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When did you get stretch marks???

166 replies

Writerwannabe83 · 23/01/2014 17:33

I'm 31 weeks tomorrow and people are always quick to ask me if I've got stretch marks yet...

Does everyone get them.....and when??

OP posts:
Lavenderhoney · 24/01/2014 22:11

I didn't and I went from 8.5stone to 12.5 and over within about 5 months:) 2 pregnancies, ate about 3 times as much, all roast dinners and lots of fruit and veg, cheese, never stopped eating tbh, drank lots of water, lay about a lot exhausted just getting to the fridge.

I am back to my normal weight now, with no stretch marks, I think I just used normal body lotion, when I could be bothered and wasn't too tired after a bath. After the c sections I used body lotion all the time, and oils, but I did anyway before the babies.

abigboydidit · 24/01/2014 22:14

2 pregnancies. Big babies and both 40+ weeks. No stretch marks but my fanjo is fucked

Writerwannabe83 · 24/01/2014 22:17

Wow - so many varied responses!!! I always assumed stretch marks always appear but obviously not. I gave myself a full body examination earlier and definitely no signs yet. I'm having an ELCS at 39 weeks so I still have 8 weeks to go......plenty of opportunity for them to suddenly appear Grin My DH bought me loads of moisturising creams a few months ago but they remain unused in the bathroom, maybe I should start creaming myself up, can't do any harm I suppose Smile

OP posts:
Teawaster · 24/01/2014 22:38

None here either. Only one pregnancy but twins. No oils either

StopSquabbling · 24/01/2014 22:51

I got none. I slathered on Clarins body treatment oil & 2 different bust creams every single day.

I don't think they made a jot of difference, just cost me a small fortune.

I think it's down to luck and maybe not putting on loads of weight.

MrJollyLivesNextDoor · 24/01/2014 23:07

I didn't get any.

I was 40yo and not particularly toned before I got pg, and my bump was really quite big as I went 2 weeks over.

Didn't use any creams as too lazy.

Didn't do my pelvic floors either and oh boy am I paying for that laziness Blush

ShowMeSaturn · 25/01/2014 01:00

I'd rather have had stretchmarks than a 2nd degree tear and a prolapse Grin.

First pregnancy slathered on the Palmers Cocoa Butter. I was very taut pre-bump so I'm surprised I didn't get marks. I pinged back taut very quickly after the birth.
Second pregnancy used no emollient 'anti-stretchmark' creams. That pregnancy I had diastasis recti (stomach muscles split in half) so was left with typical jelly belly. Again, I don't understand why I didn't get stretchmarks.

My Mother's Mum had 18 children (yes, 18) and Mum said she didn't have a single stretchmark. Mum had none either after four pregnancies. I do wonder if it can be genetic.
I'm not having any more babies sadly but I suspect I would get them the next time as my belly has no tone and probably little skin elastin now.

In all my years of swimming, I've never once seen a woman with stretchmarks. I often wondered if they hide them. If they were on show more, they'd be less taboo.

Only1scoop · 25/01/2014 01:07

Didn't get any but neither has dm....think it's a genetic thing.

Cucumberscarecrow · 25/01/2014 07:32

Yes, I got them in the last four weeks of my second pregnancy. One year and no creams later, there is absolutely no trace of them. My bellybutton is still a bit of a giveaway but no stretch marks or other evidence of pregnancy.

ShowmeSaturn, 18 children? Amazing!

atthestrokeoftwelve · 25/01/2014 07:45

My feeling is that age of first pregnancy is a factor, weight gain and luck.
I don't think genetics has anything to do with it- my sister and mother are covered in marks, I don't have a single stripe- but they both had their first baby at 20, I was 38.

scarlettsmummy2 · 25/01/2014 08:03

None with either pregnancy

TheSmallPrint · 25/01/2014 08:18

I never got them despite DS2 being over 10lbs and a week late. There is hope!

Chacha23 · 25/01/2014 09:35

got a few faint ones between 38-40 weeks, and then once DD decided to be late all hell broke loose, got a ton between 40 and 41+5 when she was born.

Junebugjr · 25/01/2014 09:49

Two pregnancies, no stretchmarks. I didnt put on any weight apart from the baby though due to Hyperemesis. I had massive bumps and big babies both times. The midwives were amazed I didn't have any, as my stomach was huge. Didnt put cream on with the 2nd, think its genetic, my sister never had any either.

TheCunkOfPhilomena · 25/01/2014 10:01

I went from 8st 4lb to about 12st with DS, I was huuuuge. No stretch marks though. The doctor I saw when I was about 20 weeks said that I wouldn't get any as I had 'that kind of skin'. I think it's just luck tbh.

I would be so pissed off if they had appeared after giving birth!

RaRa1988 · 25/01/2014 11:30

I've read that there is a genetic link - ie if your mother got them, you're more likely to. I'm clinging onto that as I wear a bikini a lot and would feel self-conscious about them. She had one baby at barely 22 and the other at 42 and doesn't have a single stretchmark (we checked Grin ). She doesn't think her mam did either, and she was a tiny little thing of 4'11'' who had three big babies. Fingers crossed for genetic causation!

Madasabox · 25/01/2014 12:14

3 pregnancies and never had them

smilesallround247 · 25/01/2014 12:18

I've just noticed mine and im 27 weeks :(

Kaekae · 25/01/2014 12:23

Two children, no stretch marks. I rubbed in pure vitamin E oil everyday.

KristinaM · 25/01/2014 12:32

Several pregnancies with Overdue large babies and no stretch marks.

I never used cream or oil.

So I think it's genetic . I'd didn't have Braxton hicks either.

I do have a post CS saggy tummy, if it makes you feel better Wink

snottagecheese · 25/01/2014 13:18

None for me, in either of my 2 pregnancies. Didn't use oils or anything, just got lucky. Do have a nice crepey tummy when I bend forward now though Grin

higgle · 25/01/2014 14:28

I thought I wasn't getting any with DS1, but unfortunately they were hiding under the bump.


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grimbletart · 25/01/2014 15:01

No stretch marks (2 children). But I think it is to do with your type of skin as I have had three knee operations and one back operation and the scars are so minimal as to be almost invisible. (In case that sounds smug, I have cellulite on my thighs instead)!

Want2bSupermum · 25/01/2014 15:52

I got them after the 2nd. He was 10lb 6oz and I gained the same weight as I had done during my first pregnancy. I look 4/5 months pregnant if I don't do a pilates class once a week. Once we are done having children I will be having a tummy tuck.

AmIatwat · 25/01/2014 17:08

Not a single one and I put on 4 1/2 stone during pregnancy.

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