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The Rules and Granny

127 replies

maur33 · 30/10/2014 10:58

Last week my son gave me THE RULES for his 4 yr old children on a piece of A4 paper with large text. It's not my place to disagree with how they have decided to bring up their children but I found it very hurtful that it was especially printed out for me. At first I thought it was like new targets for my failed performance management in grannyhood, that it was extremely controlling - even passive /aggressive but the bottom line is that really he obviously doesn't expect me to do my best by his children - and that is what hurts.
I love my grandchildren very much but now I'm aware that I'm on trial and I feel uncomfortable looking after them.We usually have a brilliant time together but The Rules have upset me so much that I'm second guessing myself.
Any advice?

OP posts:
CariadsDarling · 01/11/2014 15:08

Maybe the OP doesn't want to continue on the thread just because and not because she feels she has to dispute some of the points made in some of the posts.

She might just be feeling comfortable with herself and how she is a granny after her initial shock and upset over the list.

Yarp · 01/11/2014 17:08


The content of the lists is up for debate, I agree, but the fact that these "rules" were conveyed to her in this way is the odd (and very rude) thing, IMO.

I too would like to hear more from the OP

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