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The Dating Thread 68.

999 replies

Bant · 13/01/2014 23:45

Support for everyone, dating online or in real life.

No judginess, no shoutiness. Nuff said.

OP posts:
49howdidthathappen · 14/01/2014 14:44

Opinions are like arseholes. Everyone has one !

SoftKittyWarmKitty · 14/01/2014 14:45

Just a quick peck Talisa. He has nice lips so if we go out again I'm hopeful of more than just a peck Wink.

TheTitleSaysItAllReally · 14/01/2014 14:45

Grin @ 49!

MasterP0 · 14/01/2014 14:45

Booby oh dear God, now my fondness of CAPS?!?!?! REALLY?? Ridiculous!

TheTitleSaysItAllReally · 14/01/2014 14:45

SoftKitty that all sounds promising!

powpow80 · 14/01/2014 14:47

Kitty that does sound very promising. Woo hoo for you.

Ava it will all be ok on the day. I found the more dates I went on the less nervous I got. Was nearly sick at the thought of the first one. Once ye sit down and start to chat the nerves go.

TalisaMaegyr · 14/01/2014 14:48

Mmmm. Nice lips Grin

I can remember my first date with DP, that was in the daytime too. We had a little snog in the car outside my house and I spent the rest of the afternoon like this GrinGrinGrin

MasterP0 · 14/01/2014 14:48

Title yes THAT STATEMENT was/IS rude, my point exactly, all my previous ones HAVE NOT BEEN!

AvaMaria · 14/01/2014 14:48

Thankssoftkitty and TheTitle I amsoo nervous. When I say chatting, not on the phone, I mean messaging on the dating site. Have seen a pic though and he looks nice. But I have notoriously appalling taste in men and always attract awful control freaks. Am hoping I am older and wiser and more in touch with that now. Been nearly 11 years since I last dated!

Bant · 14/01/2014 14:49

Well I did ask you if you could stop being shouty as it hurt the eyes. I also said that it was polite that if other people asked someone to not be rude or make disparaging remarks, then maybe you could be polite and think about it.

You're completely correct, you've broken no rules, I haven't accused you of doing anything other than being shouty, and then rude for telling people to go away when this was pointed out to you. I haven't been shitty at all, I just asked you to stop being so shouty. Please stop shouting at me, I have a headache.

OP posts:
TheTitleSaysItAllReally · 14/01/2014 14:49

No Master you called him a liar before that.

49howdidthathappen · 14/01/2014 14:51

Kitty You have popped your cherry Grin

Ava I was over 20 years. It's like riding a bike.

TheTitleSaysItAllReally · 14/01/2014 14:54

I was 19 years before I started dating again and I never did much of it before. So it will be ok.

lubeybooby · 14/01/2014 14:59

Master it is widely known since forever though that caps on a forum are the internet equivalent of shouting, so I'm not being ridiculous, seriously.

Do you talk like that in real life? say something to someone and then shout THANKS! at them? Or burst into shouting in the middle of a sentence?

I just wanted to explain what it was exactly that was coming across as shouty, because you seemed to have the wrong end of the stick. So there you have it :)

MirandaWest · 14/01/2014 15:01

Ava I got married to the first person I went out with and so it was nearly 18 years once I started dating again. I was nervous but the reality was better :)

SoftKittyWarmKitty · 14/01/2014 15:02

I've dated before but not for quite a few years. I'd only exchanged online messages with this man too Ava and seen one photo, but it was fine. You'll be ok, in fact you'll probably enjoy it!

MasterP0 · 14/01/2014 15:05

It hurts your eyes, REALLY?!?!? SMDH!!! WHEN WAS I RUDE Bant please copy and paste this??? I will continue to make disparaging remarks about the assholes we've had the misfortune of dating when I feel it's appropriate! YOU are not going to be dictating to me what I can and cannot say!

Title no I didn't, I merely told him to tell his private messagers to either PM me or say it on here, how in heavens name is that calling him a liar?

Booby I know that and it can be used to emphasis my gratitude in the example of THANK YOU, or when I say FAB!

MasterP0 · 14/01/2014 15:09

So when I type YAY, some of you see it as me shouting when merely emphasising the fact that I'm genuinely excited and pleased for you??? Honestly, GIVE ME STRENGTH!!!!

superdooperpenguin · 14/01/2014 15:21

Perhaps I am a bit of a wimp but it really puts me off posting when there are squabbles rumbling on the thread, turns the atmosphere a little hostile for my liking...

Ava - good luck! I've been on quite a few dates this last year and always get nervous beforehand! I hope you really enjoy yourself though.

Softkitty - nice lips, what a lovely compliment! Fingers crossed for you that you'll get to enjoy those nice lips again!

I am realising that I have terrible trust issues with men. The physicist is so kind and reassuring, texts me lots and always keen to meet up. But I still find it hard to trust that he won't wake up tomorrow feeling bored of me, which makes me very guarded. I've met 3 guys through OD and each time we get to around 3 mths and they ditch me! I've purposefully tried to date someone very different this time round but the vulnerability of dating is horrible! I am terrified about having hurt feelings again.

MasterP0 · 14/01/2014 15:23

Super I apologise to you and everyone else for hijacking the thread over this ridiculousness.

Flipper934 · 14/01/2014 15:36

Super, I know how you feel. I want to be settled in a nice, secure relationship, not going through all the does he/doesn't he crap over and over. We'll get there, though, and I'd rather go through this to get a goodun than get stuck with another dud.

Ava, you'll be fine. Presumably you know you have things in common, and you'll let someone know where you're going and when you expect to be back? How bad can it be? After all, everyone you know was a stranger, once.

Softkitty, sounds like a gentleman.

Master, to keep people happy, why not try using the italics or bold that MN provide for emphasis?

49howdidthathappen · 14/01/2014 15:44

Sorry Super

That is tough having have had 3 bad experiences. Hope new guy can restore your faith Smile


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49howdidthathappen · 14/01/2014 15:47

Excuse my typo's. I'm still at it Grin

MasterP0 · 14/01/2014 16:26

Flipper It's actually easier/quicker for me to use CAPS as I'm on my iPad or iPhone when I post. To keep the peace I WILL TRY, (You see there I go again), can't promise!

Bant · 14/01/2014 16:31

Thanks Master, I really do appreciate it. I didn't mean to sound like I was telling you what to say, it's just that your writing style seems to be very 'loud', and I'm one of those people who verbalise text automatically when I read it so it's almost like I'm being shouted at by my computer.

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