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How long were you together before you were engaged?

135 replies

Coffee1Sugar · 22/03/2013 17:57

Just wondering really! Dp and I have been together 14 months, lived together 4 months (not engaged yet btw!), my sister has just got engaged after 7 weeks so all my family a bit sceptical.

OP posts:
Startail · 23/03/2013 11:07

Six weeks, I think we knew from our first date (which lasted all weekend).
I was 20, he was 23.

We lived together at weekends and married two years later, when we could be in the same city.

That first weekend was 25 years ago last week!
We have two beautiful DDs (15&12) we are still best friends and yes we do fight, pretty nastily at times, but we've had plenary of practice at making up Grin

Roisin · 23/03/2013 11:27

We got engaged after 4 weeks, (though we were best friends for a year before then).
Got married 4 months later.
Twenty years' wedding anniversary this year: so it worked for us.

shartsi · 23/03/2013 11:33

4 months.

Losingexcessweight · 23/03/2013 13:06

I got engaged after being together 4 months, got married exactly one year and 2 days after we first met when I was nearly 6 months pregnant.

Been married 9 months.

elQuintoConyo · 23/03/2013 13:17

Met October1998 (me 23, dh 25)
Engaged March 2009
Married May 2010
DS came along December 2011

So, 15 years together this Autum. Christ on a rubber bike!!

scrumpkin · 23/03/2013 13:21

He told me we would get married on our first date Smile

Officially proposed after about a year but had had the ring for 8 months "waiting for the right moment"

Married 6 weeks later.

Have been married 8 years and have 5 children Envy

3MenAndMe · 23/03/2013 13:27

DH proposed after 6 months,than we got married 4 months later....
Will be 12 years this year since we are together,feels really strange as all feels like yesterday...;)

abbyfromoz · 23/03/2013 13:37

Proposed after 2. Married after 3. 3 year wedding anniversary coming up early May.

Estherbelle · 23/03/2013 14:50

Been together for 20 months, living together for 3 months - no engagement yet, although we've both said we see marriage as part of our future together. Ideally I'd love for to get engaged on our second anniversary. If he doesn't ask me after 3 years, I think I will be a bit miffed!

After about 6 months together, my friend's DP said to her: "I'm going to propose to you next year." 10 years later, she's still waiting! That would seriously piss me off!!

OneHolyCow · 23/03/2013 15:11

3 days.. had to move country so the wedding was a few months later, 9 months. We're now together for 3 years and still happy as pigs in s*. Grin

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