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When did you get stretch marks???

166 replies

Writerwannabe83 · 23/01/2014 17:33

I'm 31 weeks tomorrow and people are always quick to ask me if I've got stretch marks yet...

Does everyone get them.....and when??

OP posts:
makesamesswhenstressed · 24/01/2014 19:55

8 and a half months. Bastard.
And I used fucking Bio Oil - what a con.

EmGee · 24/01/2014 19:55

Two babies (first aged 38 and second at 40) and no stretch marks at all. I did oil/moisturize each time and put on no more that 10kg plus my bumps weren't huge. Was also induced each time at just after 39 weeks so maybe I would have got some if I had gone past due date? Who knows.

Alas, my pelvic floor has never fully recovered though :(

KatherinaMinola · 24/01/2014 19:59

Ah yes - pelvic floor buggered. Can still wear a bikini though Smile useful when dashing to the loo

salonmeblowy · 24/01/2014 20:01

No stretch-marks and I was over 42 weeks when DS finally made an appearance. I also put on over 3st during that time.

My mother had 3 DCs and never got stretch-marks either.

Bankholidaybaby · 24/01/2014 20:06

I didn't get any. Nor a linea nigra. I didn't moisturise.

FumblesandFrolics · 24/01/2014 20:07

By 28 weeks I looked like I had been clawed by a wild animal from groin upwards. DD arrived at 33 weeks so they didn't thankfully get any worse. I think of them as my souvenirs of the time.

My Dsis has no stretch marks and also still has a flat stomach, she also has had 2 DC.

I clearly got all the dud genes Grin

Pointeshoes · 24/01/2014 20:09

Had loads on my legs from puberty already but didn't get any during pregnancy. I did moisturise a lot though.

ArgyMargy · 24/01/2014 20:10


FluffyHen · 24/01/2014 20:11

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darjeelingdarling · 24/01/2014 20:18

nope, neither did my mum. I think it'd genetic.

As my mum though, I too have veiny legs Sad

ineedsomeinspiration · 24/01/2014 20:21

I was expecting loads as got lots as a teenager. None arrived until I was a week over due then pop got loads. Don't really bother me that much tbh. Wasn't one for belly tops and can't remember the last time I had cause to wear a bikini.

GreenShadow · 24/01/2014 20:23

No. Three pregnancies and not a single mark

piratecat · 24/01/2014 20:24

i think it was at about 35 weeks, my midwife commented beforehand that i hadn't got any.

but i did. loads under belly down to pubes I'm afraid. you might not though!

stopgap · 24/01/2014 20:35

Two pregnancies. First was a week overdue and no stretch marks. Currently 39+3, none this time, and being induced 39+6, so hoping to avoid them.

My mum got them. I used Mama Mio religiously and drank 2-3 litres of water a day throughout both pregnancies.

cherryhealey · 24/01/2014 20:37

Fully expected to get them as have some on my hips from teenage growth spurt.

My mother had loads too so really thought they were unavoidable.

I went from 8 st 8 to 10 st 12 during my pregnancy but religiously drank 2 litres of water a day and used huge amounts of Palmers cocoa butter.

None....but I do think it's just random.

LittleBabySqueakSqueak · 24/01/2014 20:51

I didn't get any. Moisturised occasionally with ordinary body lotion. I did tear a bit.

Truffkin · 24/01/2014 20:55


I was gutted!

MrsMarigold · 24/01/2014 21:25

FoxtrotOscarBackToEconomy I got none the first time and a few the second time

oldbutnotpastit · 24/01/2014 21:28

9 pregnancies all born between 39 and 42 weeks no stretch marks .so definitely not inevitable . I never tore during any of the deliveries , so not sure what that says .
expecting dc 10 and no stretch marks so far.

coffeeinbed · 24/01/2014 21:29

I didn't.
Still can't believe it.

caramelchaos · 24/01/2014 21:34

Bum, boobs, tummy, calves, ankles.... saggy skin, 1 noticeably bigger boob, my hair fell out at the hairline, bags under my eyes.........
And one super cute giggly little terror. It's a good job one of us is good looking! Shock

Backtotherealworld · 24/01/2014 21:35

No stretchmarks through 2 pregnancies.


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herethereandeverywhere · 24/01/2014 21:38

Puberty, but not pregnancy Confused

JugglingFromHereToThere · 24/01/2014 21:38

I don't know ... last few weeks ?, probably got worse every day (but you don't want to hear that?) ... and both of mine were late Hmm

DownyEmerald · 24/01/2014 22:09

Didn't get them. DD was 12 days early so maybe that helped - I had no idea they could appear so late.

I did tear tho'.

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