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All-new posifrikentivity grads

130 replies

CorporeSarnie · 28/11/2014 13:45

Hello to post-ttc-after-mc and/or pg-after-mc grads out there.
It has been weeks since I promised I would put a new grads thread up, but finally am in front of a pc (with a snoozing 4 week old DS on my lap), so here I am. Never quite felt up to joining the regular antenatal threads, so am a bit nervous about joining a postnatal one so late in the game.
Am hoping to hear more good news from the pregnant after MC thread very soon (am still lurking a bit there) - gwlondon being the most recent grad (well done you brave lady if you're reading this). Hope that alb and fedup are also doing well, as well as previous grads.
Am slowly settling into life with 2 DC here, is very tough trying to balance the needs of a toddler and a new baby but so so fantastic to see the pair of them together, even if DD does try to beat her baby brother up most days.

OP posts:
FuzzyOwl · 06/10/2015 21:13

Hello everyone. So many names I recognise from when I was SunbathingCat and it is great to see you all doing so well.

Congratulations Cuppa and MrsG. I am TTC again (most nail biting) so hopefully soon there will be three of us.

Alb1 · 07/10/2015 14:31

Nice to see you here fuzzy I remember you, hope your doing well.

Hopefully it will be 4 of us soon, it just had a very unexpected BFP myself, I'm still shocked about it! But just hoping it sticks

FuzzyOwl · 07/10/2015 20:52

Oh wow, congratulations Alb1. Grin I really hope it all goes smoothly for you.

Cuppachaplz · 15/10/2015 21:15

Wow, congratulations mrsg
Sorry you're having a rough time, but glad to hear Luca is doing well Thanks

Hi fuzzy
So nice to see so many names I recognise.

Having been ignored by hospital and me for 6w I finally saw a mw yesterday, who thinks I am about 18-20 weeks Shock
Also Percy's DS and my multiple MCs makes me incredibly high risk which I'm not impressed about; I've had no more than last time and they ignored me for weeks now.
Scan booked for next week.
Percy had reviews last week. He has list weight and needs glasses, but MRI has been delayed for s few years as no neurological symptoms Smile

Cuppachaplz · 15/10/2015 21:16

Oh, and congrats alb1
Wishing you a smooth pregnancy xx

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