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129 replies

Pinkiepie1985 · 24/01/2017 16:50

Semi light hearted thread not made to make people feel bad. Just curious how happy others genuinely are... some of my friends seem to have found such a perfect match it's unreal, surely all partners are annoying at times?!

I think mines pretty average/crap at times. Sometimes feel it's the beginning of the end. Other times we're happy. Married 8 years.
Based on a 1-10 scale , 1 being awful and 10 being perfect marriage I'd say we're a 5/6 what about you lot?

OP posts:
Laska5772 · 24/01/2017 18:45

23 years - 9.9999999999998 .. He'll do Grin

wherearemymarbles · 24/01/2017 18:45

Are, not ate!!

ThroughThickAndThin01 · 24/01/2017 18:45


Very very happy, 28 years together.

CaptinMuma · 24/01/2017 18:46

Been together 15 years and married almost 3. Lately it's been 8/9 but it has been as low as 1 but if you both want to fight for each other it does get better, you just need to talk Flowers

iismum · 24/01/2017 18:47

Agh, tough. Been together 22 years, married 11. I'd say about a 6. He's really amazing, very supportive, we have a lot in common and get on well. But we argue a lot - niggling little arguments and sometimes big shouty arguments. Sometimes it feels like we can't discuss anything without arguing. I feel like we have a 9.5 relationship under there somewhere. Feel a bit sad about it.

Arcadia · 24/01/2017 18:47

standingup I could have written your post except together 12 years

MatildaTheCat · 24/01/2017 18:49

31 years together.

9/10 on the basis that nobody is perfect. He's annoying sometimes and I probably am too. We work together. We both have quite a lot of separate friends and interests plus some shared ones.

I think we are unusual in how well we both get on with each other's families. Honestly by now we just regard outperform parents as 'ours' rather than yours and mine. That's nice.

Strangebrew · 24/01/2017 18:52

22 years in I'd say about a 5 if that.

notangelinajolie · 24/01/2017 19:03

26 years 10
He is a gentle, kind, soul who never ever thinks about himself, it's always about me and the kids. He also works very long, stressful hours and has put up with me and my rubbish for 26 years. He deserves a medal and I don't know what I'd do without him. In our early days of marriage he used to piss me off because he laughed through life and never took anything or me seriously and now, that is the one thing I love the most about him.

offside · 24/01/2017 19:40

A very solid 9.5, would say 10 but like others no one is perfect.

We've been together 5 years, getting married this year. I thank my lucky stars every night that I have him in my life and he is the father to our DD, I wake up happier each day.

Dahlietta · 24/01/2017 19:42

Married 7 years this year, one DS and another on the way. 10/10 - I can't think of anything about him that I don't just love. He doesn't even snore!

Happybunny19 · 24/01/2017 19:46

22 years together, he's fairly annoying but still a 10 for me Smile

standingupforitanywhere · 24/01/2017 19:49

Arcadia Flowers
Yours might get better...

BearFeet · 24/01/2017 19:49

9.9/10 little niggles but nothing major. Together 17 years, married 23, 3dc

Doolallylally · 24/01/2017 19:51

4/5 married 10 years. He'd probably rate us much higher. I'm a giver and he's a taker, as it turns out.

MrsDallowaySaid · 24/01/2017 19:56

Together for 15 years, married for 7. I'd say 8.5/10 currently. But that's because I'm pregnant and irritable and we haven't had sex for a while!

kitXi · 24/01/2017 19:59

Together 8 years, I'd say we're an 8.5. He would probably say higher but I am more critical of our faults (as a couple and as individuals) and think there is nearly always room for improvement! I adore him, and our life is good

Gardencentregroupie · 24/01/2017 20:01

10 years together, 7 married, 9.5 out of 10 (nobody's perfect!) I would be utterly lost without him. I think and hope he feels the same about me.

MisguidedAngel · 24/01/2017 20:08

Standing I can relate. 20 years. We're not married. The lifestyle is good, he's a good man but the communication problems are terrible and seem to be getting worse. Basically he avoids conflict, which means I mustn't disagree with him ever. And I am the opposite, get it out, get it sorted. So probably 5 and it could be 9.

Dav9 · 24/01/2017 20:13

Together 16 years and I would say 6 or 7/10.

Dw has lots of lovely qualities and is a kind person but she doesn't really stimulate me mentally and we have grown apart a bit. I am a doer, she is happy just watching tv in her pj's. She lost interest in us as a couple a bit once DS came along. She is happy ticking over, whilst I would like things to be a bit more exciting than they are.

EIsbethTascioni · 24/01/2017 20:19

Ten years.

9.5/10. I would say 10 but he is a faffer so loses 0.5. Wink

We are a team. He gives me the fannygallops and has my back. We don't argue and we have the same values.

mya83 · 24/01/2017 20:20

9/10 would be 10/10 if our sex life was more existant exciting.


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Pinkiepie1985 · 24/01/2017 20:22

It's really nice to read so many of you are genuinely so happy in your relationship. Perhaps I'm a little too harsh on me/him/us, I got married young and feel I'm learning a lot as the years go on x

OP posts:
turkeyboots · 24/01/2017 20:23

8.5, been together 20years this year.

NoDramaForTheLlama · 24/01/2017 20:25

10 years together.. I'd say about a 1. 😔

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