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Jan '07 part 7: This time last year it was all beginning - good luck to the Jan 08-to-be's

587 replies

2Happy · 16/04/2007 16:26

Clearly I'm feeling nostalgic! Just think, some of them even had heart beats this time last year!!

OP posts:
LadyTophamHatt · 19/04/2007 15:59

Does it disolve Ok in room temp water?

He won't drink it unless it's warm so not sure how that would work?

Lizzzombie · 19/04/2007 16:04

LTH - are you ready for to be stalked?!
The ball is rolling big time for us to be moving to E'bourne!

Lizzzombie · 19/04/2007 16:05

"for to be"..?! ye olde poste language...?! wtf?!

Lizzzombie · 19/04/2007 16:06

ps - didnt mean that to sound in anyway scarey. I promise I won't properly stalk you. I don't need another restraining order!

pinkcandyfloss · 19/04/2007 16:08

LTH- yes dissolves ok at room temp. We also heat Max's up in a jug of water after we've added the powder - doesn't take as long to heat up either as it hasn't been in the fridge which is a bonus!

theUrbanDryad · 19/04/2007 16:17

Hattie - your way looks more right. i was going by google....

vinorouge · 19/04/2007 16:19

Hello all - Ellen and I am still alive! Just had her weighed and she is a hefty 14lb70z at 13 weeks. Haven't logged on for about a week so just had a skim of the thread to catch up a bit.

DH has a week off next week and we are sooo looking forward to it, he has been working really long hours lately so feel like I hardly see him and have found things hard on my own. We are off to the peak district for a few days to chill out. Just in time for the change of weather I see!!! Oh well good job Ellen has a raincoat.

Lizzzombie · 19/04/2007 16:21

I got Dylan weighed today at 12 + 5 days and he is 13lbs.8oz The HV said he is in the 50th percentile...what ever that means. Does anyone else understand percentiles? It sounds like algebra and my brain immediately shuts down when I try to understand it. Doh. [divvy mother emotion]

vinorouge · 19/04/2007 16:30

I don't understand percentiles either !!!

hattie2 · 19/04/2007 16:33

was just about to start typing a reply about percentiles when I realised that I obviously don't understand them either! Other than that (presumably) if you're on the 50th percentile you are 'average' size. Will wait for someone who knows what they're talking about - RGee describes herself as a 'maths geek' so maybe she will enlighten us

Lizzzombie · 19/04/2007 16:40

So pleased I'm not the only one!

RGee · 19/04/2007 17:18

Yes, I am a maths nerd. Direct your algebra questions here.

Hattie, you were spot on with your 50% being average description (Lizz - my lo is 'average' too. So much for competitive mother ). If all the 13 week old boys in the country were weighed, about half of them would be heavier and about half of them lighter than Dylan). Maybe we should have our own MN Jan07 percentiles?

Tomorrow's lesson is trigonometry.....please wake up at the back and pay attention....

laughalot · 19/04/2007 18:12

Hate maths im rebelling

Wilkie · 19/04/2007 18:40

Hello girlies

LTH - I make up my feeds in advance and keep them in the fridge (Aptamil) - my sis also did this with the twins. I heat my feeds in the microwave (advice from EAH - thank you SOOOO much) which I know you are told not to do as it can get hot spots but if you just give them 30-40 seconds and shake the bottle the feed is absolutely perfect and saves SO much time. (I think the 'hot spot' advice is for divs that wouldn't shake the bottled to disperse).

Lizz - J is on the 50th Percentile too.

EAH - Where are you my lovely? How was Hattie last night?

Jacob was a pain in the night but I think its cos he was in a travel cot in a strange room. He woke at 1am and 4am. Grr.

Anyway, must go as mum and dad are getting fish and chips for tea - yum yum.

Wilkie · 19/04/2007 18:44


about the bad night. Obv, I am a first time mum but I firmly believe in putting them down awake (IMO) and Jacob is settling really well now at night after a tough couple of nights. I literally put him down with his dummy, he inevitably cries but I shush him until he is calm then go out. I hang around upstairs and if he starts to cry I go back in, put dummy back in and shush again. I continue this until all is quiet. Usually takes about 15 mins but sometimes half hour. It takes a lot of effort not to pick him up. Dr Ferber and Baby Whisperer say, which makes sense to me, if you put your baby down asleep, when they wake in the night they find it difficult to settle on their own because they are used to you holding them until they are asleep, hence why they should learn to settle themselves.

Dr Ferber likens it to having your pillow stolen in the night - if you woke up and your pillow was missing you wouldn't be able to get back to sleep and would get up and look for it, prob put light on to find it and generally be p*ssed off. I suppose if a baby is put down asleep and then wakes off it wants mum to get it back to sleep. Makes sense to me but I suppose it does depend on the type of baby.

This is just my opinion though and gives you a balanced view from the two opposite ends of the spectrum i.e. Jodie and me (no offence meant Jodie but I think we realise we do things differently ).

As for naps, J sleeps in his bouncy chair somewhere quiet during the day and has 40 mins at approx 8.30am, 12.30pm and 4.30pm.

I would keep Lauren in her cot personally cos she will soon outgrow the moses basket so you may as well persevere witht he cot than putting it off for another couple of weeks cos at some point you will need to do it.

Do you have a nightlight? I have one on my monitor for Jacob as I like to think if he wakes in the night there is a little bit of light for him. I don't think it will be a problem when he gets older and if it is then I will just put a plug in night light in his room.

I also have a 'raggie' that I snuggle next to his cheek at night which he likes.


(sorry for the essay everyone - please don't start debating this cos it is just my opinion but works for me)

Lizzzombie · 19/04/2007 19:11

Thats what I do more or less too. Dylan had all his naps in his cot though. If he starts to get sleepy in his bouncy chair I just carry him through to his cot. The only time he falls asleep on me is occasionally after a feed. I also keep a cuddly toy in his cot to stroke his forehead with, which is only every played with in his cot, so he knows its his sleepy time toy. And I only ever pick him up from his cot if he starts to scream the house he did earlier. Screamed his head off for over half an hour. I had no idea what was wrong. He had his lunch late, and so I thought he couldnt be hungry, but, after nearly bursting into tears myself, I thought I'd stuff a tit in his mouth anyway. Evidently he was starving, and scoffed a big feed down. And all is calm again..ish.
He is really pukey at the moment, and I am a bit concerned as to when I should start to worry. When does the normal amount of possety puke become something you have to worry about? Any thoughts? x

LadyTophamHatt · 19/04/2007 19:31

I'm so programmed to make bottles all in advance that I just can't get my head around the room temp method.
Yes I get it but I just can't do it....

I'll make them all up as per usual.

I used to warm all the older Ds's formula up in the microwave but mears (you know mears? the MN widwife) has read reserach that said warming formula in teh microwave zapps all teh vitamins to kingdomcome.
I'm sticking with teh hot water method thsi time.

ellieandhattie · 19/04/2007 19:38

Hello all > I have tried to post about 5 times today but kept getting distracted. Had an eventful night last night, Hatties temp was up an down like a yo yo from 38.7 down to 35 back to 38.5 etc etc, phoned the emergrency dr who wanted me to take her to the out of hours surgery half hour drive away at 2am when she was asleep. I asked for a dr to come out and was told they wouldnt send one as we had transport and were not elderly (yep cause I want to take an ill 14 week old baby out in the early hours and make her worse) anyway got so stressed out put the phone down. Dr called back (was speaking to nurse previously) and he said it sounded like a virus we went throgh lots of checks on the phone like looking for rash etc etc but no visible signs why her temp up and down. We decided best thing was to keep on with calpol and only put light blanket on her so I came downstairs and stayed up with her so I could keep an eye on her (was worried with temp going up suddendly about febrile convulsions) Chris went to work at 4.30am so I am knackered today. Went to Drs today and he checked for chest infection/ear infection etc and nothing he could find and she does seem alot happier in her self today just a bit sleepier and having longer naps so looks like a virus. Dr weighed her and shes 12lb 10oz and she'll be 15 weeks tomorrow

On the positive side Ellie has been a star today behaved really well at Drs, we then had appt to get her hair cut (she HATES hving haircut) but had lovely hairdresser who was on Ellies wavelength so she has a straight fringe and all her curls have been trimmed. We put Hattie in the pram this afternoon and parked her in the garden and we have planted all our pots and hanging baskets and had a great time (I thought she'd be bored after 5mins but did it woth me for an hour) she ate all her tea and went to bed at 6.30 cause 'I'm very tired now Mummy' awwwww days like today I remember how special my PFB is

LAUGHALOT we pretty much do what Wilkie does (lots of convos on msn re this) but her down when shes dozy but go back 40-50 seconds after crying starts and shush her and rub her back.

WILKIE Glad you are having a good time missing our msn mwah mwah

LTH We do bottles like PCF leave water in bottles and add powder as we need it and warm in mocrowave

RGEE what did you end up doing today and I'll be paying attention during maths tomorrow as was being thick the other day when I was trying to do long multiplication


GALMUM Just started using bumbo at 15 weeks but Hattie is small but she loves it for short spans

LIZZ quite an acheivement for a year!

JODIE looked at the sling website but am so tempted to spend teh spare cash we have on a quinny zapp thats on offer in bboots for £75!!

Right thats a post and half sorry for anyone I missed

ellieandhattie · 19/04/2007 19:42

Forgot after that mamouth post to say Hattie has her long morning sleep in her cot out of Ellies reach and in the afternoon either sleeps in her pram if we are in the garden or on the sofa if we are indoors as she tends to cat nap in the afternoon

theUrbanDryad · 19/04/2007 19:53

EAH - is it you who has the M&P Pliko stroller? do you know if you can put the back down flat? i can't seem to recline my one and i'm not sure if it's cause it doesn't or cause it's me being thick!!

hattie2 · 19/04/2007 19:57

UD - I've got one of those in my pram collection! It doesn't go completely flat, but near enough - there's a plastic handle in the middle near the top of the back of the seat. If you pull this up you should be able to recline it. Hope this makes sense!

ellieandhattie · 19/04/2007 19:58

Urban I have M&P pliko and M&P freestler and maclaren double, chicco stroller and bruin stroller (and I WANT TO BUY A ZAPP!!!)

With my pliko there is a catch about 1/3 way down on the back cover you have to lift the silver handle inside and then pull the back down does that make sense


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ellieandhattie · 19/04/2007 19:59

x post hattie another pram/pushchair collector!!

hattie2 · 19/04/2007 20:00

and I thought my collection of 4 was excessive! (M&P Pliko, Mclaren quest, mclaren volo and my lovely new Hauck Infinity)

ellieandhattie · 19/04/2007 20:00

product manuals for m&p

this might help UD

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