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The Dating Thread 84.

999 replies

MadeMan · 15/12/2014 17:36

Well, fancy seeing you here. Smile

OP posts:
gottafindaman4yagirl · 16/12/2014 15:51

Blossom The guy on OK is georgous but he's 26 and I want a more mature man. I want to give MT a chance and see what happens. Tbh I don't have time to invest in any other men right now.
Second date is good :)

SuperFlyHigh · 16/12/2014 15:55

gotta - Chat is always good... if he's intelligent, mature and good looking well its rare but you can get nice men like that!

Whats happening with Major Tom?

I too have a coffee date almost fixed with this gorgeous sexy man.... can't think of a name for him yet but he seems nice, intelligent and different in a nice way. I actually fancy him from his pic, compared to Kent Lad (he was different in real life to his pic, more overweight).

Blossom that sounds great re Mr Builder, i think a 2nd date can be make or break for most of us... 1st date is always either great, terrible or inbetween in my experience.

Blossomflowers · 16/12/2014 15:56

Gottta When you seeing MT next? I know what you mean about juggling, can get a bit confusing. Mr Football wants to know why I am being quiet, I wish he would not push so much, someone to act like this after 1 date just can't be stable. Or am I being unfair, maybe he is just very emotional

SuperFlyHigh · 16/12/2014 16:08

Blossom - who is Mr Football? not the man you DTD with or is he?!

Blossomflowers · 16/12/2014 16:08

super Sounds like fun. That is always the problem for me is most people seem to look different from their profile pic, sometimes better and sometimes worse.Mr Builder def much better in the flesh and quite fanciable.

Blossomflowers · 16/12/2014 16:10

super Yes Mr is the one I DTD with beginning to regret now, was ok at the time but can't cope with the constant texts. How I have stolen his heart, good god.

MadeMan · 16/12/2014 16:42

Blossom I'm hoping your date 2 with Mr Builder is good, because you seemed quite keen on him and you enjoyed the last date with him.

OP posts:
SuperFlyHigh · 16/12/2014 16:50

Blossom apologies but I'm sort of LOL'ing at this - you must have been:-

a) amazing in bed (much more so than us mere mortals!)
b) cross between Marilyn Monroe/Bette Davis etc...
c) nice to boot

what part of the word no or I am avoiding you does he not understand?!

I am hoping they look better in the flesh than in their pics - I am not too worried there as the ones i like generally look ok!

MadeMan · 16/12/2014 16:50

"Mr Football wants to know why I am being quiet, I wish he would not push so much, someone to act like this after 1 date just can't be stable. Or am I being unfair, maybe he is just very emotional"

I understand exactly what you mean about people being pushy because I hate being constantly texted/called, but in some ways it's good that at least he didn't go no contact and do a runner after DTD with you. Isn't it?

Some kind of balance would probably have been the ideal; not too pushy, but not too distant either.

OP posts:
Blossomflowers · 16/12/2014 16:54

made I am actually but was slightly miffed by lack of contact but not pushed it, will see how thing pan out.
super ha ha all of those things of course. To be fair so far I have not really said anything to him. He was actually quite good in bed, shame really

MadeMan · 16/12/2014 16:56

"I am hoping they look better in the flesh than in their pics..."

Camera flashes in dim/poor lighting do awful things to people's looks, so chances are most of us look better in real life than in our photos. Smile

OP posts:
MadeMan · 16/12/2014 17:00

So you have two men, Blossom; the one you quite like seems a bit "meh" about the whole thing and the other is super uber keen.

If only there was a magic Sooty wand that could combine the two traits.

OP posts:
Blossomflowers · 16/12/2014 17:04

Made I would not like Mr Builder if he started being totally over the top after a 1 st, he has been lovely and very complimentary after our date, I just feel he could just make just a little more effort. God I am so looking for perfection aren't I?

SuperFlyHigh · 16/12/2014 17:08

Blossom - I can see why you haven't really said anything to him but I get the feeling here he is starting to irritate you a bit with his overkeenness which is never a good thing.

Personally with Mr Builder I'd wait until the 2nd date - as you say perfection is what you're after and he could be this but it's only the 2nd date, I think you are after lots of communication from him? some men also work on less contact

a) because they're seeing someone else/communicating with someone else
b) that's just the way they work - they're busy etc or they forget.

To be honest I've been busy at work lately and what with Christmas have had to make an extra special effort to email people on OLD or they'd never hear from me!

SuperFlyHigh · 16/12/2014 17:08

Blossom also if you're sure maybe say something to Mr Keen along the lines of you're not keen... if you are not keen on him that is!

Blossomflowers · 16/12/2014 17:11

super I will certainly give him the benefit of the doubt. I know he is very busy with work, but seemed very excited about meeting up again. If I still like him I will gently tell him a little more contact would be needed. Early days though. It is so rare for me to fancy anyone so have to give it a try.

SuperFlyHigh · 16/12/2014 17:16

Blossom if it were me I'd give him a heads up as to what contact I liked too, if I liked him. early days do mean that communication lines often are blurred you have to get into a pattern of texts/emails etc....

Blossomflowers · 16/12/2014 17:19

Super Well exactly, trouble with text can so be misread. Glad he actually picked up the phone and called me again.

gottafindaman4yagirl · 16/12/2014 21:03

Blossom, Super
Seeing MT tomorrow, he's really excited to see me and thinks about me all the time. Will have to see how things develop, don't think we will wait long to dtd.
The georgous blonde on OK is my type intellectually, he'd make a great male friend.

gottafindaman4yagirl · 16/12/2014 21:16

MT is ott now, not sure what dtd will do. He has suggested me being his girlfriend. I definitely need to challenge his ideas about me and get him to calm down. Told him on four occasions. I can see a lot of good qualities and he's good looking and nice body.
Thinking after lunch a cuppa back at mine :)

Blossomflowers · 16/12/2014 21:24

gotta sounds like fun for tomorrow then. Had a busy night text from Mr Football, Mr Builder, X and an out of the blue text from Mr Lotus who I went on a 1st date and we never managed to get together again. Like bloody buses

DollyRocker1 · 16/12/2014 21:32

Blossom if you're not sure you can use the Xmas run up as a means of slowing things down a bit.
Gotta good luck for tomorrow.

Had my last date of 2014 today. Enjoyed the food and conversation was good. But not sure he was a long term prospect. Seemed very young minded for 38. And shock horror I had to pay my half of the bill! Also when I said at the train station that it had been nice to meet him, all he said was um yeah.


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gottafindaman4yagirl · 16/12/2014 21:33

Blissom Sounds like your in demand. I hope MT is as passionate in bed as he is texting.

Blossomflowers · 16/12/2014 22:12

Sounds like you will know soon gotta

MadeMan · 16/12/2014 22:29

"Seemed very young minded for 38."

How so, Dolly? Is it the same as young at heart?

I don't feel at all like my age; I thought it was a good thing to feel young. Smile

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