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Am I being unreasonable to be falling in love in this situation?

342 replies

NotDead · 20/05/2013 17:15


I am a bloke asking for advice. I am confused by the signals from a woman I have always fancied, but with whom we have set our relationship up as almost friends, but with a tension in it that just doesn't fit friendship. She is 15 years younger than me and I first met her when she was about 21. I liked her very much the first time we talked, but I was always very conscious of a professional relationship between us. We chatted away and got on about things that are rare for me to share with people. She is not the type who jumps into relationships - in fact she had a 6 year relationship with someone who seemed dramatically unlike the person one would expect her to be with (she is really interesting, into alternative music and dressing differently - he was Mr straight and dull) She is the type to talk a great deal about sex with me - certain things I would like to try, she would also like to try. I, of course, am desperate to do them with her, and yet she seems more generally interested. Try as I might to be sensitive about entering into physical contact, though, she seems to give me so few signals that I can never be sure whether she wants anything from me or not, but I am crazy about her. Partly I know this is down to my tendency to only really make a move on women when I am a few glasses down - whereas I think she sees being too drunk as a less genuine state and so that situation - of mutual inhibition loss - is less likely. I worried that the age gap was too much and so was always looking for signals from her. These seem to come partially - in the sense we talk online after long gaps of not seeing or speaking to each other - but not fully - in the sense that when we meet, I am dying to make physical contact/kiss etc, but we never do. I saw her for a weekend recently and she said beforehand that she would put me up in her living room. Perhaps I was being too gentlemanly but when we got back I said I was happy with that, but in reality I wanted desperately to spend the night in her bed with her - though I know getting it together with someone you really like as opposed to just vaguely fancy is always difficult and probably more so with this age gap.

Our relationship in between these meetings got a bit distant partly because of geographical distance, and partly because of lot of negative stuff in my life that meant I found it difficult to share. With her, I felt that the last things she needed was a friend with difficulties. I have noticed though that as soon as she split up with her long term boyfriend, she contacted me - but I was deep in family bereavement and unable to really connect with anyone.

In that interim time, to my sadness and yes, jealousy, I found that she had been dating someone older than me. This made me feel so sad, as it sort of suggested a. that age wasn't the issue I thought and b that perhaps our 'thing' had opened up the possibility of older men to her.

On our last meet-up - ostensibly as friends - when I look back, she asked me how many people I have slept with, we talked about how she wants a baby before she is 30, about where her career might go and about how my being in a good relationship could help me get what I want out of life - all things that on reflection sound so much like she wants me too that the lack of signals I can trust just confuses me more. I sometimes wonder if I have been spoilt by seeing women who are more confident about approaching men.

Anyway, the thing is that after our last weekend together I was both incredibly sad to be leaving her, but also elated. I finally realised that I was falling in love with her - or at least, I was finding it hard not to want to talk to her every five minutes - I have thought about her every day since. I kinda broke discipline and confessed to her that I fantasise about her sexually - partly because I know she has particular fantasies that we discussed - but partly because I think a conventional 'love' approach might be too uncomfortable for her - but secretly I have more fantasies like this than I do sexual ones. I think that through this, and some silly self-ridiculing boasting when we first met, she thinks me not serious. I suspect also that some of her male friends have warned her off me - but with their own agenda. I don't really know what advice I am looking for, but I can't work her out and perhaps you can help me? Of course, in the state I am in, not being able to work her out makes me giddy with even more appreciation for her - I've got it bad haven't I?!:)

Any advice seriously welcome. :(

OP posts:
zippey · 20/05/2013 21:07

You've told her your fantasy of her and you having sex. TMI but, thats enough to give someone a hint. If she hasnt responded its probably because she feels a bit creeped out.

You come across as a bit needy and desperate for her attension, traits usually unnatractive to women.

If you wanted to give it one last try, wheres the harm in asking her out for a dinner date or something? If you get your feelings hurt, so be it, but at least you will know. Life is too short to be playing these games and feeling miserable while doing it.

And if it doesnt work out, chin up, plenty more fish in the sea!

Mollydoggerson · 20/05/2013 21:08

Send her flowers with an invite to dinner. Stop all the shite and just get on with it. She fancies you too!

Back2Two · 20/05/2013 21:14

You sound like you're being a bit of a "feathery stroker" and, in general women don't go for this type of approach/ man

Shaky · 20/05/2013 21:18

Just ask her out for gods sake

Shaky · 20/05/2013 21:24

One word of advice from me. Do NOT be a feathery stroker. You are more likely to get a black eye than a blow job!

Feathery strokery fuckwittery is just plain old, celibate, non fuckery. IMHO

KittyVonCatsworth · 20/05/2013 21:33

Ok, ok, WTF is a feathery stroker??!

LemonPeculiarJones · 20/05/2013 21:40

NotDead you need to clarify what your professional/client relationship was, I think, as BOF says.

SacreBlue · 20/05/2013 21:43

You could ask her directly if she would like to go out with you.

From the content of your posts it would seem you have created a fantasy world around each interaction, imagining what she was thinking rather than asking her - that is not an attractive trait.

From the tone of your latter posts it seems you have difficulty responding when the reality differ from your fantasies - becoming prickly as said upthread, imo when you are not being told what you want to hear.

I don't think she is interested but the only way to know is to ask. Just be prepared and polite if you are turned down.

Back2Two · 20/05/2013 21:43

Kitty this is from the urban dictionary:

The expression "Feathery Stroker" comes from Marian Keys' book "Anybody out there", where one of the main character's friends tell her about a man that instead of ripping her clothes of, he lay there stroking her carefully as if he was stroking a feather. Her friend on the other hand, experienced it as one of the worst days of her life.
Jaqueline: Ugh, I just had the worst night ever.
Anna: Why?
Jaqueline: I met a Feathery Stroker.
Anna: Really? What happened?
Jaquelina: He was just laying there in my bed, stroking me like a fragile feather, while I was waiting for him to tear my clothes off and fuck me.
Anna: Oh lord, I'm so sorry.

cherhorowitz · 20/05/2013 21:57

Rolling at feathery stroker Grin.

SacreBlue is spot on. You are fantasising what you want her to be doing or thinking rather than asking her outright and this isn't attractive. She knows what she wants, she knows what she finds attractive and if you can't ask her outright there's no hope in hell of a relationship. Treading around the situation isn't going to make things better or worse.

I really really hope this isn't a care professional and client relationship.

KittyVonCatsworth · 20/05/2013 22:03

Waaaaaaahahaha!!! Fantastic B2T! Fark me, we've all been privy to a poncy feather stroker before, I think! Class! Yep, ND, being a feather stroker is not going win the heart of the fair maiden. Turn up at her flat, bottle of champagne and demand a champagne blowjob! Take charge of the situation!

Feather stroker

cherhorowitz · 20/05/2013 22:06

I want a champagne blow job. It's a shame I don't have a dick. If you're not using yours OP, can I borrow it?

cherhorowitz · 20/05/2013 22:06

That was mean. Wine on a school night should be banned. I'm sorry.

KittyVonCatsworth · 20/05/2013 22:08

I think it has the same effect on the mouses ear cherhorowitz (so I've read in, errrrrrm, Take a Break)

AnyFucker · 20/05/2013 22:13

Feathery strokers need fucking shooting. < gavel >

AnyFucker · 20/05/2013 22:14

OP, if Princess TippyToes turns you down, don't call her a bastard will you ?

cherhorowitz · 20/05/2013 22:16

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AnyFucker · 20/05/2013 22:18

cher, do I know you under moniker, m'dear ?

I like the cut if your jib Smile

cherhorowitz · 20/05/2013 22:20

I am not moniker but I wish I was. I bet she has a better body than me, the bitch.

I am a long time lurker, some time poster who recently NC'd because I felt a bit of a 90's revival after getting pissed up pleasantly tipsy at the weekend and finding myself on the bad side of YouTube (teen comedies).

somethingwillturnup · 20/05/2013 22:21

I very rarely comment on here, mainly because I think there are much better qualified people for the job....

but good grief!

That is all

AnyFucker · 20/05/2013 22:24

I am none the wiser cher, but welcome to Posterdom Grin

cherhorowitz · 20/05/2013 22:29

I'm expecting there to be a Postergate with outing and nipples and things


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Lovecat · 20/05/2013 22:35


(someone on here recommended that as something lovely n' sexy and I decided to give one to DH as a nice surprise. Hah! He screamed, recoiled and asked me why I hated him so much I'd dip his manhood in battery acid...)

Rather more germanely, why haven't you answered BOF's question, OP? What was the nature of your client/service relationship?

BOF · 20/05/2013 22:42

Yes, the champagne is not a good idea, despite anything Cosmo might tell impressionable young women. Neither will mouthwash give him "a refreshing minty zing". It will end in a trip to casualty with bits of his knob peeling off.

Lovecat · 20/05/2013 22:43


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