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5 weeks pregnant and exhausted - Husband says I'm just being "lazy" - Am I???

111 replies

pinky27 · 31/05/2013 10:17

Hiya, I am only 5 weeks pregnant but feel absolutely shattered. Husband says that I can't possibly be this tired at this early stage and I'm just using it as an excuse to stay in bed. Did anyone else feel tired out at this point of their preg?or am I a lazy beast???

OP posts:
Bananamanfan · 22/06/2017 19:33

Yes! For me the first 12 weeks so exhausting & no one knows you're pregnant, which makes it worse. Your dh's comments do not bode well.

Flisspaps · 22/06/2017 20:56


Delenia · 24/03/2019 08:37

I'm 5 weeks pregnant and can hardly get out of bed/off the sofa. I usually travel a lot for work and this feels like the most extreme jetlag I ever had. I can barely keep my eyes open and need a nap after taking a shower. Sounds like your DH hasn't read much about about pregnancy. Two seconds googling "early pregnancy" would tell him that pregnancy fatigue is very common and normal. Is there a reason he's not so involved? Maybe it's taking him time to adjust and that's why he's not reading anything. Maybe he's just being an arse. Either way you're definitely not lazy and hope your DH gets onboard soon.

Campurp · 24/03/2019 23:56

Ugh I remember feeling awful in my first trimester. I would have to leave work a bit early, I'd fall asleep on the tube then I'd get in and my DH would often find me passed out on the sofa when he got in.
I think it was the worst I'd felt and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

My DH was shocked at how early pregnancy had taken its toll on me... he then downloaded the bump app which helped him understand what to expect and how I'd be feeling. Maybe you'd OH could do with reading up to try to emphasise a bit with you?

So sorry OP but it gets better!

PBobs · 25/03/2019 00:53


JenMumma · 25/03/2019 02:20

Awwwww. BrewThanks. At 5 weeks with my first, I fell asleep on a bus and only woke up when my teeth (and slobber) were chattering on the window because it had stopped and the engine was doing that juddering thing. Xx tell him to put down his bullshit and pick up a book. The cheek ! Xx

JenMumma · 25/03/2019 02:21

Oh shit zombie 🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️ thread

Leleophants · 25/03/2019 09:44

Print off / show him on the nhs page where it says extreme tiredness is a symptom. The amount the baby is growing in those first few weeks is astronomical!

EllyNC291 · 25/03/2019 10:55

Tell your husband to bog off - the first trimester is EXHAUSTING - that tiny poppy seed of a baby is sapping every bit of energy you have!!!!!! Week 6-9 I could barely get myself up the stairs to the bathroom I was so tired. Look after yourself hun, and don’t even entertain that you’re lazy, rest up! Xxx

pari2310x · 25/03/2019 12:30

With my first pregnant and this one. I became exhausted at 5 weeks and it stopped at 20 weeks then started again at 32!

My husband is exactly the same

Justus22 · 25/03/2019 13:48

Not lazy at all. I'm the night owl in this house usually and frequently sit up watching my fave shows until 1am gone, I can't get past 7pm in the first trimester. I hope you don't get the nausea and sickness too as he'll get a shock when you can't hold down vomit even opening the fridge or walking round the supermarket. I agree with the others get him to read up on the first trimester. Congratulations btw x

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