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Summer '20 Grads Part III

999 replies

SmileyT · 14/09/2020 16:20

@Dipsy77 ❤️❤️ 15th September
@Mococo1 ❤️ 16th September EDD 27th March
@zippityzip ❤️ 18th September EDD 29th March
@mrsmummy1111 ❤️ 21st September EDD 3rd April
@Sausage1990 ❤️28th September EDD 20th April
@smileyT 💚 2nd October 🧡 26th October EDD 15th March
@mrsI2020 💚 2nd October EDD 22nd May
@cocoblue22 💚 3rd October EDD 12th March
@littleRa 🧡 14th October EDD 8th March

@noble89 EDD 25th March
@fairylights2 EDD 1st April
@eloise27 EDD 8th April
@Lettie365 - EDD 11th April
@Ltay2 EDD 11th April
@Madz123 - EDD 13th April
@blodyn91 - EDD 14th April
@samilicious EDD 16th April
@Mustbemad82 EDD 20th April
@MrsEmilyB EDD 30th April
@Catherinettc EDD 19th May
@Blondi3 EDD 25th May
@Sophi123 EDD 25th May

💚 extra scans ❤️ 12w scans 🧡 20w scans

OP posts:
Ltay2 · 15/09/2020 13:52

@mrsmummy1111 @zippityzip @Bl0ndi3 thank you! I have a 7 day free trial box of pregnacare that I got in Bounty pack from the midwife so I think I'll trial them and see how I go, I'll probably just end up going for a cheaper option though! I think the only reason for the recommendation to switch was just for the added benefit of the other vitamins/?nutrients a multi vitamin would provide rather than just folic acid and vitD.

Bl0ndi3 · 15/09/2020 13:57

@Ltay2 I've been taking the Asda ones for about 4 months now As they were suitable for conception too and I'm sure they are like £3.60 or something and the seven seas was around £4 in body care but not tried them yet x

blodyn91 · 15/09/2020 14:15

@Ltay2 yes there will be iron and B vitamins in the pregnancy ones which is definitely quite important. Im low iron despite eating plenty of red meat. Precare does make me a little ill so take them everyother day after super, and feel fine when I do that. Might swap for an own brand cheap one next time.

@Bl0ndi3 the difference is crazy! Definitely looking like a much healthier bean in there this time!

@SmileyT my social life is pretty much non existent 🙈 my friend all live too far away. I really hope we get this new house and its like a new beginning, can make new friends with other parents to be and join some local community club, maybe knitting so I can make some blankets 🤣

Bl0ndi3 · 15/09/2020 14:26

@blodyn91 isn't it, my 15dpo last time looks like
My 10dpo this time 😂

Hoping that it does mean this is a healthy and sticky little jelly bean 🥰🥰

I've felt absolutely fine on these Asda ones so you should definitely give them a try. I'm sure I've read somewhere that boots own are really good and help with nausea, though I could be mistaken.

I liked the sound of these seven seas ones with the added ginger to help with nausea but I'll see how I go with them if/when my nausea starts.

I actually celebrated that my boobs were getting sore this morning as so far the only symptom I've had is cramping but I've had that since ovulation anyway 🙃

samilicious · 15/09/2020 14:45

@SmileyT your mate - what a legend! Did she rate the sleepyhead then? Trying to decide what's worth the price tags on baby stuff is driving me nuts

@Bl0ndi3 very good sign on your lines 🥰 great to see

@blodyn91 having a proper base and support network is deffo important, looking forward to hearing your updates on the house stuff 😊

@Cocoblue22 we're all getting girls on there! I think it's a swizz

I preordered my pram and car seat because I just proper fell for it. It's in the garage in boxes until I feel like it's past a safe enough point to look 😅 they said I can take it back full refund if anything bad happens. I got the Cosatto one, but a Paloma Faith design with little tigers and tropical birds on it. Hope I don't regret getting a really "out-there" design 😂

zippityzip · 15/09/2020 15:20

@samilicious I checked the Chinese calendar and it's right for the first two kids.
Says this one will be a girl too 😂 three girls. God help my husband.

Is everyone finding out the sex or having a surprise??

mrsmummy1111 · 15/09/2020 16:26

Oooooh how do I check the Chinese calendar @zippityzip ?!

We're having a surprise but I can't wait to show you girls the 20 week scan and see what your guesses are!!

Ltay2 · 15/09/2020 16:35

@blodyn91 Defo think I need more iron. I'm going to have a look in Boots tonight they have 3 for 2 offers on a lot of vitamins at the minute so hopefully can stock up! I also need to take aspirin from 12-36 weeks due to my increased risk of pre eclampsia.

blodyn91 · 15/09/2020 16:58

@samilicious just googled it! Love that desigm 😍 If my OH wasn't so fussy I would 100% go for an out there pattern that was gender neutral. But he is insisting on black 😩
@Ltay2 if you are low iron definitely get them multivitamins! You'll feel way better.
Thanks for all the house messages, its hard jeeping both that and ttc journey secret from everyone!

samilicious · 15/09/2020 17:03

@mrsmummy1111 this is the link I used:

@zippityzip hahaaa! The future is female 😎

@blodyn91 I just hope it works ok! Found a dead good review on YouTube of a normal mum (not a swanky influencer) who'd had the pram for a few years and liked it functionally, so hopefully won't be in tears in the Asda parking lot trying to dismantle it 😂 At least if it's more neutral there's less chance you'll need to change it / start disliking it as time goes on/if you have more babies x

Bl0ndi3 · 15/09/2020 17:05

@zippityzip I'll be having a scan to find out the sex around Christmas time so I can do the reveal as a Christmas Day thing 😍😍 I'll be around 18 weeks by then

mrsmummy1111 · 15/09/2020 17:19

Thanks @samilicious !!!

According to that I'm having a girl 🤷🏻‍♀️ I based it on my current due date based on my LMP and also what I think my due date will be changed to based on how many days ahead I have been for both scans (2 days ahead for both) and both times it says girl.

Truthfully I can say I'd be happy either way. With DS we (secretly) would've both loved a boy, but this time it feels like a win win. If it's a boy then I'll be thrilled that DS has a brother to grow up with, we are a very female heavy family, and if it's a girl then amazing, I've always imagined myself with a girl. Although we would like to have one more (maybe two, if my body allows) so plenty of time to build our little army!

Is anyone else not finding out?

mrsmummy1111 · 15/09/2020 17:19

[quote Bl0ndi3]@zippityzip I'll be having a scan to find out the sex around Christmas time so I can do the reveal as a Christmas Day thing 😍😍 I'll be around 18 weeks by then [/quote]
How special!

Bl0ndi3 · 15/09/2020 17:58

@zippityzip I know I'm so glad it falls nicely for Christmas, already been thinking how I could do it haha because you know I like to think way way in the future!

We usually open presents as a whole family at my dads house on Christmas Day so I'll maybe wrap something for my dad to open in front of everybody 🥺😭🥰

Mococo1 · 15/09/2020 18:30

@Bl0ndi3 what a lovely idea! That would be amazing I would film it if you can- we filmed our parents reactions and I filmed DH reacting! I don't know why I have an iNkling yours is a girl already!

@samilicious what a lush pram!

@zippityzip I'm so impatient so il find out to bring myself to terms with it not being a girl 🤣

Btw ladies I think it's any tablet tho that can make u feel sick for me it's the sheer act of swollen it that makes me want to vom x

Ltay2 · 15/09/2020 18:36

@samilicious I love that pram design too! I've been looking at Cosatto, think I will go with 'fika forest' as it's colourful without being toooo out there for OH 😂 which model of pram did you go for?

@blodyn91 I've now got 3 months worth of pregnacare tablets plus the 7 days free pack so I'm set!

SmileyT · 15/09/2020 18:36

@samilicious OMG I'd looked at that exact pram you got and it's bloody gorgeous 😍😍 well her baby is 10weeks and he has already outgrown the sleepyhead so probably not good value for money, considering she was in hospital for a week after C-sec so max 9 weeks of use (he is a monster baby, gorgeous but massive, like 60cm at birth 🤣) she also has an egg pram, arguably the worst choice for a long baby 🙈

@blodyn91 yeah I actually moved last year and most of my friends aren't super local but because I work in central London I see them straight after work then get the train home. Can't wait for some mum friends that are walking distance from me ☺️

@zippityzip ill just say it again you are a superwoman, bringing up more superwomen ❤️

@mrsmummy1111 yeah she is a good friend and definitely thinking of having more, I'm sure she'll regift some of the newborn bits that he never fit in 😂

@Bl0ndi3 i'm telling my parents after my gender scan for their birthdays, they'll be over the moon if it's a girl... first granddaughter and will be so surprised I'm pregnant ❤️

With everyone talking about multivitamins, I just realised I stopped taking my folic acid, which I think is fine after 12w but also stopped vit D which I don't think I was supposed to do 🙈

OP posts:
Bl0ndi3 · 15/09/2020 18:38

@Mococo1 oh I definitely will be filming it!
my best friend thinks so too so it's funny you've said that but I think it's just wishful thinking on her part haha!

Okay so guys if you remember last time I had used 3 CBD weeks tests and each one said 1-2....

This genuinely made me so so happy!

Summer '20 Grads Part III
LittleRa · 15/09/2020 18:51

I’ve got my first Emma’s diary/Bounty free Mum-to-be pack from Boots... anyone want to know what’s in it, or want a surprise if/when you get one?!

Summer '20 Grads Part III
Dipsy77 · 15/09/2020 18:54

My scan went really well, I've been moved on a day to 14+1 so new due date of 15th March although I will have them 2-3 weeks earlier than that. Twin two was upside down so not a great picture plus ruby has been a nightmare today to say it was her birthday she has cried most of the day due to teething or constipation so going to try celebrate more tomorrow for her xx

Summer '20 Grads Part III
Summer '20 Grads Part III
LittleRa · 15/09/2020 18:57

Congratulations @Dipsy77 amazing scan! And @Bl0ndi3 for the progress 💕

Bl0ndi3 · 15/09/2020 19:29

@LittleRa ooooh I wanna know haha


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Bl0ndi3 · 15/09/2020 19:30

I'm obviously out of the loop on this or forgetful hahaha but OMG twins 🥰🥰🥰🥰 such beautiful scans x

SmileyT · 15/09/2020 19:46

@Dipsy77 OMG how bloody amazing... so happy for you. Sorry Ruby had a bad day but she'll have two little friends to play with on her next birthday. Same due date as me 🙏

@LittleRa ooh what is this bag? I want to know what's in it and how I get one 😂

@Bl0ndi3 yay for 2-3weeks ☺️

OP posts:
LittleRa · 15/09/2020 19:53

@SmileyT if you get the Emma’s diary app it has a redeem code section you tap when you’re in the shop and just ask at the til. It’s under “my club” then “my free packs” on the app. There a mum-to-be bag, a bump-to-baby bag, a labour information pack and a new family bag. The app releases the codes for each pack depending on how far along you are (you enter your own dates).

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