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When did you get stretch marks???

166 replies

Writerwannabe83 · 23/01/2014 17:33

I'm 31 weeks tomorrow and people are always quick to ask me if I've got stretch marks yet...

Does everyone get them.....and when??

OP posts:
BOFtastic · 27/01/2014 01:37

I didn't get any, and didn't moisturise at all. I think it just depends on your skin. Dd2 has got loads just frm a puberty growth spurt. I'm sure some people are just prone to them, no matter what they do. They generally fade, and they aren't unattractive in any way- just a little bit of history on your body.

principalitygirl · 27/01/2014 07:46

Just a single child here and not a single stretch mark. I felt v lucky until I realised I have separated ab muscles so still look a bit pregnant 18 mths after giving birth. Doing all the toning exercises I can... :( Would prefer stretch marks tbh. At least you can keep them hidden with clothing usually.

soupmaker · 27/01/2014 10:40

Had DD1 at 37, put on about a couple of stone, no stretch marks. Rubbed Mama Mio oil and cream day and night into my bump. Felt oh so smug.

Had DD2 at 42. Put on a couple of stone but was considerably heavier when I started. Every now and again shoved some bio oil on my bump. Still felt oh so smug.

Week 39, had a look in the full length mirror. A mass of purple stretch marks on the underside of my bump!

They've faded and now I quite like them.

feekerry · 27/01/2014 13:56

last pg didn't get any. put on about 2.5 stone, went to 42+1. babe nearly 9lbs. not a single mark.
this pg (38 weeks now) only put on about 11bs so far, absolutely covered in them!!! big deep purple ones (sad)

ShowMeSaturn · 27/01/2014 14:25

Cucumber Yep (ouch!) Old fashioned London Catholic family with a bit of rumoured gypsy thrown in, so proper breeders.
She literally popped one out every year.
What is sad, is that after all those years bringing up children, when she developed severe dementia in her 70s, of all the surviving 16 grown up children, only one offered to take her in to his home rather than send her into care - and he was a property developer at the time. Unsurprisingly, she had to sell her bungalow...

AbbyJohnson · 07/01/2016 04:57

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hannahbanananana · 07/01/2016 17:14

Shocked at how many people didn't get stretch marks! I am 38 weeks and absolutely covered in them and have been since 25 weeks! They are awful and everywhere Sad

goodnightdarthvader1 · 07/01/2016 20:42

Mine started about 30 weeks, getting more every day!

Luckygirlcharlie · 07/01/2016 21:50

None here yet. Ds1 went to 42 wks and was 10.5lbs o I'm hopeful will be clear this time too as ds2 seems smaller! 31 wks now.

goodnessgraciousgoudaoriginal · 08/01/2016 09:40

I totally disagree with the "you'll get them if you'll get them" mentality. I think a very small minority of people will never get stretch marks no matter what they do, a small minority will get them no matter WHAT they do, and for everyone else, getting them and the extent of how bad they are will depend on how you treat your body.

I have an absolute ton of very noticeable stretch marks from puberty all across my hips, my arse...etc, but at 41 weeks pregnant I only have a couple of very small, light coloured ones just above my navel.

Differences have been:

  • I never used body lotion as a teenager, and have used it religiously every day since finding out I was pregnant
  • I have made big efforts to drink LOADS of water and fluids whilst pregnant
  • I kept active and kept on doing low impact sports up until recently, which helps circulation and helped a lot in any spikes in weight gain.

That said, I think if someone is having multiples then they are screwed from the get go....
Autumn2014 · 08/01/2016 13:34

In pregnancy I got them on my thighs and hips, but not my tummy. And postnatal on my boobs. I didn't go to full term so don't know of that makes a difference. Wondering if I will get more in this new pregnancy.

dogvcatcat · 08/01/2016 13:43

32 weeks here and they've just started turning up.

ouryve · 08/01/2016 13:46

OP's child is nearly 2.

And FTR, I've had stretchmarks since I was 10. Pregnancy just put new ones on top of them.

Noodledoodledoo · 08/01/2016 21:12

Week 40 and they kept coming for a couple of weeks after baby was born - thought I had got lucky!!!

chickindude · 08/01/2016 21:24

4 pregnancies no stretch marks at all.

user1481387217 · 14/12/2016 16:14

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