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Brave Babes Battle Bus: Sunshine, Roses and Mocktails All Round

999 replies

SweetLathyrus · 11/06/2018 07:21

Hi, I'm SweetLathyrus, Sweet for short, and I've been on and off Gerald the Brave Babes Battle Bus since 2014. Over the years, lots of us have maintained the thread, most of all the lovely Mouse, who has been here since the early days, and still scurries onboard when she can.

The bus is a place of support, safety and occasional silliness for those of us struggling with our relationship with alcohol. Some of us are sober, some are trying to be, some are moderating and aren't ready to give up alcohol just yet.

So whatever your reason for questioning the whys and WTFs of your drinking, hop on board, make yourselves comfortable and join in. Driers and Triers, all welcome.

Summer offers all kinds of challenges for those of us trying to change our relationship to alcohol, pub gardens, summer holidays, school holidays, and apparently there's a big football tournament too. If you want to read where the bus has been so far this year here's the link to the
last thread

And in case you want to know how it all started, here is the link to JWN's original, inspiring thread

The Bus is a bit of a Mumsnet institution, but it has an open door policy, no cliques, no judgement, and the welcome is always warm. So hop on and join us.

OP posts:
dementedma · 19/06/2018 22:06

hey hope you CAN do this! You know the dcs need to step up and do more for themselves to help you. You are an amazing woman but you need them to make more of an effort!
Keep at it. You will be FB2020.

Trust2017 · 20/06/2018 05:29

lol Looking keep that sense of humour and keep going. I tend to agree with ma re the teenagers. They don’t think of ways to help whilst you are doing it all but with my kids if I give them jobs to do they do actually do them. Maybe they can take turns at making the tea? They may surprise you. You are a strong lady and things will come right for you I am sure x

LuxuryWoman2017 · 20/06/2018 18:11

I'm a bit more back on track booze wise. Things still very stressful but easier to cope with on better sleep.

Hope everyone is well

LuxuryWoman2017 · 20/06/2018 23:01

Safely in bed and sober for the 3rd night. I'll stress I haven't fallen far back down the hole but the relaxing now and again drink (never wine, never again) was becoming a habit during this rough patch.

SweetLathyrus · 21/06/2018 08:43

Morning all.

Sorry to be absent, it was DS's final GCSE last week, (celebrated sober), then rushing around to get ready to visit the parents in France this week - which I have, so far, done sober - I have never, ever, ever done this before. DM was difficult for the first day: "Yes, but you'll have a glass tomorrow won't you?", "Not for the whole time you're here, surely?", "You brought all of those nice tonics, don't you want a gin in them?" - and she's the light drinker of the pair. The yesterday, if I was in any doubt about it, I went to lunch with them and some of their friends - drunks can be arses, even when they are jolly drunks

Hope, you're still finding your rhythm, it will take time, and as Ma and Trust say, let the DC do some of the lifting for themselves, you'll get the stressy hormones anyway!

Baby, lovely to see you last week.
Guggs, good to see you back Babe.
Twattage, sounds like progress.
Ma, my parents are (possibly) a little younger than yours, and mostly in good health, but they've both managed to injure themselves this year in ways that makes me realise I can't take their health for granted - and the live rurally in another country.
Baking, I find a bit of prep goes a long way - a big bag of ready to eat carrot sticks in the fridge is easier to substitute for a chocolate hobnob than peeling one when you get the itch!
Good going, Lux, it's so easy to see wine as the fix, but the stress is always still there.

Anyway, I'm having a day in the garden with a book and a glass of sparkling water. Have a good one, Babes.

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Twattage13 · 21/06/2018 09:21

Morning all - v quick check-in.

sweet - yes progress. Am in the London office with my global team running a team meeting just now. Feel like I have a way forward in terms of work at the moment. Was in side-car on Tuesday as it was my 7th wedding anniversary, but otherwise have been early to bed with tea and cat.

Feeling somewhat better but need to focus on my mental and physical health as a priority over work...

Onwards all

SweetLathyrus · 21/06/2018 17:56

Really, really struggling tonight. I know I feel better, I'm already 1kg down, just need to hold on for half an hour, I'll be pleased in the morning.

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bakingcupcakes · 21/06/2018 19:42

Sweet Hang in there. It'll pass if you wait. Hopefully you'll have found something to distract yourself with by now. Carrot sticks are a good idea. I've been nibbling grapes today - washed a bowl full this morning. I always seem to go for fruit over veg.

Hope Can you get the teens to help you at all? They should help out a bit too.

Twattage Hope you had a lovely anniversery. You seem to be doing well with moderating especially when you look at how tough work's been lately.

Lux Are you on day 4 today? It's good you've recognised the increase in drinking and looked to rectify it.

Ma How's your Mum?

I'm all good. Work's been quiet - I blame striking trains and football. It's been quite pleasant for me though. I'm still dry for 2018 - it really is a miricle although I should confess to buying 20 cigs last week..the only ones I've bought this year. I smoked them in 3 days and haven't got anymore. I enjoyed them but they smell and cost a fortune. Hope everyone else is having a good evening and feeling prepared for an AF/moderated weekend.

SweetLathyrus · 22/06/2018 07:01

Morning All.

I did it, Baking, I don't know why WW was so loud last night, so glad I did though, even though I had a terrible night, woke at 4am needing a wee, and now have a horrible furry mouth, like I have been drinking. I'll perk up soon, I hope.

I hope everyone is ok, stay strong, Babes. We're off to the coast today, catch you later.

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Twattage13 · 22/06/2018 08:15

Morning all - well done sweet - really well done! Rubbish when you wake up feeling like you've imbibed anyway...good for you though.

We came down to the coast last night and I can tell you it is absolutely glorious down here. Am currently looking out a beautiful blue sky across the farmer's fields - all I can hear are birds :).

Have quite a lot of work calls today but then we are having dinner at a beach restaurant (delayed anniversary) tonight. I am driving so will be on the fizzy water and feeling virtuous.

Then early to bed and a run tomorrow morning.

baking - yes not imploded this week (although last week was not great emotionally or physically). Drank 3 nights this last week (Sat, Tue, Thurs) but that's it. I feel that I want to cut down further right now though.

I am feeling pretty drained from the work situation and although I now have a full plan through to Christmas with my team, I need to focus on my health above everything else.

Current thinking is I will have some beers tomorrow at my neighbour's party, and maybe on 26 July when I'm out with the bestie at an outside cinema thing, but other than that, fully on the bus.

It's 10 weeks to my holiday and this week my eating has been dreadful...I was doing quite well up until Sunday and then I've gone mad. I actually don't think I ate enough for about 10 days prior to that and I've gone the opposite way since then.

I look knackered and I have big black rings around my eyes - between now and September quite a lot of people are taking hols and it will be quieter, so this is an ideal time to regroup before my hol on 1 Sept. I can make a real difference in 10 weeks if I apply myself.

Anyway sorry for enormous post again - it helps me to write it down on here.

Will be stocking up on San Pellegrino and limes today :).

Love to all babes. xxx

Twattage13 · 22/06/2018 08:17

baking amazing work (cigarettes excluded) - nearly 6 months for you now :). xxx

SweetLathyrus · 22/06/2018 08:30

Twattage have a lovely weekend - you won't want to go back to the Smoke on Monday.

ANd, Baking, I'm adding pom moms to Twattage's congratulations it is amazing how all of those single days add up.

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Margie32 · 22/06/2018 10:22

Hi babes,

Just popping back on to give Hope a virtual squeeze, I would so pop over to yours and drink some tonic with you in the garden if I didn’t live in Foreign Climes. Hang on in there you gorgeous babe, you have been so strong and brave, one day your kids will realize everything you’ve done for them and they will be SO thankful that you are their mum.

Sweet, good for you for not giving into the pressure, there’s been a lot of that here lately, especially with it being scorchio and that being pretty much everyone’s reason to get on the booze. It’s hard when people, especially family, get on your case - stay strong hon.

Hugs to all babes old and new, great to see Baby, Venus, Ma, Lux and Trust. Day 308 - today I will not be drinking.

MintToBee · 22/06/2018 16:10

Hello you gorgeous lot!
I'm back from holiday and back in work.
I survived two meals out and a big reunion AF! I didn't even waver. 😯😯😯
Just checking in to catch up with you all.

dementedma · 22/06/2018 19:08

margie good to see you babe and bloody well done. I am on day zero as usual.

mint glad you had a nice holiday and well done to you too.

SweetLathyrus · 22/06/2018 21:31

Evening Babes,

Margie - the expat life eh?

Lovely to see you back, Mint, are you feeling relaxed and refreshed?

My view for today

Brave Babes Battle Bus: Sunshine, Roses and Mocktails All Round
Brave Babes Battle Bus: Sunshine, Roses and Mocktails All Round
OP posts:
SweetLathyrus · 23/06/2018 07:43

Morning All.

Sun is shining here.

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Twattage13 · 23/06/2018 07:51

Morning all - dare I report a small boing?

Went out last night to beach-side restaurant with the husband. We had to take a ferry to get there and hadn't realised that the ferry was not running between 7 and 9 so we had to wait until 9 to come home. Felt really good to be in control and not thinking about beer / stress. Had a lovely evening watching the sunset over the harbour, eating pizza, and chatting to my boy. Just being really.

Drove home, passed out. 9 1/2 hours sleep later and I'm feeling a million times better. Am in my running gear and going for a 5k jog after my coffee.

Sun is shining. Life is good.

Aim for this week - early nights after tonight, sleep, follow WW plan perfectly. No bingeing.


LookingforHope · 23/06/2018 17:01

Hi all - Day 5 AF here for me and I feel absolutely shocking. Actually had to rush out of the gym after a class today because I could feel myself starting to cry wondering what the fucking point was and who the fuck I thought I was kidding working out like Madonna in a gym full of young faces. Have been on the receiving end of a couple of ill-judged and tactless remarks from a couple of younger people in the gym who I'm friendly with, and they just stabbed me right through the heart. For once though I don't even want to drink to make myself feel better because I know it won't work. What is wrong is that I am old, and invisible, and have wasted 25 years of my life with the wrong man and left it too late to salvage anything. Losing two stone and having abs won't make a difference, I am probably making myself look ridiculous. Perhaps I should just go and do Lotte Berk method in a church hall with a load of old biddies and then go home to eat scones and watch Homes Under the Hammer.

Anyway, enough of me and my self pity.
Baking, Trust, Ma, Sweet thanks for your support, but find getting my teens to do anything is SO much trouble and aggro it is hardly worth it. DS has finished his A levels finally and DD has one more week of Y10 exams at her shitty, failing school full of shoddy supply teachers, where she is virtually teaching herself from books, but I have said to them that after that I expect more support around the house, but not holding my breath.

Margie lovely to see you again and would totally love to sit in the garden and drink tonic with you, but given the knee high weeds in mine I would come to you anyway as dearly want to run away from my life.

Baby, Guggs, Venus, Obrigada great to see you all again too. Lovely to know the bus gang are all still around. Would love to know how Dubh is too if she is lurking???

Twattage your job sounds stressful as hell (but also v. impressive!) so glad you have found a way to work through it. It is definitely as important to know what you can't do as what you can, and there is no point driving yourself to a breakdown. I also have plenty of work stress so can sympathise, but I think mine is nothing compared to what you have been going through, so congratulations for knowing when you need to rein back, and I hope you continue to regain your equilibrium with more weekends away and relaxing runs

Ma how is your mum doing? And the DCs? Hope things not too stressful at home - at least you have your lovely job though, which looks fab.

Sweet big hugs for you and hope you feel better soon - have some Brew and Cake (I am thinking of throwing in the fitness and just eating cake now too tbh) Though as you are somewhere rather lovely and sunny perhaps a fruit basket and some nice sparkling soft drinks would be better? Hope you are enjoying your break

Mint, Lux well done on your sober sprints. Hope you are both feeling good this weekend.

I don't know what to do with myself right now. Nothing appeals. DS is out celebrating all weekend, DD is revising upstairs. I have the whole evening stretching ahead, all my friends are busy with kids and partners as ever, and I feel there is no point in doing anything at all. I used to despise WB for having no get up and go - he never wanted to go out with me or anybody else, wouldn't make any effort with my friends, so the attempt to have joint friends just drained away, wouldn't make the compromises necessary to have a career, didn't make the effort with his appearance or fitness and I just thought he was prematurely old and dragging me down with him (besides the financial and verbal abuse etc).

But now I am on my own and can do what I want, once the kids are catered for, have realised that the world is still made up of couples and families, and actually there is nobody much to do anything with a lot of the time. Friends my age are all busy with their loved ones and my younger friends - well, just recently, they have made me feel like a granny. I really, really did leave it too late. Sad

SweetLathyrus · 23/06/2018 20:40

No, no, no. Hope you did not leave it too late. In the same way we have to rewire our brains from the WW, being newly single is also a rewiring of old patterns. I really wish I could magic away the hurt and fear of change for you, but it is a process, and you will find a way to be you again, right now you are in the early stages. Being fit isn't just about killer abs, its also brain health, mental health and good old dolphins endorphins, stick with it. I have friends at all kinds of life stages (the advantage of being a dog owner - you meet people you never would otherwise) you need to think about now and the future, not regret the past. Your past has made you strong and resilient, even if you don't feel that way right now.

Big love and hugs to you (I'll come and tackle your garden - a bit oaf slash and burn is good for the soul!) x

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SweetLathyrus · 23/06/2018 20:44

And I meant to say that what you are feeling is totally ok and legitimate, but it doesn't have to define you long term.

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AsleepAllDay · 24/06/2018 03:38

@LookingforHope - recent breakup too and I started crying at the end of yoga today! My ex is sounding like he's adjusting to everything better than me but it can also feel v lonely to pick yourself back up x


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saltandvinegarcrisps1 · 24/06/2018 07:38

Morning all.long post alert. I have posted on these threads a few times but am usually more of a silent follower of the bus. Ive had a problem with alcohol for about 8 years but the last 3 or so have been so destructive. I thought I had it cracked towards the end of last year and was dry most of the time and managing to not get drunk the times I did drink. But no surprise, it's escalated again and yesterday DP of 23 years told me he can't take any more, has fallen out of love with me and we are over. I knew things were bad but I never saw this coming. Which is crazy because if the roles were reversed, I'd have left him ages ago. I'm beyond devastated that this has happened and grieving for our lost future now that DCs are independent (though still at home). We had such amazing plans. I feel a huge burden of guilt that I am responsible for breaking up our family and my DC are so very sad. But - there were problems in the marriage which I chose to deal with through drinking. I use the word chose as I have to take responsibility for that. But when I look back now, I drank too much when l was with DH. I didn't drink alone. He works shifts and I never felt the need to drink in the evening if He was at work. My secret drinking started when I would "need" a drink when I came home from work and it was just me and him for the evening. He's the type of guy who is a genuinely nice person, everyone loves him, does all the housework, shopping etc. But I now think I was lonely as our life became about everything he wanted to do and my likes, friends, hobbies got neglected. This was never outward control but I see now how my desperation to please him made me just go with the flow. I always felt he was too good for me. Last night was my first alcohol free Saturday for years ( apart from my short dry phase,) and I am determined to ditch the drinking for me and to not be that drunken parent for my DC.

SweetLathyrus · 24/06/2018 09:00

Morning All.

Welcome, Asleep - it can be is tough readjusting.

Salt welcome in from the sidelines. You will find all the support you need here, and no judgement. Sometimes our DC can drive us to drink (well, mine does), but sober parenting is calmer and more patient. Loneliness is a big trigger too - I often find it easier to say "no thanks" on nights out rather than when I'm on my own with my thoughts.

Anyway, for me, my last day in France, not drinking here has been a real victory, and less difficult than I imagined.

Have a good day, all. Hope I hope you got some rest.

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Twattage13 · 25/06/2018 07:20

Morning all - had a busy weekend, not had a chance to read back.

Am back in the big smoke but the garden is set up with the table and umbrella so I can work outside. In town we share the garden with the flat below us and am very relieved to have new neighbours who seem lovely and normal (the previous ones for the first time ever were most odd).

I'm WFH today - it's already super hot in town. I have a supply of San Pellegrino and limes for the late currently planning to have an entire month off moderation and go totally sober. No social events in the evening on my calendar until Thursday 26 July!

Hope all babes had a good month. I am feeling better but still have some sleep to catch up on.

I'll have a read back in a bit.


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