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129 replies

Pinkiepie1985 · 24/01/2017 16:50

Semi light hearted thread not made to make people feel bad. Just curious how happy others genuinely are... some of my friends seem to have found such a perfect match it's unreal, surely all partners are annoying at times?!

I think mines pretty average/crap at times. Sometimes feel it's the beginning of the end. Other times we're happy. Married 8 years.
Based on a 1-10 scale , 1 being awful and 10 being perfect marriage I'd say we're a 5/6 what about you lot?

OP posts:
Olswitcharoo · 24/01/2017 20:25

10 years together and it's 9/10. Both of us have irritating habits so I don't think it's possible to get 10/10. At some points, our relationship has dropped to 5/10 but a lot of people get times like that.

Fruitcocktail6 · 24/01/2017 20:27
  1. A few tiny niggles, but really great.
Schmoochypoos · 24/01/2017 20:30

10 years together and married 5 this year. I'd say a solid 8/10. Only a couple of minor niggles which probably could be sorted if I broached the subject! Probably should do that really!

StrawberryMouse · 24/01/2017 20:31

I'd say usually 9.5/10, he is a wonderful, wonderful man but lately feeling more like an 8 as my attraction to him has taken an inexplicable (probably hormonal) nose dive. Suppose that has peaks and troughs though, we've been together ten years, married, 2dc.

Sallystyle · 24/01/2017 22:15


We have been together for 11 years. Five children.

roastednut · 24/01/2017 22:42

I don't know whether reading this thread makes me happy or sad! Been together 9 years, married 6.5, I'd give it a 5 I think.

crunched · 24/01/2017 23:06

Met at 20, married for 28 years, 3 DC.
9.5/10, would be 10 but he is lying next to me asleep when I would really rather he was paying me some attention iyswim Blush

Costacoffeeplease · 24/01/2017 23:15

Married 30 years this year, together 33 years, probably an 8 overall, although there are days we'd be in minus territory, on both sides Grin

Mittensonastring · 24/01/2017 23:24

First 18 years always an 8/9
Now in year 19 it's a 2, considering divorce, no third party involved.
Now with negotiations its rising and is about a 3/4 we will see.

ScoobyDoosTinklyLaugh · 24/01/2017 23:48

3/4 years probably range between 5/6 😂

NorksAreMessy · 24/01/2017 23:55

28 years married and I think we are just about a big fat TEN.

I married a kind man, everything else flows from that.

DeleteOrDecay · 25/01/2017 00:03

Been together nearly 8 years, I'd say it's about an 8 at the moment. We've been through some stuff over the past few months but I think we're finally coming out of the other side and things are looking better for us.

Hidingtonothing · 25/01/2017 00:04

Together 15 years, married 12 and I'd say overall we're a 7. Couple of fairly big areas of conflict and at the times they flare up that rating would be much lower but then we have other times where we're pretty close to a 10 so the 7 is a kind of overall average.

hellsbellsmelons · 25/01/2017 11:44

If you asked me 1 month ago I'd say 9
Now I'd say minus -10!!!

toomuchtimereadingthreads2016 · 25/01/2017 12:30

Been together 5 years, married 3years, DD 2.5 and bun in the oven... Most days 8... with the odd day where saying 1 would be generous (maybe 2 or 3 times a year)... Genuinely have a "I am so lucky to be this happy" moment at least once a day so much be pretty good :)

picklemepopcorn · 25/01/2017 14:26

Hells bells oh dear! Flowers

Dowser · 25/01/2017 14:28

8 and a half years.

9 to a 9.5 .

( well everyone has irritating habits. When I'm driving own/ fed up/ I'll etc he's a ten!)

Dowser · 25/01/2017 14:29

Driving own = down!

When I'm driving he's a ....nightmare sometimes!

0dfod · 25/01/2017 14:32

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

KondosSecretJunkRoom · 25/01/2017 14:36

18 years together. I think about a 7/8 at the moment. I love him to bits and I know he feels the same, we just seem to be ground down to the arse end of ourselves by the time we have time for each other. It's on the mend though.

hellsbellsmelons · 25/01/2017 14:54

Thanks pickle
It is what it is.

Mulberry72 · 25/01/2017 15:02

Together for 15 years, married for 12.

I'd give us a 9.5, he was my 1st real love and will be my last love. I genuinely can't remember the last time we had an argument Smile


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TheOnlyWayIsMN · 25/01/2017 15:03

7 year itch here Grin our marriage is good so I'd say 8

CitronellaEllaElla · 25/01/2017 15:06

10/10 but I am single Grin

bunnyrabbit93 · 25/01/2017 15:12

Together for 3 1/3 years I'd say a 8 ! X

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