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April 2007 - sing along now ladies ..... We're all off to a commune by the sea, a commune by the sea .........

409 replies

JoMa · 17/07/2007 20:24

it'll be in your heads for days now

OP posts:
Sexonknackeredlegs · 18/07/2007 08:08

Morning all.

Sorry for the crap nights/early starts.

JoMa, just wanted to wish you all the luck in the World.

Also, wondered if any of your babies eyes had changed colour yet. K is 3 months on Friday and still has blue eyes. I just assume they will change to brown as dh, me and B all have brown or hazel eyes. Maybe not tho??

Need to grab a shower. Back later. xx

Katy44 · 18/07/2007 08:08

morning Dippy
I know exactly what you mean about looking after someone else! Hope it goes ok

Katy44 · 18/07/2007 08:10

morning sokl, x posts
No eye change here, although I keep thinking they're going greeny-brown but it's just the light. T will be 12 weeks on Friday

maveta · 18/07/2007 08:10

Man, just lost the catch up post I was writing.. have to see what I can remember..

Katy - I love T´s name, ignore meany MNers!
Octo - glad MIL is doing better
CD - thanks for the cooling wave - all air currents happily received.

Work plans - returning in October for 2.5 days a week and Mum will look after N. In March I start full time so either Mum will still look after him or it´ll be private nursery (state ones are already full til next september!) but we´re not really thinking that far ahead yet.

Ellie - good luck for your job interview! Sounds great!

Quick moan - flippin´HECK dh can be a moody sod. He never was pre baby but tiredness has really brought out a grumpy old man side of him I´ve never seen before He moves SO. SLOWLY. in the morning, he sits in front of the internet with his coffee ´waking up´ for ages and then starts doing stuff around the house like washing dishes, putting washing on etc. All great that he´s helping, you´d say, but I´ve lost count of how many times I´ve told him he should shower and dress FIRST and then do stuff if he has time. He never does and as a result is often jumping in the shower when he should be leaving the house. He´s just left the house now and he starts at 9am! Why? Because at 8.20 he was still drinking his coffee but was being grumpy with ME saying ´well we did get up late this morning´ uh - NO - at 7.50 I was feeding N in bed and you weren´t there.. I checked the time! Lying little so and so. And he just stomped out without a kiss or anything

Sorry - rant over!!

Went to see HP yesterday, I never finished that book - couldn´t get past the interminable cleaning bit (yaaaawwwwn) so it was actually GREAT to watch the film not knowing what it was about.. compared to all the others when I´ve watched kind of constantly going ´oooh how are they going to do this bit, wonder if they´re going to put that in´ etc.

Feels a bit cooler today, thank goodness, hope it stays this way, yesterday was unbearable - actually took a wet facecloth in a ziploc bag with me into town to mop N down at regular intervals Everyone was grumpy and tired yesterday, I like moderate heat but when it gets to mid 30s all I want is to be living somewhere cool! Now it´s getting to that muggy point where you know it just needs to have a bit rainstorm to clear the air again..

Katy44 · 18/07/2007 08:18

Thanks maveta and everyone else who says they like the name - I am going to ignore anyone who doesn't
Hope it's cooler today for you, I have to say I can't cope in the heat we have here so I couldn't manage where you are!
grr at your DH - mine is also useless in the mornings - he claims to wake up on the journey to work - hope it's fairly near the beginning of the journey!!

bumble75 · 18/07/2007 08:28

Morning all,

Sorry to all those who had bad nights ... hope your day is better.

Having to stay in today waiting for Tesco man and a new bannister to be delivered. But it's raining again anyway so no nice walks today.

Am probably going back to work Jan/Feb, hopefully three days a week, although I still have to have this agreed. No doubt, they'll use my request to go part time as a way to demote me. Actually not that bothered - they kind of shafted me out of my job before I went on mat leave so not really in love with work anymore. L is booked into a nursery - I got her place booked in Jan this year and there were already quite a few nurseries with waiting lists!

L shrieking so have a good day all!

Katy44 · 18/07/2007 08:30

bumble that's not legal! Get advice!
Morning btw

maveta · 18/07/2007 08:31

ok finally finished the last thread... great mega post catch up Eca! Did you take notes?!

Can anyone recommend a radio station, I´m listening to radio 1 at the moment but not sure what the good uk stations are anymore? Would like music rather than interminable pointless chat...

WCL at them not letting a baby into a film because they´re ´underage´. Well YES but they´re hardly watching it, are they?! Morons.

Eca - oooh good luck if you do decide to go for the job, I lol´d at your aubergine thing as well - sounded really funny - can you not resist bulk cooking if you see an aubergine??! We can´t do much of that at the mo´ as our freezer is teeny but Mum is giving us her old stand alone freezer so I´m going to get right into my bulk cooking. Or so I plan...

Sorry you had another crap night Oooggs.. re. the name, not sure - if she won´t change you can´t do anything but FWIW I read hers differently to yours. I guess people who know you less could easily confuse you though.. that was helpful, wasn´t it?!

I was wondering a similar thing about eye colour, might go do some net research..okay here we go
"The iris is usually blue, green, gray, or brown, or variations of these colors. The permanent color of the iris is often uncertain until your baby reaches 6 months of age. White babies are usually born with blue-gray eyes. Black babies are usually born with brown-gray eyes. Children who will have dark irises often change eye color by 2 months of age; children who will have light-colored irises usually change by 5 or 6 months of age."

CD - hope you manage to enjoy your friend´s visit, I do know what you mean about feeling slightly stressed by that kind of situation.

Okay, that was two MEGA catch ups! Can you lot kindly stop talking so much now?!

maveta · 18/07/2007 08:35

Morning! Agree with Katy, Bumble, that can´t be legal! Hope you get some good advice.

Am knackered today but self inflicted.. HP showing was at 10.30pm so we didn´t get home til 1am and not in bed til 1.30am then up at 4am to feed and then only on and off sleep after that, the fan was really annoying me - sometimes I find the air hitting my skin really irritating, does anyone get that or am I a freak? But dh wouldn´t let me turn it off cos he said it would get too hot.

bumble75 · 18/07/2007 08:48

Put L's mobile on and she has stopped shrieking so am back...

Is a funny one re my job... I moved teams late last year - still doing the same job just reporting to a different person, then about 10 weeks before I went on mat leave, they decided that they needed me to work on a 'special project' and give my job to someone else in the interim. I questioned changing my job so close to me going on leave and surely someone who was going to be around to finish the 'special project' would have been better suited and got a barrage of 'don't you want to help the team?' and 'it's good development for you'. And it all got very nasty... My aim is to go back to a different part of the business as my current manager is well known for shafting women who come back from mat leave. I know I should stand up to them but it's so hard to prove anything and they always play the 'but the structure changed while you were off' card or the 'but you're part time now'. Very but don't think I could prove anything.... will see what happens, haven't spoken to my manager about going back yet... he thinks I'm coming back in Oct and doesn't know I am spending December in Aus and not coming back till Jan - ooops, did I forget to mention that?

bumble75 · 18/07/2007 08:50

Oooggs - def don't change your name!

Maveta - I would rather sleep in sweltering heat than with fan on. Dh always makes us have fan on when we're in Aus and I always wake up shivering...

Really must go and have shower....

normabutty · 18/07/2007 09:55

Oooggs - don't change your name, you were here first.

Maveta - seeing as it's too hot over there I think it's only fair you send some of that sun over here . @ your dh...I've got one like that myself!!!

Erin is asleep but every so often cries and then wakes up, gives me a funny look then goes back to sleep

CaptainDippy · 18/07/2007 10:29

Yes, no name channging Ooggs!

On the subject of eye colour, I think P is going to have the same eye colour / shape as my DD1 - which is lovely cos DD1 has the most gorgeous massive dark blue eyes - they are definitely her most striking feature. What will I do with two little girls looking at me with their great big puppy dog eyes though!!!!!? Argh - willpower girl, must resist cuuute chiiiiildren ..... DD2's eyes are lovely too, but lighter blue & not as huge!!

Seek legal advice bumble - your employers are taking the piss!!

of you having your mum to cover childcare maveta - that is sooooo good, save you a bloomin' fortune, I can tell you!!

What are people's plans today?? I've got my youngest two asleep now, so catching up on paperwork etc (read: MN ), then I'm working this PM, so will get Doidy Cups for runny & Zazas then .... any idea on colour yet Zazas?? Anyone got Zazas' mobile no so I can text and ask otherwise she might have to wait another week. If anyone else wants one, put your order in asap!!!!! I'll be leaving at 12.30!!

CaptainDippy · 18/07/2007 10:29

Oooooh, how odd - Zazas has just text me!

eca · 18/07/2007 10:30

morning all!

poo poo poo at crappy night oooggs!

CD - T obviously has picked up the April babies psycic connection with P - he was up bright and breezy at 4.30am ready for playtime! Dh took him downstairs and was on play duties until 8am!!! Hope you get on ok with guests. Totally know what you mean. So far this week we have had the groom and bestman the night before the wedding; a wedding guest with nowhere to stay the night of the wedding and last night an applicant for the youthworker job who needed a bed. And we're leaving the spareroom made up for when we're away because the newlyweds need somewhere to stay after honeymoon for 4 nights! Sometimes I feel like I run a b&b...

Maveta - yes I took notes for catch-up post! Brain like a sieve . Grr at dh for you. I was reading in a magazine about how you seem to end up having more stress with dps after having a baby, but after 6months or so you settle down again.
I think I must be one of the very few people who isn't totally at your weather! I shut down if it gets too hot & burn really easily and hate sticky suncream! So like it coooooool!!!

morning everyone else!

CaptainDippy · 18/07/2007 10:33

Is T asleep now? Cos if he is, then I think he & P definitely have a connection going on .... of your DH being on playing duties though, mine turned his back on us & went back to sleep!!

eca · 18/07/2007 10:36

bumble did you see that drama (based on RL situations) about a woman who was a city banker and got pregnant, went on ml and her company shafted her BIG STYLE? It was so depressing. There was the whole struggling to prove anything etc, people blatantly lied in court and even someone who she thought was a friend sold out. It was AWFUL and made you feel totally hopeless. In theory there's equality and protection for mothers rights in the workplace, but in RL it so isn't like that!

Sorry don't mean to sound depressing about your situation...

eca · 18/07/2007 10:37

CD - lol. 1 boy fast asleep in his cot, just put him down as you posted that!

CaptainDippy · 18/07/2007 10:39

They are communicating!!!

Pinions · 18/07/2007 11:27

Just to say morning ladies!!!

Not had chance to catch up as yet, hope babies are behaving!

CaptainDippy · 18/07/2007 11:48

Hi Pinions!! Is yours behaving? P has been fussing, but seems to have put herslef back to sleep!

Right, got lady from SureStart coming round - have to convince her I am completely bonkers & DD2 gets free nursery session for another 6 months .... shouldn't be too hard!! Need to ruffle up my hair a bit and look crazed ......

mammyjoMcGonagall · 18/07/2007 12:23

CD, can I get a doidy cup please? How much are they and what colours have you got? If I miss you this week I can wait so dont worry if you are just out the door today!


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mammyjoMcGonagall · 18/07/2007 12:34

Morning! One handed typing here as dd has fallen asleep on me. Should put her down really but am quite enjoying the cuddle! Never had such a close bond with ds at this age At least I am making the most of this time.

No name change oooggs! You are oooggs on my mobile too. We all know who you are and would never confuse you with someone else. Am sure I have come across a mummyjo on here somewhere. No idea who was here first!!

Havent retained any more info. Sorry to anyone I should have mentioned! SOKL, did K get her jabs? Hope she is ok.

Pesha · 18/07/2007 13:30

Well have read abit but not even gonna attempt to catch up with the whole week so apologies for no personals. Hope all is well!

Holiday was good and bad but everyone was fine except one person!

Have decided i def want to move to a village so have put my house on a couple of swap sites (its housing association so cant just move) and seen a house in montacute and I WANT IT!!!! Well i want the area - have to check out the house, have emailed monday evening but no response yet and its driving me mad! I'm so impatient Thing is would be ideal to move in school hols so need everything to go quickly but cant see that happening really Once i get my mind set on something I just want it straight away!

Dylan is now 12 weeks and 10lb 10.5 so still dropping but I am not going to worry about it. Much! He had started sleeping 6 to 7 hours at night although from 8 or 9 ish most nights so not ideal but last 2 nights he hasnt Am hoping its just a temporary glitch though. He is very talky now and oohs and aahs loads and is desperately trying to roll from back to front, gets right on his side but not quite there yet, might help if he took his fist out his mouth for 5 seconds! And not sure why he wants to get onto his front so badly as when i lie him down on his front he hates it! His legs start desperately trying to crawl, knees come right up under him but this results in his head being forced into the mat so he shouts abit then gets upset and needs a cuddle!

Katy44 · 18/07/2007 13:30

pmsl at CD making herself look bonkers
Did it work?

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