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179 replies

OkyDoke · 24/06/2020 13:57


Couldn't see another thread so thought I'd start one! Will tag a few people from last thread!

@Harper04 @Rainbow5SF @Muriel84 @MorgenMuffel @ellensim89 @Peach1204 @Farmer20 @TTCgee @thegirlhasnoname @lydiangel83 @honeysugarbee @BrickingIt37

OP posts:
Thegirlhasnoname · 29/06/2020 10:28

@Em994 I’m knackered all the time and my nipple feel like I’ve been at them with a cheese grater (I remember that from last time but at least then I wasn’t breastfeeding!) but luckily no sickness yet. I escaped sickness last time so hopefully it is the same this time. I’m seeing the midwife tomorrow afternoon in person. A little bit nervous as I’ve deliberately not gone out too much since lockdown has been on but at least I’ve already got a face mask on standby ☺️

How are your symptoms? When are you seeing the midwife?

Em994 · 29/06/2020 11:08

@Thegirlhasnoname how long have you been trying for with this baby?? Did it take long to get pregnant with your first?
I'm pretty much the same tbh, no sickness but sometimes feel sick, nipples are so so so sore! I'm partner keeps "pressing them like a button" and I scream in pain he finds it hilarious I clearly don't hahaha!
I'm seeing the midwife a week tomorrow the 7th July.
So did you have no sickness atall your last pregnancy ? Xxx

BattenburgBerry · 29/06/2020 11:42

Hi @Peach1204 and @Cuwins, snap, I’m the same as you girls, I’m 37, first baby, currently 5+4 by my calculations, due 25th Feb and only been off the pill since mid April.
I’m in the South East too.
Got booking in appointment by phone at end of July but I’m very tempted to have an early private scan, thinking around 9 weeks maybe? I’m hoping my husband will be able to come with me. It doesn’t feel real, I’ve had some light cramping, like period pains and I’m tired. Started feeling a little nauseous first thing in the morning but manageable so far. How do you both feel?

Em994 · 29/06/2020 11:48

@Battenburgberry congratulations! You got caught very fast if you only came off in April! I paid privately for an early scan at 6 weeks and we saw the babies heart beat. Keep us updated if you do book a scan😁

Stef92 · 29/06/2020 11:51

How's everyone feeling today? I've not been nauseous for a few days and I've had a few cramps (normal according to what I've read but does not help my anxiety over this as a FTM I'm unsure what I should be experiencing). I'm either 5+4 (LMP) or 5+6 (cycle length) Just the waiting game now but appointments start next week for me. Work are talking about us going back in the office the week before I will be telling them about the pregnancy!

Cuwins · 29/06/2020 11:55

Hi battenburg, I have booked a private scan at 8 weeks- currently partners are allowed to come to that.

Thegirlhasnoname · 29/06/2020 12:12

@Em994 we weren’t really trying either time (like tracking ovulation etc, just more in the mindset of it it happens then it happens) but I came off the pill in February this time around. Last time it took over a year so we were quite surprised at how quick it was in comparison!

Peach1204 · 29/06/2020 12:32

@BattenburgBerry congratulations! Amazing news. We have a private scan booked for the middle of July when we will be 8+3. I have an appointment for blood tests, will have a midwife call between 7-10 weeks and waiting for the scan letter to come through. That should be around the beginning of August so hoping within the next 6 weeks they change the no partner ruling but if not DH will be at private scans as we will have more than one just for my own sanity and so he can experience it too. First couple of weeks I felt nauseous, recently I've had a couple of days with no symptoms and then a couple of days cramping and the last 2 days I've just been tired. I've just woken up from a nap! Will you find out what you're having? Xxx

Rainbow5SF · 29/06/2020 14:08

Brief update. Another scan today... all fine. Week 7.
Had an app with the nurse. Did my own swabs - strange one. Water sample clear.
Still seems surreal after everything we have been through.

Still nauseous. Real bloat. My boobs are firmer (I'm already a 28gg). And I've got motion sickness.


Em994 · 29/06/2020 18:52

@Rainbow5SF just read your first post about your first scan. Great news you have finally seen baby! Did they do a vaginal ultrasound ? Xxx

Rainbow5SF · 29/06/2020 19:40

@Em994 I had one at 5.5 weeks - internal. At 6 weeks & today it was external. X

SpunBodgeSquarepants · 29/06/2020 19:58

Has anyone on this thread got a high bmi? I'm 6+6 and my bmi is 44 (I know there's not likely to be anyone with a bmi quite that high). Just thought it might be nice to share the experience with someone in the same boat as me :)

princesstiabeanie · 29/06/2020 20:06

Hi everyone! Hope I'm not too late to jump on the thread

I'm just over 6 weeks pregnant (I think from calculating due date online which will be around the 19th Feb - my cycle averages 34 days instead of 28) but have yet to see a midwife or anyone for that matter. I've spoken to my GP and phoned the midwife service who phoned me to get my details and said I'd receive a letter for my booking appointment and dating scan within 2 weeks. That was 2 weeks ago and I haven't heard anything but I'm trying not to panic as obviously appointments are a bit dodgy at the minute. I'm considering paying for a private scan once I'm a bit further on (probably 8/9 weeks so I can actually see something) because I doubt I'll be getting an NHS one any time soon.

I am having some cramping but trying not to worry. This is my first ever pregnancy after struggling due to endometriosis and PCOS and I just feel slightly abandoned! If I had any problems or worries I don't have a midwife to contact and the GP aren't interested because I'm pregnant and they don't deal with pregnant women anymore. It's all very daunting and after 18 months of TTC (and then sort of trying but not trying) it's typical it would happen when there's no support!
I'm sick as all hell every morning and have been for the last week or so, it seems to get worse every day and the last few days I've felt horribly nauseous all day. I'm off my food so I've been eating what I can and I feel exhausted but can't sleep when I want to. I think I'm just a hormonal mess at the minute and I'll feel better after a scan etc for some reassurance. I will have a proper read of the full thread I just wanted to join on and hopefully get a bit of reassurance from reading other people's experiences.

princesstiabeanie · 29/06/2020 20:13

@SpunBodgeSquarepants I have a BMI of 37

Peach1204 · 29/06/2020 20:14

@SpunBodgeSquarepants yes I am. I was dieting before TTC but conceived quicker then I thought we would. Trying to stick to healthy eating as much as possible but then the biscuits help with the nausea. Xxx

Em994 · 30/06/2020 07:55

@princesstiabeanie congratulations on your pregnancy! I would deffinatley suggest getting in contact with the midwife to chase up your appointment. Could you call the GPs and ask for the midwifes triage number to then speak to her if you have any concerns ?
I felt alot of reasurence after paying privately for our first scan we had at 6 weeks.


Cuwins · 30/06/2020 10:38

5+4 today and when I wiped I had a tiny amount of blood on the tissue. Thankfully due to threads on here I know that is common and probably nothing to worry about. Doesn't make it any less scary too see though

FlowersInMyHair85 · 30/06/2020 10:58

Hi all.

Im 7+3 PG (pregnant) with my first child.

Struggling with NVP and been prescribed medication by the GP and signed off for a week.

Really struggling with how crummy I feel and trying to be kind to myself and remember baby is most important.

Anyone else struggling or got any top tips?

Muriel84 · 30/06/2020 17:51

I had my second scan today. Measuring 7 weeks (I thought I was 7+1). Heart beat was going at 130 beats per minute. So lovely to hear and see it. My scan was external, she found the pregnancy straight away.

princesstiabeanie · 30/06/2020 18:30

So I got in touch with my GP because this morning the pain I had was horrendous and I was getting frightened that something wasn't right. No blood or anything (haven't had any spotting at all, no implantation bleed, nothing) but they advised me to go to A&E and be seen just to check me over as I haven't had an appointment with a midwife yet.

I had a scan and luckily everything is absolutely fine, baby is in the right place and I saw the heartbeat. Baby measuring 6 + 4 which matches perfectly to what I thought I was. So I'm home and exhausted but feeling reassured. The pains are most likely endo related so I'll just have to put up with them for now and take it easy. Morning sickness (I say morning; it's all day) is just getting worse and worse but hopefully it will pass soon enough

Thegirlhasnoname · 30/06/2020 18:59

@SpunBodgeSquarepants my BMI is 42 (only found out at my booking appointment as I don’t have scales at home but my clothing size is a lot smaller than I was when I was first pregnant) but I’m on the shorter side which is why it reads bigger.

I’m consultant led due to previous preeclampsia but would’ve been due to higher weight. Your midwife will prescribe you a higher dose of folic acid to take and probably advise you to start taking aspirin too. I’ve never had any comments about my weight though

SpunBodgeSquarepants · 30/06/2020 19:20

@Thegirlhasnoname I had some 5mg folic acid left from when I was last pregnant so have been taking that since I got my bfp and also have put myself on 150mg aspirin a day to be on the safe side! I was consultant led when I had my son 6 years ago and my bmi was only 33...


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JessicaPeach · 30/06/2020 22:34

Hi all, I've not been following this thread for a while but just wanted to remind/let you all know we are over on fb too if anyone is interested. Send me a pm if you'd like to join x

princesstiabeanie · 30/06/2020 23:27

@JessicaPeach I have no idea how to PM but I'd definitely like to join on Facebook!

KittyKatyKate · 01/07/2020 09:09

Hi everyone! I’m completely new to mumsnet. I have been ttc since Oct 2018, had a mc in Dec at 11 weeks, and now I’m 6wks 5days. I had an early scan yesterday as had a bit of spotting but everything is ok and I saw the heartbeat so feeling much more hopeful this time round :)

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