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When did you get stretch marks???

166 replies

Writerwannabe83 · 23/01/2014 17:33

I'm 31 weeks tomorrow and people are always quick to ask me if I've got stretch marks yet...

Does everyone get them.....and when??

OP posts:
stickysausages · 23/01/2014 19:49

34 weeks. Thought I'd dodged it, but now covered in them!

They fade though, I don't mind them :)

Ra88 · 23/01/2014 20:11

39 weeks I got 2 right under my bump Confused .. And I was doing so well !

PastaandCheese · 23/01/2014 20:17

37 weeks with my first.

They looked bad at the time but once the baby was out they ended up sitting really low below my knicker line. They faded quite quickly too.

IHaveSeenMyHat · 23/01/2014 20:18

28 sodding weeks. By the time I gave birth my bump was more stretchmark than skin, seriously.

But I'm short and had SUCH a sticky outy bump, the baby was more outside my body than inside Grin

ZingSweetApple · 23/01/2014 20:52

37 weeks. nothing one day , purple lines all over the next.

it was an awful discovery simply because I thought I escaped them!

now I don't care anymore. got C-section scar with DS4 and saggy boobs from bf 6 kids.

#7 is due in July.
I'm beautiful and happy. Grin

AbouttoCrack · 23/01/2014 20:58

Got then on my beanpole legs growing at about 6 inches a week when I was a 13 year old. Didn't get any during 2 pregnancies though. I got fat sure. Just no stretch marks.

FoxtrotOscarBackToEconomy · 23/01/2014 22:01

Did anyone avoid stretch marks in their first pregnancy and then get them in their second pregnancy?

I had none in my first pregnancy but I don't dare assume that I'll escape a second time!

Alexchallex · 24/01/2014 11:16

Didn't get them

ZingSweetApple · 24/01/2014 13:51

You heathen! Grin
HugoTheHippo · 24/01/2014 14:25

I got just a few at 39 weeks but, five months postpartum, they have pretty much faded completely.

YoungWoman94 · 24/01/2014 14:43

I'm 24+ weeks and I have faint ones on my back.. they are visable but they dont bother me. I was 9 stone (5"7) before pregnancy and now over 10 stone so kinda expected to get then with how slim I was before!

count yourself lucky for not having them yet Grin

weebairn · 24/01/2014 14:43

I didn't get any and I didn't use any creams. Went to 40+5. I think it's genetic. I had quite a small bump.

natashajayne · 24/01/2014 14:54

I got them right at the end of my second pregnancy as baby got bigger and i was thinner... but loads really early on with my third from over eating. :(

HabitualLurker · 24/01/2014 16:37

I thought I'd get them as I have some from puberty, but no stretch marks as such. Went 2 weeks overdue, put on an average amount (2 stone) and am usually pretty slim. My belly was pretty big by the end.

BUT, despite no stretch marks my stomach doesn't look the same as pre-baby. I definitely have a slight deflated-balloon look going on, and there's extra skin there. Anyone else have that?

lastnightopenedmyeyes · 24/01/2014 16:40

1st pregnancy I didn't get any until the day if the birth when I got one!

This time I got them really early on, on my tummy, buttocks and thighs Confused I'm 40+2 and there's more every day now.

BuntyPenfold · 24/01/2014 17:14

None at all, 2 pregnancies. No idea why, I didn't use any of those oils or anything.

fussychica · 24/01/2014 17:30


bigbuttons · 24/01/2014 17:30

None in 6 pregnancies. I am very petite and one of my babies was 9lb 2. I reckon it's genetic tbh. My mum didn't have any either.

bigbuttons · 24/01/2014 17:33

I also don't think any amount of frantic rubbing in of bio oil will make any difference to the elastin content of your skin. I never used oils.

eurochick · 24/01/2014 17:36

My mum oiled her bump and boobs and got none at all there, but did get a couple on her bum/thighs, which were not included in the oiling process. So from this very unscientific sample of one, it seems like moisturising can make a difference. This would have been pre-bio oil. I think she just used ordinary baby oil.

ashamedmummy11 · 24/01/2014 17:39

I used bio oil everyday from I found out I was pregnant with my first baby. I remember at 39 weeks lying on my bed admiring my un stretched bump. My husband brought the motor to the bottom of the bed and showed me my under bump. Stretched like a road map. Hmm
I'm just a saggy bag of wind now 4 kids later. Lol

atthestrokeoftwelve · 24/01/2014 17:41

Apparently age has a big bearing on whether we develop stretch marks. Older first time mother suffer far less.

THere does seem some evidence to support the idea.

I didn't have any stretch marks at all in my pregnancies ( my first pregnancy was in my late 30s)


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FortyFacedFuckers · 24/01/2014 17:42

I didn't have any until 40 weeks ended up having loads in the days he was over due Sad

Givemeyouranswerdo · 24/01/2014 17:42

I escaped them both times but am slim though the bumps were big and so were the babies. Didn't moisturise either. Just crossed my fingers.

OneMoreThenNoMore · 24/01/2014 17:43

With dc1, the stretch marks didn't appear until I went overdue Hmm, and then even more appeared after I'd given birth, as I lost weight very quickly.

With dc2, I think I started getting them around 30 weeks.

My mum had lots of stretch marks, and I already had some on my legs from growth spurts as a teen, so I was expecting them.

Two years on from dc2, and they've faded quite a lot. The dcs like them, as they know that they made them when they grew in my tummy, and dh claims that he likes them because they remind him of what my body did Smile

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