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Who else is fed up with swearing on MN?

498 replies

ByJingoes · 10/10/2011 16:36

I have been trying to have this discussion on another thread, but don't want to hijack it further.

I am thoroughly sick of excessive swearing on MN. I am sick of encountering posters with sweary names (not least because I have to hide MN as soon as the children come into the room).

MNHQ, could you please look at this again? Every time I mention this on threads, I am told that I have a cat's bum face (which is immensely irritating) and to eff off to Nethuns - yet I loathe the huggy/kissy/hunny stuff, and detest moderation. We are all adults and don't need to be censored. However, part of being an adult surely means having some consideration for other people too?

Here is Justine in May 2005:

"Hi all,
We've had a few complaints about obscene language on the boards. Our policy on this is that we would appreciate it if people would keep foul and abusive language to a minimum and that if you feel it necessary to swear to make your point then use asterisks please [...] we don't want to be over-prudish about this - we're not talking minor offenses here - and sometimes (parking attendant, gp receptionist annecdotes etc etc) we agree that nothing else but a swear word will do but it's a fair point that lots of members look at mumsnet with kids who may be early readers at their side and as the saying goes... less is more sometimes, so if you could use your discretion it would be much appreciated.

Ta very much."

That seems eminently sensible - but MN seems to have somehow slithered into a site for sweary people only.

Am I the only person who is utterly fed up with it?

OP posts:
crazynannawitchbitch · 10/10/2011 16:57

Well,my post did not have any swear words in,but got quoted by the OP Grin
Dunno whet

crazynannawitchbitch · 10/10/2011 16:59

What the fuck jeff happened there? Hmm
Was going to say...don't know whether to feel chuffed or pissed off.
Will choose chuffed Smile

saggarmakersbottomknocker · 10/10/2011 16:59

I sort of agree OP.

There's always been some swearing on MN but these days it's just a bit tedious TBH. Sometimes it's seems like a competition as to who can be the most sweary and offensive and really it's not big and it's not clever, its just boring.

And I don't get the excuse that grown-ups swear or it's just part of everyday life. Actually many grown-ups get through the day without feeling the need to use the f word and I do prefer not to hear/see it in general conversation when there's no need.

higgle · 10/10/2011 17:00

I'm not offended by all the rude words, but I do think it is desperately sad that people use them. It indicates a lack of a full and proper vocabulary. I don't like it anymore on here than I do when I'm in Tesco and I hear someone talking in a way that is more rude words than normal ones.

I try to imagine the posters from their names - sometimes, like "Valhalla" they seem very appropriate. AF just sounds so ugly and unpleasant ( the name, not the person).

pictish · 10/10/2011 17:01

Anyfucker is a brilliant name.
Big AND clever. I'm well jel.

ByJingoes · 10/10/2011 17:01

Oh hurray, so I am not the only one! (Even being sort-of not the only one is better than nothing). You actually put it better than I do, saggar/higgle (I am having a bad day, and am being too long winded).

OP posts:
GuillotinedMaryLacey · 10/10/2011 17:02

Doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I've learnt some very creative uses for common swearwords on here over the years. :o

I was at a comedy show last night and they started with a very rude song, preceeded by the caveat, "If you're of a sensitive nature....what the fuck are you doing here??"

Works well in this case I think.

MelodyPond · 10/10/2011 17:02

My children don't see what I'm posting, or what anyone else is posting. Because they're busy doing things that interest them! Mumsnet does not interest them...

Why on earth should we not swear? Tbh it probably stops me swearing at people in real life Wink

startail · 10/10/2011 17:03

I don't mind fuck, I do wish people would keep the C* for the relationship topic. I accept there are two timing XPs for whom it is the only description. DSIS's best friend was married to oneAngry

BoysAreLikeDogs · 10/10/2011 17:03

Oh, and I don't like the sweary nicknames but IIRC I am olde-fashioned to object, cf threads passim

LissieLovettsDeliciousPies · 10/10/2011 17:04

why do people assume that swearing indicates a lack of intellect/vocabulary? some of the most influential writers used filthy language, chaucer being the most famous.

EmpressOfTheVampireSkulls · 10/10/2011 17:04

The inventive swearwords are part of MN. I don't swear that often but it's definitely expanded my vocabulary, I called a speeding pavement cyclist a twunt the other day and was ranting about 'cunting
Virgin'. Haven't sent anyone to the far side of fuck yet but I'll get to it.
Surely one of the major uses of MN is venting? It's somewhere we can 'misbehave', where we can be human beings instead of perfect parents. And that can include swearing. There are plenty of other sites available for sanitised language. I do think the optional filter's a good idea though.

MitchiestInge · 10/10/2011 17:05

do children die if they hear profane language?

EmpressOfTheVampireSkulls · 10/10/2011 17:08

And there's a good background story for AnyFucker's name. Not gratuitous.

PeggyCarter · 10/10/2011 17:09

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

TheCrackFox · 10/10/2011 17:10

Where I live swearing is used as a form of punctuation. Doesn't put me up nor down.

However, I would hate for Mumsnet to turn into one of those saddo sites that won't let you post swear words.

LissieLovettsDeliciousPies · 10/10/2011 17:10

hahahhaha thats fucking ace

ByJingoes · 10/10/2011 17:10

"It's somewhere we can 'misbehave', where we can be human beings instead of perfect parents."

It's sad if there's such pressure on all of us to be perfect parents that we have to come on here and vent in quite such an objectionable manner, isn't it?

OP posts:
ByJingoes · 10/10/2011 17:11

If I swore, I would have much to say about Stephen Fry. Grin

OP posts:
MollyTheMole · 10/10/2011 17:11

OP I think you are entitled to your opinion and its not 'wrong' to not like swearing and you are entitled to ask people to refrain but by the same token people are entitled to ignore you

Personally I dont care if my swearing upsets people, I like to assume that we are adults who can handle a bit of profanity without getting all "ooooh " about it

toosoontoosoon · 10/10/2011 17:11

God, sorry OP. It wasn't you being an arse at all. It was someone else.

I'm really sorry. Completely my mistake.


pictish · 10/10/2011 17:11

Agree with Lissielovetts - I swear like fuck, but I'm also pretty articulate and, sorry to disappoint you swear-haters....quite intelligent as well.

"It just shows that they have a poor vocabulary"
Blah blah blaaaah....zzzzzzzzzzzzz.....


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ZombiesAtYourCervix · 10/10/2011 17:12

amusing thread juxtaposition

Site stuff : Who else is fed up with swearing on MN? 70 messages. Latest 10/10/11 17:11 By ByJingoes hide
?_Chat : my fucking bastard bollocking back hurts. 1 message. Latest 10/10/11 17:11 By ZombiesAtYourCervix hide


LeBOF · 10/10/2011 17:12

I don't think swearing indicates a lack of vocabulary; on the contrary, judiciously used, it can enhance and emphasise parts of speech. There are plenty of idiots on mumsnet already without looking to lump anyone who swears in with them.

HappyFinnish · 10/10/2011 17:13

I use fuck and cunt, when necessary, and wish there was a new and more shocking word to use. If there was, I'd use it, when necessary.

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