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Summer '20 Grads Part III

999 replies

SmileyT · 14/09/2020 16:20

@Dipsy77 ❤️❤️ 15th September
@Mococo1 ❤️ 16th September EDD 27th March
@zippityzip ❤️ 18th September EDD 29th March
@mrsmummy1111 ❤️ 21st September EDD 3rd April
@Sausage1990 ❤️28th September EDD 20th April
@smileyT 💚 2nd October 🧡 26th October EDD 15th March
@mrsI2020 💚 2nd October EDD 22nd May
@cocoblue22 💚 3rd October EDD 12th March
@littleRa 🧡 14th October EDD 8th March

@noble89 EDD 25th March
@fairylights2 EDD 1st April
@eloise27 EDD 8th April
@Lettie365 - EDD 11th April
@Ltay2 EDD 11th April
@Madz123 - EDD 13th April
@blodyn91 - EDD 14th April
@samilicious EDD 16th April
@Mustbemad82 EDD 20th April
@MrsEmilyB EDD 30th April
@Catherinettc EDD 19th May
@Blondi3 EDD 25th May
@Sophi123 EDD 25th May

💚 extra scans ❤️ 12w scans 🧡 20w scans

OP posts:
Busybee143 · 06/10/2020 19:18

@Sausage1990 so sorry about what your going through - sorry I'm a bit late I'm just catching up now. I'm sending you a big virtual hug, hope everything has gone as OK as it could do, take lots of time for yourself and you do whatever feels right for you. In a situation like this I can honestly say time is a great healer.

Busybee143 · 06/10/2020 19:19

@Ltay2 I think I will join the Facebook group at a later point if that's OK?

Busybee143 · 06/10/2020 19:21

@Mustbemad82 thank you for the advice I've got a scan on Thursday morning to check baby is OK.
@SmileyT love the reveal!!!! What a lovely frame!

zippityzip · 06/10/2020 19:22

@SmileyT You are fucking hilarious. Oh I'm pregnant. Oh you know, just by this guy I've been living with for the last year. 😂

Catherinettc · 06/10/2020 19:35

@zippityzip my fb profile pic 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ xx not having u feeling left out. Plus I'm not fussed about being outed lol xx

Summer '20 Grads Part III
Mrsi2020 · 06/10/2020 19:55

@zippityzip so glad everything’s okay!

@SmileyT love your wee announcement and lmao at your folks only finding out about your bf, bless your dad too, mine would be the exact same as that!

How is everyone today?

I had my scan and all was bang on, she said everything looked perfect and babies heart she said was fast! When did you all find heartbeat on Doppler? Ps I don’t want anyone to tell me not to use one 🙈 I’ve had two kids and it’s what I’ve used to ease my anxiety.... I also know not to mistake the heartbeat for my own and know not to panic if I can’t find it. Tbh tho, I never used it the whole way through just until I could feel my girls kick then I shoved it in a drawer and forgot about it lol xxx

Mrsi2020 · 06/10/2020 19:55

Forgot pic! Xxx

Summer '20 Grads Part III
Mrsi2020 · 06/10/2020 19:56

@Sausage1990 thinking of you today love. Hope you’re ok xxxx

Mrsi2020 · 06/10/2020 19:57

@Catherinettc I wouldn’t mind being outed if I looked like that either! You babe! I expected someone older with the crocheting 🤣 you beaut ! I’m not on fb either! My dh doesn’t do any social media and I only have insta which I keep small! Xxx

Catherinettc · 06/10/2020 20:02

@Mrsi2020 a filter can work wonders trust me 🤣🤣 and I dont look like that today 🤮🤣🤣 xx

mrsmummy1111 · 06/10/2020 20:04

Omg what @SmileyT !!!! How did I miss that GIANT nugget of information? How did the rents take the news?? I bet it actually just feels like a massive weight off your shoulders now. You've told them, it's done, and in amazing circumstances. It's your first baby isn't it? Or do you already have children (sorry I can't remember)

Hahaha really! Didn't quite live up to my username 🤣 I actually feel like my username makes me sound like my name should be Brenda. A bit overweight (cuddly) and my house always smells like baking. Oh and I wear an apron around the house at all times.

Mrsi2020 · 06/10/2020 20:13

Brenda sounds like me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

mrsmummy1111 · 06/10/2020 20:20

Who doesn't love Brenda!

Bl0ndi3 · 06/10/2020 20:29

@SmileyT LMAO I'm pregnant oh by the way I have a boyfriend that's INCREDIBLE 😂😂😂

@mrsmummy1111 I'm cuddly (LOVE IT) and always baking too ❤️ not so much lately haha and my OH is a fireman and his colleagues always complain if I don't send something in weekly with him and I haven't baked since I found out I was pregnant last thing I sent them was gigantic slices of birthday cake 🤷🏼‍♀️

blodyn91 · 06/10/2020 21:00

Barbra 😂😂😂
@SmileyT you can't run away and get married at gretna green now or you really will upset your dad!

MrsEmilyB · 06/10/2020 21:52

@Busybee143 - how far along are you? I had about 3 days of pink discharge around 6/7 weeks. I went for a scan and all was well thankfully but any bleeding or pain is worth getting checked out!

@SmileyT so glad it went well! Bet they're over the moon! 😍

@ltay2 sent a request 🎉🎉

@zippityzip that midwife sounds like a right twerp! Glad the doppler reassured you and the pain settled. I'll post my pic after my annoucement!

Busybee143 · 06/10/2020 22:10

@MrsEmilyB I'm between 10 and 11 weeks, I'm really hoping all is well, glad things are OK with you

Bl0ndi3 · 07/10/2020 07:13

@Mrsi2020 great scan ❤️❤️

I've never been pregnant so can't help you in the Doppler front. If you want to use one then you use one lovely - you know how it works etc so it's a good thing if I helps your anxiety xx

I'd love one too personally but don't think I'd ever know how to do it and I'd just panic myself cause I'm an idiot like that 😂

Bl0ndi3 · 07/10/2020 09:55

FYI I am provisionally NOT selected for redundancy 😍🥰🥳

blodyn91 · 07/10/2020 10:02

Great news Blondi!!!!! Huge relief for you!

Ltay2 · 07/10/2020 10:07

@Bl0ndi3 Yayyyyyy 🥳

Bl0ndi3 · 07/10/2020 10:12

(Sorry cross posted with the group) haha


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Catherinettc · 07/10/2020 10:34

Omg im so bored today. Another week of self isolation to go but im climbing the walls at this point 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ i would love out even for a wee half hour lol. Just me and dd have to do it. School won't let her back till next week and we are getting to the point where we doing really like each other any more 🤣🤣🤣 (she's 13)

Don't even have any symptoms of the Vietnam but neighbour tested positive and I was in her house god sake xx

Catherinettc · 07/10/2020 10:34

Lol at Vietnam 🤣🤣 stupid autocorrect 🤣 virus!!

Mococo1 · 07/10/2020 10:41

@Catherinettc I thought I'd missed a new code word for the virus

@Bl0ndi3 amazing news!! So absolutely happy that you're able to keep your job ❤️

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