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December 2006- Here's to pre-school newbies, business starters and twin survivers.

836 replies

Indith · 04/10/2009 21:03

Oh go on then.

I'm rubbish at titles though but I bow down to Oli's cakes and supermum.

OP posts:
jabberwocky · 30/10/2009 00:10

I agree lenni you have done fab!

AQ, I continue to be amazed at your memory. With 4 dcs I don't think I could even remember my own name Ds2 wants a star wars cake this year along with every toy he sees. Ds1 is not like this at all so I have taken to mumbling "we'll see" every time he starts to ask for yet another item. Haven't a clue what I'll actually wind up getting for him.

Still getting things organized at new office but have been seeing patients for a couple of weeks now and it's going pretty well.

accessorizequeen · 30/10/2009 21:42

Indith, hope the nights continue to be good, um better for you. God, sleep makes a difference. Dt's started waking a couple of weeks ago (they've been ill/grumpy/driving me crazy for a fortnight now, don't know what's wrong) & I thought of you doing it every night for months and months. arggh.(you, not me, of course).
oli, really glad that your ds improving too, I remember both of us at the end of our tether with them for a while there. I can't stand the thought of that with TWO toddlers. Double arggh. Do wish he would stop randomly hitting/knocking over/biting dd in particular though.
jabber, great that the new office is working out, hopefully things ironed out by christmas? remember how stressed you were by old situation. Star wars cake, goodness, is that harder or easier than turkey?? I haven't made a cake for any of my kids so kudos to you whatever you do. You have to admit, a turkey cake does somewhat stand out, jabber, surely I am not only person to remember it. And it is because I have 4 children that i have good memory, I've got to remember a lot!
where is everyone else? hands on hips...
Off to bed early, meant to be listing more stuff on ebay but want to finish off Evanovitch book from library so that's what I'm doing!

VerySpookyLennipillar · 30/10/2009 22:05

I'm here AQ!! Got visitors, having only just returned from visiting my Mum and I'm feeling pretty wiped out. Am coming down with a virus too

Thanks for all the support on the bf. I'm down to evening, middle of night (x2) and morning feeds and seem to be going fine. Giving formula during the day - usually a couple of bottles. Am half considering just going back to bf as he's just making up for it during the night so getting less sleep. But I don't really enjoy bf him anymore during the day so would only be doing it for his benefit. I still am not sure what to do. He is lovely to feed at night time when he just glugs but during the day it had got to be a nightmare with his acrobatics and wandering off mid-feed. I feel very guilty though - guilt is a mother's pleasure isn't it??!

Indith - am glad sleep has improved, I admire your stoicism.

jabberwocky · 31/10/2009 01:43

lol, AQ I guess a turkey cake is a little out of the ordinary! Still impressed though Yes, hoping to have things ironed out by Christmas. I'm dropping my two days of salaried fill-in then. Ds1 is very much looking forward to me being at home on Saturdays - as am I!!!

lenni, do whatever makes you feel comfortable. You've done wonderfully and I think we all know when we're done.

Indith, dcs were both horrid sleepers so I am happy for you that dd is improving. Can still remember wondering if I would ever feel normal again...

Indith · 31/10/2009 19:20

I remember the turkey cake

I've been in Bristol for a wedding, tis a bloody long way! Stayed overnight in a family hotel room and both dcs were wonderful, ds crashed out and slept and dd went in the travel cot chattering away and just went to sleep! She cried out a few times but only woke up properly twice (night before going was crap though ). I had been dreading it so I'm amazed.

Lenni I think you are finding out the differnce between bf and ff over a certain age! Bottles can be had on the go, bf involves sitting still. Don't worry about it, he will still take what he needs so if he isn't bothered about a feed and is crawling off or bobbing on and off and chatting (dd loves to do this, the then bathes in the resultant spray and giggles ) then just put it away.

Dh has arrived with my dinner, yum

OP posts:
VerySpookyLennipillar · 31/10/2009 23:00

Thank you Indith - you are right.

Now when are we getting the Dec 06 second generation together??

Stars Wars cake Jabber - wow!!

jabberwocky · 01/11/2009 02:35

lol, lenni, don't be too impressed. I'm currently envisioning a sheet cake with little star wars figures stuck randomly here and there

Olihan · 01/11/2009 15:34

Boo! Jabber I found quite a few easy star wars cakes when I was looking for ideas. Am on dh's iPhone so can't link but will do it later from laptop.

accessorizequeen · 01/11/2009 19:02

Pity y'all can't come to ds2's birthday party (well it's really ds1's as I'm not doing 2 in a week!). Unless you're around that week, indith?
sheet cake with figurines on it sounds tremendous in my book, jabber! Every year I say I'm going to make one but it scares me quite frankly...
are you on dh's iphone for the games, oli by any chance? I am addicted to several on mine, getting a bit obsessed tbh.
halloween good for everyone? took the boys trick or treating with a friend & her kids just up and down the street which was quite nice. Dp had party at his office friday which was great, all the staff dressed up for it and there were party games. DS1 & 2 had a ball. DS1 ended up with 4 outfits to choose from fgs.

Indith · 01/11/2009 19:13

Well I'd love to make it down to Hull soon, not sure it will happen though! Parents in France at the moment looking after Mamie (who is doing very well ) then my sister is visiting them, then they are visiting us (dad not yet seen our house!) then it is December already We are going to them for Christmas, prob Christmas Eve til Boxing Day so I don't think we'll be down before then.

AQ your Halloween sounds fun

I got a ocuple of bags of sweets and a few of the local kids came round but not much, there was a party for the kids at the village hall but we only got back from Bristol late afternoon so we were not in the mood to go!

Nobody in our house got up until gone 8 today, was bliss! (dd's sleep record, 11, 1.30. 2.40,8!) Someone phoned at 5am to book a taxi though . We do seem to get a lot of wrong numbers here.

OP posts:
jabberwocky · 01/11/2009 19:19

Lovely Halloween here. We took the boys out for about an hour and a half. Some of the houses were absolutely spectacular. One in particular has people lined up for a block just to trick or treat there The boys have been eating candy all morning quite a lot of candy today

Olihan · 01/11/2009 21:19

Star Wars cake and another, and one last idea for Jabber. If he's got a huge stash of Star Wars toys then you're sorted. Otherwise he can have them as an extra present .

Indith 8am , ds2 is back to 5am wake ups now that the sodding clocks have changed. Luckily we've saved lots of Humf episodes on the Sky+ so I bung him in front of them and go back to sleep! She seems to be doing pretty well, esp while you were away - the few times we've had to share hotel rooms with the dcs have been the pits. Whereabouts were you in Bristol?

We did Halloween for the first time this year. It's quite big in the village and anyone who wants a knock has a lit pumpkin outside so the dcs had a good haul by the end. Well, ds2 didn't because he ate every item as he was given it . The resulting sugar high was something to be seen though!

AQ, we're doing a joint party for ds1&2 this year too. I haven't quite worked out the logistics of combining 3yos and manic 6yos but we shall see.

VerySpookyLennipillar · 01/11/2009 21:24

Also doing a joint party. Was going to share DD's with a friend but fell through - am pleased it did as was a bit of a pita having to do two in such a short space of time. 1yos and 3yos might also be a bit but think there will only be 2 1yos so not too bad.

EVye · 01/11/2009 21:26

Hi All.

Am around. Busy weekend with halloween party.

Back to school/preschool/work tomorrow. Eek.

EVye · 01/11/2009 21:26

Hi All.

Am around. Busy weekend with halloween party.

Back to school/preschool/work tomorrow. Eek.

accessorizequeen · 01/11/2009 22:10

I'm really looking forward to ds1 back at school, it's been a tough week with him off and both dt's unwell/grumpy whatever ALL the time. He's still at that demanding phase. Surely it'll end soon?
DS2 doesn't really have any friends, I know that sounds awful but I've never had a chance to make playdates or anything like that for him as I've always got 2 other babies to sort out. I only know a few people with dc's his age and we don't get together. Think I might invite a couple of the kids from his nursery that he seems to get along with. That's how come joint birthdays have always been easy, this is the 3rd one & no problems. I keep feeling I ought to be doing more or something with him but he's not at home 3 days a week as it is. I do things with him on the other 2 days (music group & gym-type thing, but he never speaks to the other children).
anyway, soz I do waffle on. Glad everyone had a good halloween!

accessorizequeen · 02/11/2009 12:39

Have been meaning to ask if anyone has a life book as I got rid of mine but have a cover & several extra inserts for it (the coloured plastic thingies). Anyone want them?

SherryMerryLennipillar · 02/11/2009 13:10

I have one AQ, but have saved my plastic things from year to year so wouldn't make use of them. I think Oli may have one, and Eli was considering one I think. FWIW I doubt DS will have friends like DD does until he starts preschool. He doesn't have a social life like she did as a baby I drag him along to her groups but I don't really know anyone with a baby the same age. He is too young to play yet anyway and has DD for company, I doubt it will do him any harm. You do an amazing job running your ship, I wouldn't worry about him socialising esp since he must spend time with others at nursery.

castlesintheair · 02/11/2009 14:04

Hi all, hope you had a good half-terms. We went to Cornwall which was fab. An hour after getting home we were out trick or treating with all our pals which was slightly chaotic but fun.

Is baby Jabber the first 3rd birthday? Or is it Eli? Can't remember, sorry. AQ, I wouldn't worry about 'friends' - our youngest have ready made playmates that the pfb never had: siblings Plus 3x hours at nursery a day = bliss, for me ...

Elibean · 02/11/2009 19:26

O god

I somehow just managed to post a long post all on my own, on no thread at all. How embarrassing. Wonder how one goes about deleting it?!

No time to start again, but hello all, hope you all had good halfterms and are well - and if you see a lone post with no title wandering about, its me

Olihan · 02/11/2009 22:04

AQ, Dd didn't have any 'friends' of her own at 3. Must be a 2nd child thing. We just had a family party for her and that was it. It's only this year that she's had a 'proper' party with friends - it took until she went to preschool before she made friends of her own. Doesn't seem to have held her back though, she has a lovely little gaggle of friends now.

Ds2 has a few friends his own age because several of ds1's friends have siblings the same age as him. A 3ish year age gap seems to be quite common among people I know.

at Eli talking to herself in the ether somewhere.

Castles, glad you've had a good half term. It's about time you had a lovely school holiday with no bugs or traumas .

jabberwocky · 03/11/2009 00:41

I'm glad I'm not the only one whose dc2 doesn't have specific friends. I've been wondering just who might show up at his birthday party He can be so sweet and then such a little terror the next moment. He is currently terrorizing his brother by monopolizing youtube...

Am going to have to give up my computer now to ds1 to keep the peace.


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Indith · 03/11/2009 15:52

Ack, dd was sick last night, regurgitated risotto is grim. I did not get much sleep. Unsettled dd wakes up a zillion times before finally throwing up. Change dd, change sheets, offer feed. Realise offering feed is making her scream more. Cuddle on sofa (I love how there is always friends or somethign in the early hours on More4/E4 etc), change dd again after more vomit......

She seems happy enough today but her nappies are grim and ds has had to be hosed down after an exceedingly grim nappy on waking from his nap. I was getting so excited too as he did a solid poo on the potty today but now I don't know if he has a tummy bug too or if we still need ot tinker with the lactulose dose!

I was worried I was the cause as I did my first home boiled ham yesterday but I suppose dh and I would be ill too and my feeling sick seems to be confined to just after cleaning up vomit and showering poo covered children

Daisy is being described as the choice of chav mums with gold hoop earrings on the baby names section.

I love beebies.

Do you think dh would notice if I polishe doff the ice cream? I can't make cake as the scales are on the blink.

OP posts:
Indith · 03/11/2009 15:57

Oh yes, forgot, dd doesn't have friends either. One of ds's friends has a brother her age but they moved to London. Ds only has a couple of friends he asks for and he is the one who goes to groups etc, don't think it matters, not like they do much playing together at age 2/3 anyway, between pre school and groups AQ it sounds like he is getting out and about loads

OP posts:
castlesintheair · 03/11/2009 18:28

at Daisy being "the choice of chav mums with gold hoop earrings". I'll have you know my ex ex car was called Daisy and I have never possessed a pair of gold hoops in my life.

Talking of which I have a new car. Without wishing to sound like a total petrol-head, it is an Audi S6 and it is fan-bloody-tastic

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