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Jan '07 part 7: This time last year it was all beginning - good luck to the Jan 08-to-be's

587 replies

2Happy · 16/04/2007 16:26

Clearly I'm feeling nostalgic! Just think, some of them even had heart beats this time last year!!

OP posts:
laughalot · 18/04/2007 20:08

hope even

laughalot · 18/04/2007 20:10

Sorry x post with eah

ellieandhattie · 18/04/2007 20:12

lol laughalot hows Lauren been tonight?

2happy any details on sis baby yet?

Wilkie · 18/04/2007 20:17

Bloody hell laydeez, you do chat! I have skim read cos I am at Mum and Dads and they are on dial up (bless) and I don't want to spend too much time at 10p a min or whatever it is!!!

RGEE - PMSL at the photo of tummy time J has got loads better too since he had the Bumbo seat which he ABSOLUTELY loves! He just sits in it grinning like an idiot

Laughalot - PMSL at you text this morning. It read 'For Sale, one little girl, open to offers'(or words to that effect).

Jodie - for your DD. Bless her. Great that she was so well behaved though

EAH - > hope you are still awake?

Lizz - missed you chuck, where'd you go?

Galmum - HI! Great to hear from you - was only thinking about you the other night for some bizarre reason

Shimmer - V impressed with you posting from Hong Kong....ahhh, there is so much love on the thread that we even think of each other when on hols

Sorry - can't remember any more posts/personals.

News from the Wilkie househols: J has decided that sleeping through is not for him and woke up at 2am and 6am for feeds last night

My 22 yr old cousin has just become a father - he's only just found out and it is all a bit of a shock for the family. Little boy is adorable though and 8 weeks old.

Anyway, I am knackered and STILL have my sore throat which has now been lingering for 2 weeks!!!!! Catch later xxxxxxxxxxx

Wilkie · 18/04/2007 20:18

Oh and Laughalot/EAH - Hungry Baby Milk didn't agree with J either so have knocked it on the head

annieapple7 · 18/04/2007 20:30

Hi everyone

Been working today and managed to keep off MN, a real effort! Must get more motivated.

Thinking of your DD Jodie - my DS1 had to have an op and it was the worst day of my life! He is fine now but I know how horrible it is. I am having my hair cut next week - can't wait - it looks like a wig at the moment. A bad one.

RGee - Rose hates being on her tummy too - she just grunts, cries and drools everywhere and when I pick hher up i usually find she has been a bit sick and has it all over her face!

Dragon - Hope Luke is better. I too heate it when the children are ill - I can't quite believe that I am in charge!

When I had thrush my nips looked really pink and a bit shiny and sometimes felt tingly and made me feel cold, if that makes sense? Almost as if the shiver started in nips - weird. I had cream for them and a medicine for Rose. It never really went away though - another reason I hit the bottle at 8 weeks. Talking of which, am off to eat and have an ice cold bottle of Stella - ah - another bottle feeding bonus!

EAH - fingers crossed for tonight - it seems too cruel when she has been sleeping through.

Rose had a rash on her cheeks (skin feels rough too), neck and chest, like tiny red spots - any suggestions what it could be? Am of to consult Miriam Stoppard. Not in person of course.

Dragonhart · 18/04/2007 22:10

Forgot to say Laughalot- thanks for the offer but I have two already. Maybe someone else wants to try them?

Hope Hattie is better tom EAH.

Annie - makes me feel a bit better as that doesnt sound like what I have. Fingers crossed.

TBH I am finding bf a bit of a chore this time. It just seems so hard to fit it in with Luke and get anything done. I do enjoy the first and last feeds of the day as I can just enjoy it but have to say I will be glad when she goes a bit longer between feeds and starts eating. Feel guilty about it as I enjoyed feeding L but guess I had loads more time to relax and enjoy it. HWat with that and now the sore nipples, it is just getting on top of me a bit.

Sorry. All my posts the last few days have been full of doom and gloom. Will try to wake up tom full of the joys of sunshine (as long as I get a good nights sleep from L!! )

laughalot · 19/04/2007 08:41

Well girls I was in laurens room in the night in floods of tears you would think being a second time mum I would have got my head round this parenting lark I just dont know what im doing wrong shes gone from being good to crap. This is what I do and what changes iv made recently any suggestions are welcomed and wilkie lauren is still for sale .

Right in the day when she naps I tend to put her in the cot so that aidan dosent keep bugging her do you think I should stop that so she just associates her cot with bedtime ?

She was sleeping in her moses basket which I put in her cot she seemed to like the moses basket as she was all snuggled up seems like she likes feeling things round her however a few days ago I just put her in the cot and that is when it seems to have got a bit worse so do I put her back in the moses basket for a bit or keep trying her in the cot itself ?

On a evening she still falls asleep in my arms I have tried to put her down awake but she screams the place down and I cant handle that for too long so she falls asleep in my arms, when she wakes for her feed around midnight after she has been winded I put her back down when she isnt fully asleep and thats when my problems start she is then waking up nearly every hour crying do you think I should make sure she properly is fast asleep before I put her back down ?

Sorry I know you all have problems off your own im just so tired and angry that I cant settle her what is wrong with me

JodieG1 · 19/04/2007 09:09

laughalot - not sure re the moses basket/cot, do what you feel is best. I don't put EThan upstairs for his naps, he's usually held or in a lying flat chair thingie. Works ok for us. I really wouldn't worry about putting her down awake, I've never done this with any of mine and they've all been fine. I would wait until she's fast asleep before putting her down in the night. You can tell when they're fast asleep (usually takes around 20 mins to reach deep sleep for a baby) as their eyelids don't move, faces are expressionless, limbs go floppy and hands aren't clenched. I have to recommend the hugabub sling again as I put Ethan in his this morning and he fell asleep in mintues! He's still asleep now and I'm typing with both hands!!! It's great as he doesn't feel heavy at all in this and he weighs over 16 pounds hehe and I have a bad back but the weight is spread evenly. So easy to use and now I can do things much easier, just wish I'd remembered I had it sooner!

Off to read the other posts now

RGee · 19/04/2007 09:15

Morning all.

LL - at bad night. You are a great mum so please don't beat yourself up. As a first time mum, I'm not best placed to give advice, but it sounds like L loves her cuddles and the feeling of security. Who wouldn't! I would persevere with the cot at night as I guess it's not going to be too long before she's grown out of the basket anyway. Pippa naps downstairs in her pram in the day but then she doesn't have anyone around to harrass her.

Dragon - how are things with you this morning? After giving up on bf partially at 7 weeks and totally at 12 weeks due to painful nips, I really admire you for persevering. [Rgee bows down in admiration]

Annie - what did Miriam say about R rash? Hope she sorted it out for you!

Thanks for all your messages re tummy time. On the bright side, if she continues her development at this rate, I won't have to worry about child proofing the house for some time yet

Wilkie - how was J's night? Can't believe he teased you with sleeping all the way through! Your poor cousin only just finding out about being a dad About 8 years ago MIL received a letter from someone saying she was 8 months pregnant, and the father was Dh's little brother! Was true and the first Dh's brother knew about it too! Now that was a

EAH - how's H this morning? Is she feeling better. Tried to catch up with you on MSN last night, but 'puter playing up again. Yawn...DH claims he'll have a look at it at some stage..

Jodie - poor dd but at least you have a date and can get it over and done with. And a lovely hair cut afterwards to relax. Sounds lovely. My hair was thick before being pg but now is totally overgrown and needs pruning. Noticed a bit of grey peeping though too

Lizz - have taken lo swimming twice (I say swimming in the looses sense of the word). The first time was about 6 weeks ago, and we went to a posh hydrotherapy pool which my mate had hired exclusively. Was brilliant as there were just 4 of us there with 4 babies. You are right - she massively let rip when coming out of the pool but I think that's cos she was hungry. We also went swimming Easter weekend to the pool at my gym. DH came with me that time thankfully, as there was a 6 year old and a 2 year old also in the baby pool and they kept splashing Pippa. I kept getting tense about it, don't know why as Pippa didn't seem to mind and after all it is what 6 and 2 year olds do in water. But DH kept me under control! It was good having him there too when getting out, as I got ready first then came back to the pool to retrieve and change lo whilst Dh got ready. Not confident enough to go on my own yet, but will prob track down a swim babies class rather than going to the pool as hoc iyswim.

2Happy - you filled in your tax form yet. Yawn! Goanddoitnow!!!!

Carrot - not long now...i've saved my Grand National hat specially!

See you all later.

JodieG1 · 19/04/2007 09:17

Thanks everyone for all the well wishes re dd, just dreading the op now, I really worry about the general that she won't wake up I know the chances are tiny but still, always something to worry about sigh.

Wilkie - hope you're feeling better soon

DH - hope Luke is feeling better today, it's horrible when they're ill I recommend the hugabub sling to you too, means you're hands free and can get on with anything you like really. I just changed ds1's smelly nappy with Ethan still in his sling and now I'm sat at the pc with him snoring away lol.

EAH - hope Hattie is ok today, seems a lot of illness about at the moment.

Annie - must have been awful for you with your ds1 having an op, glad he's fine now. Enjoy your haircut next week, I made the most of mine yesterday

Can I also add you can breastfeed in this sling? I'm not on a commission honestly but these are so comfy and fab!

I've arranged to go out with my next door neighbour tonight for a drink so I'm in a good mood today We only sorted it out yesterday but I'm really looking forward to it. Pub is only up the road and I expressed another bottle of milk this morning so dh had plenty, 2 in the fridge and 3 frozen, all are about 5oz-6 oz. Now I have to decide what to wear hehe. Not a bad night with Ethan, went down at 9.30ish woke at 2 for a feed and then at 3.30, 5 and 6 but as we co-sleep I dozed through the early morning ones lol. Certainly don't feel like I was awake much last night this morning so can't have been that bad.

JodieG1 · 19/04/2007 09:18

Rgee - crosspost there, morning how are you?

theUrbanDryad · 19/04/2007 09:34

Jodie - your poor DD with the op. she will be fine though, i've known lots of kids who've had it (used to work in optics!) and thwy've been fantastic afterwards! if i can help at all or offer any advice then let me know. (just so you know - if she has a bad astigmatism - over +/-1.00ds she will struggle to wear contacts in the future, just so you don't get her hopes up then the optician dashes them!)

DH - how is luke today?

Laughalot - for you. i know the feeling when you're like "I'm such a rubbish mum" (i get it all the time!) but we are all just trying our best at the end of the day! i sometimes put Zac down asleep and sometimes awake, he is ok at settling himself but sometimes he's clingy and wants to be cuddled to sleep. i tend to go with whatever he wants but then he is my PFB and i'm winging it! i would perservere with the cot too - but maybe put her on the sofa or in a trsvel cot/pram downstairs for the daytime naps. make sure Aidan can't get to her by keeping him entertained with activities or TV!! i forget - how old is he? does he still have daytime naps? is there anyway you could time Lauren's round them? what i used to do with my godchildren when they were little was when Alice would go down for a sleep, Oliver woul go in his playpen for a play. we made it so that it was his special time and a bit of a treat, and made sure he got loads of attention from me and his mum while Alice was napping. god, i ramble on!!

anyway, i'd best be off. hope y'all have a good day!! xxx

RGee · 19/04/2007 09:37

Hi Jodie. All well here ta. LO is having her nap and I'm trying to decide what to do today. The park again I guess. Can't wait til she's a bit older as Tropical World is quite close to us and I can take her there all the time to the butterfly park (actually, I love the place but she will grow to love it!).

Lizzzombie · 19/04/2007 11:50

It was a year ago yesterday that I got pregnant. Can't believe how much has changed in a year.
Got Pregnant
Gave up smoking like a chimney & drinking like a fish
Moved in with DP
Moved to a bigger flat
Got engaged
Got piles
Had baby
Gone up a dress and shoe size
Developed a chocolate addiction
Developed huge bum spread problem due to being sat at computer inbetween feeding baby
Put offer in on a house.

All I need now, is to win the lottery and my life will be complete. (although, obviously, I feel like I have won the lottery of life at the moment - just in case DP reads this ever...thank you for my gorgeous baby, my engagement ring...and my piles?!) x

LadyTophamHatt · 19/04/2007 14:41

Just a quick one ladies.

All you aptimal feeding mums, do you make up all the feed in advance and putthem in thefridge or do as the pack says and do one a friggin time??

I'm going to try changing george over becuse he still has diaherrea (FGS...How do you spell that word) and Aptimal has prebiotics in whisc I hope might help settle his stomach and increas the good bacteria to fight the bad stuff.....

Did realise it was make one at time though....What a bloody FAFF!

theUrbanDryad · 19/04/2007 14:44

diarreah (for future refernce)

hattie2 · 19/04/2007 14:46

i'm sure there's an 'o' in it - apologies for being pedantic.....

From NHS Direct website - Diarrhoea

LadyTophamHatt · 19/04/2007 14:47


(although I know damn well I'll forget it with 30 seconds)

LadyTophamHatt · 19/04/2007 14:48

"the shits"

hattie2 · 19/04/2007 14:48

didn't help with your question though did it?

laughalot · 19/04/2007 15:03

hee hee


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pinkcandyfloss · 19/04/2007 15:08

LTH- we found this when going from SMA to Aptamil.
Now we make up the bottles with boiled water (can leave them at room temp for up to 24hr) and just add the powder when needed. Is quite easy and don't have to put it in the fridge. HTH

Galmum · 19/04/2007 15:16

Good luck Jodie - Don't know if this helps but my little boy had atleast 14 generals and he was fine. He had one every day Mon-Fri for 2 weeks when he was having radiotherapy as he was too young to lie still. He used to come round from the short ones, stuff his face with a crossiant and down a carton of juice..probably advisable not to little LOs eat to much too quick but he was like a man possessed with hunger!

Saying that - it's tough to see them go under and it always will be - stay cool and give off chilled vibes even if you don't feel that way. Thinking of you.

Laughalot - my dd only settles herself when she's on her side - I know bad mother! I little her fall into a deep sleep and then turn her on her back. I do let her cry a bit in the evening but go in if it changes to going mental! My son loved sleeping in his pram in the day and she's the opposite - loves sleeping in her cot and not so much the pram. She's much better at settling herself - we never really did it with him. Good luck!

Galmum · 19/04/2007 15:34

PS When's a good time to start using a Bumbo - I can't remember??

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