/hunny stuff, and detest moderation. We are all adults and don't need to be censored. However, part of being an adult surely means having some consideration for other people too?

Here is Justine in May 2005:

"Hi all,
We've had a few complaints about obscene language on the boards. Our policy on this is that we would appreciate it if people would keep foul and abusive language to a minimum and that if you feel it necessary to swear to make your point then use asterisks please [...] we don't want to be over-prudish about this - we're not talking minor offenses here - and sometimes (parking attendant, gp receptionist annecdotes etc etc) we agree that nothing else but a swear word will do but it's a fair point that lots of members look at mumsnet with kids who may be early readers at their side and as the saying goes... less is more sometimes, so if you could use your discretion it would be much appreciated.

Ta very much."

That seems eminently sensible - but MN seems to have somehow slithered into a site for sweary people only.

Am I the only person who is utterly fed up with it?

OP posts:
TheCrackFox · 10/10/2011 17:28

Children and teenagers are perfectly capable of learning that just because they can read swear words it does not mean that they have to say them.

thefirstMrsDeVeerie · 10/10/2011 17:28

I think the sweary part of MN is the least of your worries if you are MNing with a child at your side.

I would rather explain what 'wanker' meant to my 8 year old than try and get his little head round why some posters think people who live in council flats are lazy chavs.

Or why old people who park in the wrong space should be shouted at

Or why ASD is a 'made up' thing to excuse bad behaviour.

Blah blah blah.

effingwotnots · 10/10/2011 17:29

Well I love a good swear, me...

southeastastra · 10/10/2011 17:30

i don't 'cosy up' with my children when i mn, but my ds(10) is standing right near me now - that's one reason why i hate some swearing on titles on here.

our pc is right in the middle of the living room for all to see really.

also agree that too much swearing takes away the punchiness of using it where it really matters

Hullygully · 10/10/2011 17:31

I am. I have recently been ordained (this is not widely known) and one of the things that Baby Jesus whispered to me at the font was his horror at the foul language. He beseeches you all to think of His Wounds in your name and let not Satan manipulate your epiglottis.

SuePurblybilt · 10/10/2011 17:33


Hullygully · 10/10/2011 17:36

Logos, Sue, logos.

IvyAndGold · 10/10/2011 17:38

I agree, it drives me up the fucking wall!

Pagwatch · 10/10/2011 17:39

Blimey Abra1d.
Firstly I don't look at what my teenager is posting on facebook so I would expect him to extend me the same courtesy.
And secondly I don't judge him by his friends language. Would they really expect you to ignore people whose on libe conversation you enjoy just because they swear. Not wanting to hear your child swear, because you love them and brought them up, is very different from enjoying the company of adults you like and so ignoring their vocabulary choices.

That isn't a tough distinction is it?

ScaredTEECat · 10/10/2011 17:40

Oh FFS. Grown ups swear. It's what they do. If you're children are reading MN you have bigger problems than the swearing on here.

And if they are reading over your shoulder while your on, perhaps you should log off and interact with them instead.

::Tee puts on judgey pants::

madmomma · 10/10/2011 17:40

Let's grow up and get over trying to control how other people 'speak'. If you don't wish to swear, then don't. It won't scar your children for life if they see a swear word. Explain that people are different, but that in your family swearing is not acceptable. Why should we all be the same?

madmomma · 10/10/2011 17:44

Actually, if my children were reading over my shoulder - which they don't unless invited - I'd rather they saw the odd swear word than posts peppered with lazy spelling mistakes.

BrutallySodomisedByAGoat · 10/10/2011 17:44

am leaving iPad lying around various bits of sitting room so child can ask me what my new name means

or might that be a sort of abuse? She is 12

southeastastra · 10/10/2011 17:48

it's quite funny that people are so arsey to people who don't like swearing.

i am allowed not to like it without having to read pathetic comments like, 'perhaps you should interact with them instead' Hmm

dear me. sorry to have an opinion that doesn't go along with the majority

Abra1d · 10/10/2011 17:48

No it would just be silly. But you knew that, didn't you.

Uppity · 10/10/2011 17:49

I am excessively fond of swearing.

LadyEvilEyes · 10/10/2011 17:50

You really are going to lose this argument OP.
I don't know how long you've been on MN, I've only been on about a year, and the non moderation makes me want to stay.
Really, if you don't like it, there are many forums with a swear filter that you would probably prefer, rather than coming on here and trying to change everything because it's not to your taste.
To think that just because you don't like swearing it should be banned is arrogant in the extreme.
And I really do have to end this post with a What the Fuck, don't I.
Tis traditonal , after all

Abra1d · 10/10/2011 17:50

(My post above not directed at southeastastra).

I am sitting here honestly trying to audit how much we swear. I don't think we do, much. A few bloodies and an occasional f..k.

Our friends come from different background and races. They don't swear much either. Obviously we're stifling our children's growth.

BrutallySodomisedByAGoat · 10/10/2011 17:50

I know. If I left it lying around it would come to some sort of physical harm. Plus daughter appears to have better things to do with her time.

Tyr · 10/10/2011 18:03

If you can't abide swearing, you need to stick your fingers in your ears everytime you step into the street or switch the telly on. Must be tough.
What sort of cunt lets their children on MN anyway?

whomovedmychocolate · 10/10/2011 18:12

// For those who really can't stand the swearing.

I don't actually care one way or another.

ByJingoes · 10/10/2011 18:15

About five years, LadyEvilEyes.

It's not an argument. I just want to know what others think. I was told on another thread that my opinions would be taken into account by MNHQ. Hmm

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IvyAndGold · 10/10/2011 18:15

And where do you draw the line on what's swearing and what isn't?

I got hun'd today, I consider that an extreme swear! Urgh!

LadyEvilEyes · 10/10/2011 18:18

Oh, and to bring this on to site stuff and quoting Justine (circa 2005) looks like you are truly trying to change the whole non moderated ethos of mumsnet.
So that deserves a f**k Off too.
I'm so pleased that the vast majority on this thread disagrees with you.
The ** are for you especially, Op.

ZombiesAtYourCervix · 10/10/2011 18:22

i've only been here 5 minutes. i am a noob and i still love profanity. its pretty therapeutic. try it op, you might enjoy it.

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