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When did you get stretch marks???

166 replies

Writerwannabe83 · 23/01/2014 17:33

I'm 31 weeks tomorrow and people are always quick to ask me if I've got stretch marks yet...

Does everyone get them.....and when??

OP posts:
littlemissbrum · 24/01/2014 17:44

None. Skin a bit creasy above belly button though. I am working on my abs so I don't pop and get them with number two.

marshmallow2468 · 24/01/2014 17:44

No stretch marks for me. I did think I'd developed them three weeks after, but DS liked to be jiggled on my belly, and they were actually teeny tiny bruises on my poor c-sectioned stomach caused by his feet.

Toomuchtea · 24/01/2014 17:44

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Mumzy · 24/01/2014 17:47

3dcs and no stretch marks i was very careful about not putting on unneccessary excess weight during all my pregnancies as i got stretch marks on my legs during puberty. Both my dm and dsis got stretch marks during pregnancy and both did put on loads of weight so not sure re: genetic link.

LegoCaltrops · 24/01/2014 17:48

37 weeks. I'm short, was very slim before PG & put on a hideous amount of weight by full term. Woke up one morning & it looked like I'd been clawed by a tiger! At least they are all under my bikini line.

LabradorMama · 24/01/2014 17:57

I went 1 week overdue, put on two and a half stone and escaped with one teeny stretch mark just above my belly button (weird) despite the fact that I'm already covered in them from puberty. I must have already been stretched to capacity!

Octopus37 · 24/01/2014 18:12

Lots on my stomach that arrived with my first DS at 37 weeks (went nearly one week overdue), although only gained 20 pounds.
Made worse my second DS. None on boobs, but have one bigger the other following on from breastfeeding, although both boobs are only modest in size.

jammiedonut · 24/01/2014 18:22

24 weeks, I had one of those comedy bumps that look like I'd stuffed a beach ball up my dress (measured 4ft around!). Sadly I am covered from rib cage to tops of my thighs with a few that crept round the back, despite copious oiling every fecking day. Ah well!

IsletsOfLangerhans · 24/01/2014 18:30

The age link fits in with my experience. I got loads of stretch marks on my hips when I went through puberty, but didn't get any at all with either pregnancy (aged 28 and 30). I did use lots of calendula oil on my bump though, for both pregnancies.....

whenhenshaveteeth · 24/01/2014 18:34

None with DS1 and the start of 1 with DS2 just above my belly button (about 0.5cm), I was almost 41weeks by then and it felt like my stomach was going to rip open.

No moisturising at all for either pregnancy.

I put on about 2 stones with each and I'm relatively slim but my mother got none either with 2 children, so I think I've got good genes (for that!).

ogredownstairs · 24/01/2014 18:57

No (2dc born at 40 and 38 weeks), and neither did my mum after 4 dc. I was huuuge with both of them (am normally 9st, stopped weighing myself at 13st both times.) No creams or anything - think it's just a combination of genes, luck and not going overdue in my case.

Kasterborous · 24/01/2014 19:10

No I didn't get a single one. My Mum or sisters never got any either so must be genetic.

VodIsGod · 24/01/2014 19:11

3 DCs, no stretch marks.

nouvellevag · 24/01/2014 19:18

AFAIK people are either prone to getting them or they're not - no amount of oil rubbing is going to make a difference. I got shitloads but then I had some on my legs and hips already from puberty, so knew it would probably happen. I didn't gain a single pound with pregnancy, either (which meant that by the time I'd delivered baby, fluids and placenta I was over a stone lighter than when I fell pregnant!).

lovelyredwine · 24/01/2014 19:22

I didn't get any, but dd was born at 38 weeks so who knows what might have happened if she had been late. I don't know if it's genetic, but my mum doesn't have any either.

VisualiseAHorse · 24/01/2014 19:35

I got loads, started around 32 weeks. All the way from my foof to above and around my belly button and my hips too. From one 7lb 13oz baby.

My mother gave birth seven times and has one stretchmark. Bitch.

VisualiseAHorse · 24/01/2014 19:36

I do wonder if you got loads the first time, what happened to your skin when you were pregnant again? Did it get worse? Did the old ones reappear?

IdrisElbaIsMyHusband · 24/01/2014 19:41

Six pregnancies didn't get any

JRmumma · 24/01/2014 19:41

None. DS born at 37 weeks though so missed that big growth bit at the end. Only moisturised as per usual during pregnancy too so no miracle creams. Mum a d Gran had no stretch marks though so maybe genetic

CaterpillarCara · 24/01/2014 19:42

I got them almost instantly, on my boobs only. I was flat as a pancake and the pregnancy hormones just made my boobs go PING outwards. In fact, they were what made me think to test.

Don't see that any being careful with my weight or rubbing oil or whatever could have helped.

They are still very noticeable now, like my boobs are marble cake with two sets of colour / texture.

KatherinaMinola · 24/01/2014 19:46

Never. I don't think you can do a thing to stop them though - it's luck/genes.

LittleYellowDuck · 24/01/2014 19:47

Didn't get any with either of my two pregnancies


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ODearMe · 24/01/2014 19:48

You might get away with it, I didn't get any Smile

Gluezilla · 24/01/2014 19:50

None at all despite going to 42 weeks with all 3 pregnancies.
I use TONS of oil from the moment I found out I was PG

ballroomblitz · 24/01/2014 19:52

None with either of my two. Put on more than three stone and went ten days over with dc2. I do have a cs scar from the first however and stretchmarks from puberty on my bum of all places. Late 20s and early 30s respectively. No moisturising just hoped for the best.

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