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Am I being unreasonable to be falling in love in this situation?

342 replies

NotDead · 20/05/2013 17:15


I am a bloke asking for advice. I am confused by the signals from a woman I have always fancied, but with whom we have set our relationship up as almost friends, but with a tension in it that just doesn't fit friendship. She is 15 years younger than me and I first met her when she was about 21. I liked her very much the first time we talked, but I was always very conscious of a professional relationship between us. We chatted away and got on about things that are rare for me to share with people. She is not the type who jumps into relationships - in fact she had a 6 year relationship with someone who seemed dramatically unlike the person one would expect her to be with (she is really interesting, into alternative music and dressing differently - he was Mr straight and dull) She is the type to talk a great deal about sex with me - certain things I would like to try, she would also like to try. I, of course, am desperate to do them with her, and yet she seems more generally interested. Try as I might to be sensitive about entering into physical contact, though, she seems to give me so few signals that I can never be sure whether she wants anything from me or not, but I am crazy about her. Partly I know this is down to my tendency to only really make a move on women when I am a few glasses down - whereas I think she sees being too drunk as a less genuine state and so that situation - of mutual inhibition loss - is less likely. I worried that the age gap was too much and so was always looking for signals from her. These seem to come partially - in the sense we talk online after long gaps of not seeing or speaking to each other - but not fully - in the sense that when we meet, I am dying to make physical contact/kiss etc, but we never do. I saw her for a weekend recently and she said beforehand that she would put me up in her living room. Perhaps I was being too gentlemanly but when we got back I said I was happy with that, but in reality I wanted desperately to spend the night in her bed with her - though I know getting it together with someone you really like as opposed to just vaguely fancy is always difficult and probably more so with this age gap.

Our relationship in between these meetings got a bit distant partly because of geographical distance, and partly because of lot of negative stuff in my life that meant I found it difficult to share. With her, I felt that the last things she needed was a friend with difficulties. I have noticed though that as soon as she split up with her long term boyfriend, she contacted me - but I was deep in family bereavement and unable to really connect with anyone.

In that interim time, to my sadness and yes, jealousy, I found that she had been dating someone older than me. This made me feel so sad, as it sort of suggested a. that age wasn't the issue I thought and b that perhaps our 'thing' had opened up the possibility of older men to her.

On our last meet-up - ostensibly as friends - when I look back, she asked me how many people I have slept with, we talked about how she wants a baby before she is 30, about where her career might go and about how my being in a good relationship could help me get what I want out of life - all things that on reflection sound so much like she wants me too that the lack of signals I can trust just confuses me more. I sometimes wonder if I have been spoilt by seeing women who are more confident about approaching men.

Anyway, the thing is that after our last weekend together I was both incredibly sad to be leaving her, but also elated. I finally realised that I was falling in love with her - or at least, I was finding it hard not to want to talk to her every five minutes - I have thought about her every day since. I kinda broke discipline and confessed to her that I fantasise about her sexually - partly because I know she has particular fantasies that we discussed - but partly because I think a conventional 'love' approach might be too uncomfortable for her - but secretly I have more fantasies like this than I do sexual ones. I think that through this, and some silly self-ridiculing boasting when we first met, she thinks me not serious. I suspect also that some of her male friends have warned her off me - but with their own agenda. I don't really know what advice I am looking for, but I can't work her out and perhaps you can help me? Of course, in the state I am in, not being able to work her out makes me giddy with even more appreciation for her - I've got it bad haven't I?!:)

Any advice seriously welcome. :(

OP posts:
KittyVonCatsworth · 20/05/2013 22:46

Can I also advise against anything you may see on the Internet called 'Pussy Cream'. It intimates nice frothiness and creaminess, where actually it means sitting in an ice cold bath for 2 hours lapping water into deep crevices of the chuff.

Also, Deep Heat is a no no.

Just sayin

cherhorowitz · 20/05/2013 22:47

An ex boyfriend of mine once showered with tea tree oil shampoo as I'd run out of shower gel. That was an experience to be heard. He deserved it, the tosser, even if it was a bit premature for his wankeriness.


Also, 'av ya called her yet? Recordings or it didn't happen.

AnyFucker · 20/05/2013 23:01

I think he was her teacher.

Deny, or it's TRUE

cherhorowitz · 20/05/2013 23:03

You strike me as the kind of scholarly chap who erases what he wrote down the board with his hips as he writes up top.

MrsTerryPratchett · 20/05/2013 23:26

Nah AnyFucker he was her Prof. I have a tenner on it.

FightingFires · 20/05/2013 23:30

Still laughing at 'Feathery Stroker' probably always will Grin

cherhorowitz · 20/05/2013 23:31

What do you reckon Charmer is doing right now? Do you think he's got the MN app and is watching us all plotting his revenge while simultaneously texting Princess Twinkletoes about how he's just heard of a champagne blow job and would that be something she's interested in?

Bet he's writing angsty hatemail to the poor wealthy sods just that aren't good enough for PT with a pro's and con's list of all the reasons why he's so much better for her and their fantasy healthy relationship. He supports her dreams and ambition like they never will.

cherhorowitz · 20/05/2013 23:34

The fantasist in me wants to believe he's manned up, put his dick in a wrapped box and they're now shagging furiously through the night.

Feverishly waiting on an update OP.

Shaky · 20/05/2013 23:35

My DP is a "Feathery Stroker" He hardly ever gets laid.

SomewhereBeyondTheSea · 20/05/2013 23:35

I think I love this thread. Does that make me an awful high street harridan?

cherhorowitz · 20/05/2013 23:38

You can join me. I'll make us badges. Or pillows, depending on what you want.

cherhorowitz · 20/05/2013 23:39

Shaky, chain him to the bed. He can't feathery stroke you if the fucker can't touch you.

If you wanted to add the extra dynamic to your sexual tryst you could sing MC Hammer to him and bounce to the beat.

SomewhereBeyondTheSea · 20/05/2013 23:40

I can't stop thinking that this is why I'm single. Oh well. Wank pillow it is for me please.

KittyVonCatsworth · 20/05/2013 23:41

I think the only thing ND is doing now is firing up some knuckle-children . It was looking oh so positive or a while there......could've been a right fairy tale ending too.

LessMissAbs · 20/05/2013 23:45

When I think back of all the guys I've liked and would have said yes to, but nothing ever happened, its because one of the following has not happened:

  • the man hasn't asked me out or made a move
  • the man has made a move in an inappropriate setting (at work, in a car park, when drunk would also do it for me, if its someone I know who knows how to get in touch with me more appropriately)
  • the man has faffed around for so long I've lost interest, particularly when theres long gaps between seeing him. You can't sustain interest indefinitely.

To expand, there are women who will make the first move on a man, but you cannot count on her being one of them. Personally I've never had to, and I don't think I would really respect a man who couldn't make the first move too much, although thats just personal preference.

As for the older man thing, I would hope that at least one of the advantages would be that they would have worked out how to kiss a woman and/or ask her out!

I think you faff around too much. As above, you need to man up. You are doing all this projecting ("fantasy" appears to be the word you use most often) and all this yearning, but anyone with any gumption would have simply laid their cards on the table by now and been very clear and obvious. Even with the way you write is so prevaricatory. Have you not even kissed her? If you have spent so much time together alone, she almost certainly thinks you are not interested/not serious/gay and in the closet/too much hassle.

Men who don't ask women out end up in the situation you are in. Its easily solved, but are you capable?
cherhorowitz · 20/05/2013 23:47

Look at LessMiss being all sensible.

Tenner on him writing angsty notes. He'll lie, of course, so I'll win.

AnyFucker · 20/05/2013 23:56

I think Op is currently scraping off his third best blob of chewing gum from the headboard and popping it in his mouth

and reading "Flowers in the Attic" under the duvet with a torch

Shaky · 20/05/2013 23:56

Cher I like your thinking. I may just do that and go and sleep in the conservatory again

MaggieMaggieMaggieMcGill · 20/05/2013 23:57

I must agree with the pedestal comment, I found a lot of "oh women want this and should have that" going on in your posts ND.
Don't make assumptions about what people want or need, the best way to find out that sort of stuff is to ask and then listen carefully to what the person says.
The best way to resolve this situation is to ask her out. If she says no, it might hurt a bit but it's got to be better than this limbo, right.
If she says yes, take her out, do something special but dont go in with any expectations, take the time to listen to her and her expectations and be honest with both her and yourself as to whether you think you are capable of fufililling them, not just for her happiness but also your own!
If she ums and ahs and is wishy washy with her answer, walk away, this most likely means she is a game player and best avoided.

Shaky · 20/05/2013 23:59

While he is still chained to the bed. Obvs

AnyFucker · 21/05/2013 00:02

I think that is a suitable punishment for a feathery stroker

I went out with one once. Eventually I snapped and screamed "just fucking shag me, for the love of Christ !"

it didn't last < sigh >

cherhorowitz · 21/05/2013 00:03

Grab yourself a Brew while you're in there. Let him stew.

Maggie has some good advice OP, you should listen to her. You have to listen to what SHE wants not what YOU want of HER.


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cherhorowitz · 21/05/2013 00:04

Don't scream at her OP. Please.

LessMissAbs · 21/05/2013 00:08

*Cher. Look at LessMiss being all sensible.

Tenner on him writing angsty notes. He'll lie, of course, so I'll win

On reading more (I usually only read the first page before posting) I agree with you all. Shit or get off the pot, OP. Or at least self-publish, and spare us all this.

Is "Feathery Stroker" an actual mumsnet term, along the lines of the wonderful "cocklodger" then?

Now I do believe the actual, technical term for the condition is histrionic.

Shaky · 21/05/2013 00:10

AF My dp is STILL a feathery stroker, despite spending a fortune on getting a conservatory.

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