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How long were you together before you were engaged?

135 replies

Coffee1Sugar · 22/03/2013 17:57

Just wondering really! Dp and I have been together 14 months, lived together 4 months (not engaged yet btw!), my sister has just got engaged after 7 weeks so all my family a bit sceptical.

OP posts:
coldethyl · 22/03/2013 19:59

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Domjolly · 22/03/2013 19:59

Op i think you dont need to worry there enegaed not martied after 7 weeks its likey to take at least a year to plan a nice wedding

ShatnersBassoon · 22/03/2013 20:00

About 4 years I think. Didn't seem very long, back in the days when we had lots of fun and money!

RibenaFiend · 22/03/2013 20:14

DP and I have been together for 2 1/2 years. We're still not engaged. Hmm I hope he will be proposing this year.

LadyLapsang · 22/03/2013 20:16

DH proposed after 8 months, we were engaged for just over a year and have been married for 26 years.

Trekkie · 22/03/2013 20:17

2 months Blush

Married the following year and will be 7 years in a couple of months Smile

It does seem a bit nuts but sometimes it works... I was in my early 30s with a lot of experience under my belt so knew a good thing when I happened across it!

bigTillyMint · 22/03/2013 20:18

About 18months? We got married exactly 4 years after we first metSmile

EndoplasmicReticulum · 22/03/2013 20:23

Didn't really get engaged, just married, after 10 years.

tumbletumble · 22/03/2013 20:34

5 years. Got married a year later. Now coming up to our 10th anniversary.

Squitten · 22/03/2013 20:41

5yrs, living together for 3. Got married the following year

MidnightMasquerader · 22/03/2013 20:46

We got engaged after 2 years and 3 months - it would have been a lot sooner Han that but for a specific reason.

I'd be a bit skeptical if someone close to me got engaged in a very short time, but would be more than happy to be proved wrong. Well, I'd be way more happy to be proved wrong than right!

robotpenguin · 22/03/2013 21:03

I'm always interested in threads like these! I met DP via internet dating, got a house together after 7 months and got engaged another 3 months after that... both 30 something and it just felt right to do - have been in a couple of long term relationships before to the point of moving in, shared finances etc but never before had the overwhelming feeling that I wanted to grow old with the other half as I did the moment I met DP. Nothing has changed years down the line from that instant first date buzz, my stomach still flips when he comes back from work to our lovely house and family, so it definitely wasn't too rushed/mistaken! There is no set timeframe or expectations to emotions and feelings.

digerd · 22/03/2013 21:05

Met in May 1975 - love at first sight. Long distance relationship for 9 years. Married Jan 1984. Lost him to cancer 1997. He was the only man I ever wanted to marry. If we had not met, neither of us would have got married.

NinaHeart · 22/03/2013 21:07

4.5 years.
I proposed to Dh after 2 years and he said no. He's bloody lucky I held on a while longer.
Now married 2 years.

MonkeyBlossom · 22/03/2013 21:11

Been together 10 years. Long distance for first 5, living together 5 years, engaged aug '11. 3 y/o dd and ds due in 4 weeks. :)

Jayne266 · 22/03/2013 21:57

10 month

Schooldidi · 22/03/2013 22:05

7 years so far. No plans to get engaged/married, but we're very happy together mostly.

Dd1's father managed to get engaged and married within the 6 months between us splitting up and dd1 being born. I have no idea if they're still together, but based on his family's history I would suspect not.

hobbknob · 22/03/2013 22:08

We got engaged after 9 years together. We're still engaged two years later, no set plans to marry yet, we just don't rush things!
We've lived together for 7 years.

Weissdorn · 22/03/2013 22:09

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Weissdorn · 22/03/2013 22:10

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MrsBW · 22/03/2013 22:12

1 year and 11 months to the day. We married 5 months after that. Blissfully happy.

TequilaMockinBird · 22/03/2013 22:14

6 months for us, and got married 15 months later.


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DeadWomanWalking · 22/03/2013 22:14

Moved in together and got engaged after 3 months. I was very young (17) and everyone was very sceptical. We were engaged for 4 years before we got married. Been together 18 years now, married for 14. Smile

Lavenderhoney · 23/03/2013 03:50

4 months married a year later, it's 7 years now:)

Wishfulmakeupping · 23/03/2013 04:44

10 years we were only 19 when we met

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