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What the fuck is this?? Does anyone have gmail and know anything about

107 replies

Helpmesolvethisahh · 30/04/2020 21:39

Photo attached

My and my husband going through a tough time due to trust issues. I look through his iPad I’m not even going to deny it. I see this... clicked on the link and apparently it’s the “best dating site” according to google

What is google ads? Could it be an ad he has accidentally clicked on? Or would he have to type this in to the search?

What the fuck is this?? Does anyone have gmail and know anything about
OP posts:
TwentyViginti · 30/04/2020 23:02

He was paying women to perform sex acts while he watched? Gross.

Helpmesolvethisahh · 30/04/2020 23:11

Search history from before today is deleted

When I check on ad preferences the only thing that comes up that he is set it his age.. between 35-44

I have a feeling it’s came up because he has searched something similar

Yes he was watching other women on webcam, while I was pregnant and 3 days after I had our second child. I found out when she was 6 weeks old. This was 3 years ago but I’m still struggling.

OP posts:
FuckYouCorona · 30/04/2020 23:15

Why are you still with him? Surely you value yourself more than this? You & your DC deserve better! Have my first LTB. Flowers

Prontoe · 30/04/2020 23:20

You shouldn't have to spend your life like this!

There's a whole other world out there you know. Do yourself a favour and lose the loser and go and explore it. Dump his sorry ass.

Closetbeanmuncher · 30/04/2020 23:24

He used a webcam site and paid £2000 on it

He paid for a Snapchat subscription for a month for £60 to get videos from a woman

The internet is literally stuffed with free porn??...What a loser


Sarcelle · 30/04/2020 23:26

I get spam emails that look like I am on websites looking for sex. I am not, never have been, it is just spam/cons. I wouldn't hang, draw and quarter him just yet.

Cher3 · 30/04/2020 23:33

Wtf he paid two grand for sex videos and t oh r here trying to catch him out on gmail. He had a problem and you
Need to leave. What’s the point snooping I doubt you’ll leave

Helpmesolvethisahh · 30/04/2020 23:38

I’ve never felt strong enough to leave in the past.. I feel now that I actually am

However I also feel I need to have proof once more..I don’t know why. I feel like I can’t just leave over something that happened years ago. If I find something else it will give me the massive push I need to finally leave

OP posts:
Jux · 30/04/2020 23:40

I don't think that your trust issues are going to resolve while you continue in this relationship.

Pomegranatemolasses · 30/04/2020 23:43

How can you bear to live like this? What difference would 'proof' make to you know? He has already behaved appallingly, just start making plans for the rest of your life without him dragging you down.

Thegreymethod · 30/04/2020 23:43

I don't know about what you found but a few weeks ago I did get an email 'from apple' saying someone on my account had signed up to a dating website and was invoicing me £100 and to click the link to check it I realised it wasn't genuine and ignored it but the shock when I first read it did almost click on it, so there are definitely scams going around but in the nicest possible way are you sure it's worth the stress he's put you under? As another poster said there's so much free porn on the internet why has he wasted so much money and left you feeling so down.

Chocolate123 · 30/04/2020 23:46

After what he's done previously why are you still there? You forgave him before so he's going to continue. You and your kids deserve better

AnyFucker · 30/04/2020 23:47

Ugh. He makes my skin crawl and I don't even know him.

GilbertMarkham · 30/04/2020 23:47

I feel like I can’t just leave over something that happened years ago.

3 yrs ago wasn't really "years ago", that's actually a relatively short time.

You were pregnant, then trying to cope with a newborn, then a toddler - that's exhausting and gives you head space, it's certainly a very hard time to think about separating, making financial arrangements, finding somewhere new to live etc etc. It's takes quite a while to process these things and be in a position to do anything about it - even without a new baby.

But in any case you can leave anytime you like for unacceptable things someone had donee to you. In fact you can leave anytime you like even if they hadn't done unacceptable things to you.

GilbertMarkham · 30/04/2020 23:48

*gives you no headspace

BertieBotts · 30/04/2020 23:50

You don't need a reason to leave. If you simply feel strong enough now, that is enough.

I think it could be either. A random ad, something from years ago, an accidental click or something recent. All it's telling you is that his account has been used to show data for ads - which happens every day constantly when we use the internet. If I go on a dodgy site to watch a TV programme I can't get hold of legally, I get loads of pop ups that "MILFs" are just gagging for me locally - somehow I highly doubt this! But obviously if he's going out looking for stuff like that, the ad trackers pick that up and serve it back up to him - just like that one link you click on MN to some weird unfashionable item that follows you round the web for weeks.

The site I linked above really helped change my mindset about relationships, and I'm much much happier and more secure now. Read as much of it as you can.

enoughofthebullshit · 30/04/2020 23:53

Don't jump off the deep end. It could be spam. My junk is constantly getting emails from some random site called hot dating. It's obviously an escort site. I have never in my life been on anything slightly resembling that site. They clearly have obtained my email address from some random open source list on the internet. It could very innocently be something like this.

Bellagio40 · 30/04/2020 23:59

But if it is innocent why has he deleted his search history?

ConnieDoodle · 01/05/2020 00:01

Well, you dont trust him.
He has wasted family money paying women to perform sex acts he can watch while you were having his baby.
He wipes his internet history daily.

Just leave him. Why live like this?

PotterHarryWitch · 01/05/2020 00:10

I have gmail. Never had that before.

Jezebel101 · 01/05/2020 00:11

History suggests that you can never take this guys fidelity for granted, the minimum most of us would expect from a relationship.

Imagine the stress you could save yourself, OP. You deserve more.

Dominoz · 01/05/2020 00:24

A junk ad to me


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PrimeroseHillAnnie · 01/05/2020 00:34

Spam email add.

1forAll74 · 01/05/2020 00:36

So many people on here, say that they snoop on a partners phone. Its such a dreadful thing to do, and is a weird way to live.

LiteraryType · 01/05/2020 06:27

Has he deleted the History or the Activity? Click on his profile (initial or photo at top, right hand corner) and go to Privacy & Personalisation. Activity Controls - click Manage your activity controls. Web & App activity- Manage activity. There should be a list of sites he's viewed. If it's not on, turn it on and check another time.

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