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5 weeks pregnant and exhausted - Husband says I'm just being "lazy" - Am I???

111 replies

pinky27 · 31/05/2013 10:17

Hiya, I am only 5 weeks pregnant but feel absolutely shattered. Husband says that I can't possibly be this tired at this early stage and I'm just using it as an excuse to stay in bed. Did anyone else feel tired out at this point of their preg?or am I a lazy beast???

OP posts:
Xmasbaby11 · 01/06/2013 19:08

First 12 weeks are the worst for tiredness. It will get better.

islasmummy2013 · 01/06/2013 19:16

When pregnant with my dd I could of slept all day for the first few weeks and I'm now 6 weeks pregnant and feel exactly the same!
First time round my partner was so unsympathetic as well but it all changed once we'd been to scans and I started to show, hopefully yours will come around too,

Massive congratulations Smile

igirisu · 01/06/2013 20:38

My first weeks of pregnancy were horrendous, I had no morning sickness or anything but the fatigue was so bad I would come home and be in bed by 6 after work! This lasted until I was about 16 weeks. My partner was exactly the same and unsympathetic. After 16 weeks I felt great, it started to get hard again around 30 weeks with aches and less mobility Grin but it was a lot harder for me in the beginning, good luck x

JenaiMorris · 01/06/2013 22:15

Quodlibet has nailed it!

FedupofTurkey · 01/06/2013 22:21

It gets better till you give birth!

extracrunchy · 02/06/2013 11:14

I can't believe I've just read this!! Your husband has absolutely no idea. What a horrible way to treat you when you really need support! If he's done any reading up at all he'll be aware that exhaustion in the first few weeks is very common. Doesn't sound like he has...

Breadrollsbuns · 02/06/2013 13:37

You are not being lazy!

With my second pregnancy, I only realised that I was pregnant when I stopped at a car park with DS1 asleep in the back of the car and we both woke up nearly two hours later!

southportmum · 17/06/2013 21:43

i am 4 weeks pg now and trust me im absolutely knackered, feel like i havent slept all the time, im not sick just so so tired

sksk · 18/06/2013 19:59

Just saw this- didn't even bother reading the other posts! NO YOU ARE NOT BEING LAZY. Ask your husband to grow a human being inside him and see how tired he feels. Baking a cake requires energy to run the oven- and you are creating new life! Congratulations and hope hubby becomes a bit more tactful!

LittlePeaPod · 18/06/2013 22:11

You are not been lazy. I have been exhausted from 5 weeks and still exhausted at 11 weeks. It's the hormones

Your DH sounds charming. Tell him to read up on pregnancy symptoms and he may understand then.

Damnautocorrect · 18/06/2013 22:16

I literally slept 7-7 and could have slept more if I also didn't need to spend the other 12 hours eating

Not lazy at all, your growing a new person it takes it out of you. Rest up xxxx

Green313 · 05/12/2015 17:15

I'm going through exactly the same thing, I don't think it's laziness it's true exhaustion I'd rather sleep all day n night if I could choose too. Husbands feels the same lol

Alice1983 · 06/12/2015 19:46

I love the Zombie alerts..... Grin yes, my OH is like that even though he is not PG

Scattymum101 · 06/12/2015 21:15

Raging for you!!!

With my second baby I knew I was pregnant 5 days before I had even missed a period as we took my dd1 swimming and by the time we got home I was so exhausted I took a two hour nap on the couch. My hubby immediately told me I was pregnant!!
I could barely function til around 13 weeks both times and extreme tiredness was probably my biggest symptom along with the nausea. We went on hol when I was 8 weeks pregnant and I slept most of it. With dd1 I would go to work, leave at 3 with the Intention of working at home, sleep til 6.30, eat dinner, back in bed an hour later and sleep through til 7am and be unable to wake up.

Avic89 · 18/03/2016 03:13

I'm 5 weeks so far and my husband says the same thing , guys just don't understand what we are going through . Feeling tired seems to be the norm. I sure hope it eases up a bit :(

MsFiremanSam · 18/03/2016 06:59

11 weeks here and have been utterly, bone-achingly exhausted since week 4. This is baby #3 so DH knows the drill by now. He's done literally everything - bedtimes, cooking, washing - so I can rest.
My biggest concern in your position would be that if your DH isn't trying to support you and understand how you're feeling at this stage, what's he going to be like when you're recovering from labour, exhausted from night feeds, and caring for a newborn all day? Pregnancy and childbirth can be far from the bonding experience expected and can cause a real distance in a relationship which can take years to resolve. Does he have friends with kids who can help him understand what you're going through? Agree that a book is a good idea. Antenatal classes also really helped my DH the first time. Pregnancy can be a very lonely experience if you don't feel supported. Don't give up on making it clear what you need. Good luck.

kiki22 · 18/03/2016 07:14

The tiredness is always the first sign of pregnancy for me I'm usually shattered between weeks 3&9 then it gets better

Sootica · 18/03/2016 07:26

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

GilbertBlytheWouldGetIt · 18/03/2016 07:41

As this thread is from 2013, I imagine all the op's pregnancy symptoms are long gone Grin

Slothlikesundays · 18/03/2016 07:59

Not lazy at all, I was sleeping in, having an afternoon nap and then crawling to bed at 7pm. Not like me at all! It gets better I promise. Xx

Beatrixs · 22/06/2017 04:55

Haha omg what a douche. I really hope he wisened up! Wow.

arbrighton · 22/06/2017 08:33

@Beatrixs, given the thread was started 4 years ago, probably.....



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owltrousers · 22/06/2017 08:36

I think your DH needs to educate himself! Perhaps get him a book about pregnancy and make sure he reads it all.

Its totally normal to feel exhausted at any stage of your pregnancy, its hard work growing another human!

Flisspaps · 22/06/2017 08:39

I'd hope the husband is now as tired given that he now owns a four year old and is eating his fucking words


hmyh23 · 22/06/2017 19:30

I'm 7+4 and absolutely exhausted. Having to fight to stay awake after work until bedtime. Today I just feel really moody and tearful as well. Roll on the weekend!

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