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129 replies

Pinkiepie1985 · 24/01/2017 16:50

Semi light hearted thread not made to make people feel bad. Just curious how happy others genuinely are... some of my friends seem to have found such a perfect match it's unreal, surely all partners are annoying at times?!

I think mines pretty average/crap at times. Sometimes feel it's the beginning of the end. Other times we're happy. Married 8 years.
Based on a 1-10 scale , 1 being awful and 10 being perfect marriage I'd say we're a 5/6 what about you lot?

OP posts:
AllTheLight · 29/01/2017 14:40

Together 20 years, married for 13.

I'd give us a 9. It was lower for a few years while we had very young DC though. Everything is harder when you are sleep deprived and don't have much quality time as a couple. Glad we stuck it out.

user87654321 · 29/01/2017 15:41

Been together 7days. A definite 10 Smile

Boolovessulley · 29/01/2017 16:43

Even though I'm in a very happy (fairly new) relationship, I often see/hear things from others which make me squirm.
There's no way I'd tolerate being treated or spoken to like that but lots of people do tolerate it and seem to find it perfectly acceptable.

I suppose lots of people have very low ideal of what a great relationship looks like.

GizmoFrisby · 29/01/2017 17:14

3 years together and 2dcs I'd say a 9 majority of time. We very rarely row. When we do it's a 1 Grin

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