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April 2007 - sing along now ladies ..... We're all off to a commune by the sea, a commune by the sea .........

409 replies

JoMa · 17/07/2007 20:24

it'll be in your heads for days now

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JoMa · 20/07/2007 22:52

new thread here

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JoMa · 20/07/2007 22:46

have sent you an email octo, a way to log into our chat without downloading msn

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octo · 20/07/2007 22:28

are you on msn - had to restore my laptop to date before it was installed just to get onto my home page arrghhh - two nights of msn was all I got! verrrryyyyy addictive though - dh unimpressed.

JoMa · 20/07/2007 22:25

we're all here
but not, iyswim

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JoMa · 20/07/2007 22:24

bloodyhell i'm shit tonight

this one

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octo · 20/07/2007 22:23

yooohhoooooo anyone around?????

((((hot choc ready and snuffled two choccie bics)))

JoMa · 20/07/2007 22:23

[[ or even this one! (i missed the ending off)

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eca · 20/07/2007 22:20

ok leaky wont give anything away to you if I finish 1st! The last couple I read in 24hrs but that was prebaby, so who knows this time. Perhaps I will just stick T on the boob for the day! He'll think all his Christmas's have come at once!

joma - I don't think the confusion is too bad. I wouldn't change unless you feel you're getting confused with her.

JoMa · 20/07/2007 22:18

you all need an organised mum calendar or diary. you really do.

and if you use this link i get 10%

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JoMa · 20/07/2007 22:16

ok, so now i need to come up with a new nickname, and a new thread title. arse

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mammyjoMcGonagall · 20/07/2007 22:12

Hello. Norma, hope you feel ok. Shame you missed the party but at least you still get your book. Will be into town first thing tomorrow to get mine. I wont be reading the end first, cant do it! Please please if any of you get to the end before me (which you probably will) can you give me warning if you are going to post about it please! I really want to find out what happens as I read so am hoping I dont hear it on TV or read it in the paper first!! V. excited!!(I know I am a saddo!).

WO, hope things are a little better today. You are doing such an amazing job. To call you selfish just beggers belief. Not only are their comments unacceptable, they are also extremely unprofessional. Thank goodness you were confident enough to stand up to them. Take care xx

theleakycauldRon · 20/07/2007 22:11

Right off to bed as I feel distinctly iffy. Bloody ear thing again.


Don't stay up too late reading HP!

theleakycauldRon · 20/07/2007 22:09

Eca -don't read the last page first it will spoil it and it's a BIG book to get through already knowing the end. Seriously how long will it take you to read? Not that long surely!

Sorry feel very strongly that I don't want to know the end until I've read it

NearlyHeddaslessNick · 20/07/2007 22:05

Evening everyone, just read thread, went to loo, forgotten everything, now there's a suprise!!

So just a general

JoMa · 20/07/2007 22:05

esp. as she was here first, i feel

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JoMa · 20/07/2007 22:04

I saw her tonight Eca, might have to change my name again!

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eca · 20/07/2007 22:04

joma - have you seen there's a jomaja on mn? Thought it was you for a min!

oooggs · 20/07/2007 21:57

hey Bumble - yes did have a strange request!!!!! but got it sorted, had guessed but needed it confirming (thanks gmm)

eca · 20/07/2007 21:56

night bumble. at getting mil weeding! Can we borrow her for the allotment!!

eca · 20/07/2007 21:55

norma!! oh no! I'm counting down. dh is going to tesco for me at midnight. The thing is... do I read the end first??? Will you? And how late will you stay up reading tonight?

Hi joma

Night Em x

bumble75 · 20/07/2007 21:54

Mean Tesco teasing you with empty stands Lucius!

L was dream baby today in office - screamed in office to disturb nasty people I work with then slept through lunch so I got to have good chat/gossip/bitch with my pals, one of whom insisted I join facebook which I did this afternoon so if anyone has random request from strange lady, is possibly from me... .

Visit with MIL was ok, she is lovely really and weeded half our garden for us (I don't really do gardens...). But made random comment in the middle of gardening 'You'll find it hard to leave L and go back to work' - completely out of the blue, no related to anything we'd been talking about and not said as question, rather as statement of fact... bizarre!

Have a good weekend all, I'm off to bed.

normabutty · 20/07/2007 21:53

Evening all,

I was meant to be at the Harry Potter party but i'm ill

DH has gone tho cos I still want my book!!!!


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EmmyKnackeredMuggle · 20/07/2007 21:29

Hello JoMa, long time no speak. And I'm off to bed now. Knackered. .

JoMa · 20/07/2007 21:22

like it EKM

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EmmyKnackeredMuggle · 20/07/2007 21:21

SOL - that's it, I've nicked your knackered!

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