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All-new posifrikentivity grads

130 replies

CorporeSarnie · 28/11/2014 13:45

Hello to post-ttc-after-mc and/or pg-after-mc grads out there.
It has been weeks since I promised I would put a new grads thread up, but finally am in front of a pc (with a snoozing 4 week old DS on my lap), so here I am. Never quite felt up to joining the regular antenatal threads, so am a bit nervous about joining a postnatal one so late in the game.
Am hoping to hear more good news from the pregnant after MC thread very soon (am still lurking a bit there) - gwlondon being the most recent grad (well done you brave lady if you're reading this). Hope that alb and fedup are also doing well, as well as previous grads.
Am slowly settling into life with 2 DC here, is very tough trying to balance the needs of a toddler and a new baby but so so fantastic to see the pair of them together, even if DD does try to beat her baby brother up most days.

OP posts:
Alb1 · 07/05/2015 08:50

How was it being back at work mrsg? Is Olivia with family or a childminders? We have to find a childminder for 1 day a week but I keep putting it off, just don't want to leave him!

cuppa that's so cute stealing food Smile

How's everyone else getting on with weaning? Were off to the baby version of tumbletots today, I'm unreasonably excited!

MrsGiraffe12 · 13/07/2015 20:33

Hi everyone!

It's been quiet on here recently, but I think I might be able to liven it up with a little secret I've been holding in for some time....

I'm pregnant again!! Found out in March, so am now 20 weeks!

Was a shock as DH was booked I for the snip! But are very happy, if a little scared after the 3rd degree tear with Olivia. But am having an ELCS at 38 weeks so all is fine

How is everyone else? xx

Alb1 · 16/07/2015 10:13

MrsG that's so exciting!! Congratulations! Have you found out wether your having a boy or girl?

It's sad this thread so so quiet, I miss the pregnancy thread lol

MrsGiraffe12 · 16/07/2015 18:44

Alb I miss the thread too. It was so lovely.

I don't know if I'm having a boy or girl, we didn't find out with our other 2 either. I was so so shocked, DH was booked in for a vasectomy, then couldn't go as he was ill and 2 weeks later I found I was pregnant!

Have been trying to chat to my DR about being sterilised after this op as I can't stomach doing it again, all the anxiety etc. I think I'm mad, I'm only going to have a 14 month gap!!

Alb1 · 18/07/2015 08:27

It is a close gap but think how close they will hopefully be growing up! id love another now but I'm too scared of the pregnancy again at the min, my pelvic floor still hasn't recovered enough to cope I think Blush have you rejoined the pregnancy thread? I peek in there every so often, I still recognise a few on there from around mn, although there appears to be a second unrelated pregnancy after miscarriage thread which confused me for a while as I didn't realise there was two lol

MrsGiraffe12 · 19/07/2015 08:04

No, I felt a bit fraudulent joining it again as my last pregnancy resulted in Olivia. I may do, but I'm not as bat shit crazy this time!

I'm so finished having babies though Wink I've only been back at work since May, that went down well hahaha, especially with all the appointments with Olivia in her hip spica cast too x

TwoLittleTerrors · 19/07/2015 13:44

MrsG congrats. 14 month gap! It must be such a shock given how hard it is last time. 20 weeks now will mean it's a winter baby isn't it? Hope you aren't as anxious this time round with the pregnancy.

DD2 is now 10 months and so I only have another 2 months of maternity leave left. DD2 has sort of failed her 10 month review. So back to the GP. The HV won't listen that she's just been to the GP about her weight at 9mo, and won't be due another visit till 12mo. So she has left a note on the red book and the surgery saying I must go in again. What a waste of NHS GP time! Other than being a light weight, she is well and alert. Only 'problem' is she can't pull up, cruise or stand yet. But DD1 didn't pull up till 12mo. (The HV won't listen to that either).

How quick has the time gone!

Alb1 · 19/07/2015 14:52

Haha yeah I bet, are they being supportive at work tho? how is Olivia doing now?

two your HV sounds like abit of a pain Confused DS can't cruise and couldn't stand, pull up or crawl when they did his at 9 months and they didn't seem bothered. Wev moved areas and were we live now they have self weigh clinics to weigh babies so you don't even seen a health visitor now, so after the last review at 9 months we won't see the HV again until his 18month-2year check up, it seems like a really big gap!

TwoLittleTerrors · 19/07/2015 15:16

Don't get me started on the test the HV used.

On speech she asked if DD2 has specific words for things yet, like the cat. She can only say baba, mama, wawa and completely randomly. Like when eating she goes ah ba a lot. Am I supposed to think ah ba means yummy or food?

Also she asked if she waves goodbye. Well she does jazz hands all the time but out of context. As in I can't get her to perform a bye bye to the HV.

The pulling up is pretty difficult too. There is a question asking if the baby can pick up a toy standing up from the floor!

DD1 red book says she didn't do bye bye until 15mo. And didn't say mama to everyone till 18mo.

Either both my DDs are slow learners. Or the tests are for very advanced babies. DD2 got full marks with the fine motor skills but I know she's unusual for that as she's BLW. She can pick up spaghetti and cake crumbs and I haven't seen other babies doing that.

MrsGiraffe12 · 23/07/2015 11:31

Having a completely knackered and exhausted day today. Olivia has started to pull herself around on her bottom despite the spica cast and is pulling everything off the shelves, my 7 year old son is wanting something to do every second of the day, am doing 2 hours a day of driving lessons a day for a
Month (semi intensive course) AND am working 5am - 12pm 3 days a week. At 21 weeks pregnant I feel worn out Confused

As for the HV tests, I have learned with my eldest not to take them too seriously, He never met the targets either due to prematurity yet we got referred to further health professionals, who just rolled their eyes.

Alb1 · 26/07/2015 08:24

mrsg that does sound like you've got a lot going on! When does he cast come off?

two I didn't get asked any questions like that, some of them sound very unrealistic for this age! Mine just took a lot of measurement and ticked a few boxes, she put that he could smile even tho he'd cried the whole time she was here, she just decided he can smile by now and ticked it (he can smile of course, the hv just woke him from his nap and had a loud squeaky voice which always makes him cry) so I don't think there as thorough at all here.

MrsGiraffe12 · 05/08/2015 15:25

Hand holding required, I've just moved Olivias cot into her own room for the first time tonight. Am scared Blush she's 11 months old and I need her used to that room before the baby comes as I don't have space in my room for 2 cots x

TwoLittleTerrors · 08/08/2015 01:48

How did it go MrsG?

I moved DD2 into her own room about a month ago. She wasn't fazed by it. Didn't improve sleep either though.

MrsGiraffe12 · 10/08/2015 10:28

It's been tough. Every night she's woken up every hour and a half and will only settle with a cuddle.

It's warm in her room though and with her cast on I bet she's so hot.

Still. Only 8 more weeks and she can have it off! Carrying her in this is so tough now, her cast weighs nearly 14lbs and she's approx 22lbs (accounting for the cast still being on when she's weighted), so I'm carting around 36lbs at 6 months pregnant.

Still. My family is so precious and I don't like to complain x

MrsGiraffe12 · 01/09/2015 20:34

Olivia is 1 today Shock where has that time gone!!

Only 11 weeks till baby number 3 arrives as I'm having a c section at 38 weeks. Am very very scared now haha x

Alb1 · 02/09/2015 21:49

It's gone so fast hasn't it! Did you do anything nice for her birthday? It must be hard carrying her around with the cast and the bump, atleast it will be off before the new baby arrives though. We still can't get DS to sleep in his own room, were thinking about switching to a toddler bed as he hates the cot but he's so small!

MrsGiraffe12 · 08/09/2015 21:29

We didn't do much to be honest, I'm too pregnant and tired and she's too heavy too.

She won't sleep in her cot either and I'm so tired I could scream Sad

MrsGiraffe12 · 09/09/2015 05:04

Also my blood pressure has started to play up (d??j?? vue here - eldest was 8 1/2 weeks early due to PET and my BP was all over the place with Olivia but only just got away with the PET) so am a little anxious and am advised to take it easy x

Cuppachaplz · 17/09/2015 10:07

Hello again all,
mrsg, wow, time flies!
Percy is 9m and has just started rolling. Physio are pleased, given the developmental delay :)
I'm just starting to work again; ugh!
I've also just found out I'm pregnant again, so totally panicking, given history, and still breastfeeding.
I can't find 'our' thread anymore, so wondering if it's petered out :(
Hoping all is wel, ladies. Big hugs x

MrsGiraffe12 · 17/09/2015 15:56

cuppa yay another pregnant lady. Thank god I'm not the only one Wink
How you feeling x

Alb1 · 18/09/2015 22:52

Awwww congrats cuppa and sounds like Percy is getting on well which is lovely to hear.

mrsg how are you getting on with the blood pressure?

DS was 1 on Monday, time is flying! He can't quite walk yet but he is obsessed with climbing and is very good at it so we're getting lots of little accidents at the min, I don't no how il keep up when he can walk too haha

MrsGiraffe12 · 28/09/2015 11:17

Baby boy giraffe (Luca) arrived on Thursday 24th September weighing 3lb 2oz by emergency c section due to PET. Same as big bro who's 7, he was born at 31 1/2 weeks weighing 2lbs for pre eclampsia too. Seems I can't carry boys well.

He is doing well, can breathe without a ventilator and is feeding well. But obviously is expected to be in for some time.

So Luca and Olivia are 1 year 23 days apart in age!! Thank goodness a different school year. Olivia is having her cast off on Monday but DH is taking her for that as I (obviously) can't.

Will update in due course x


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Alb1 · 28/09/2015 20:31

mrsg congratulations, glad he's doing so well! And Luca is a lovely name, my DS is called Luke Smile

But gosh you've got so much on! How are you doing?

MrsGiraffe12 · 29/09/2015 11:02

I'm just very tired and sore. And very sad that I delivered early again to be honest. I thought after Olivia being full term id be ok this time.

Although it was an emergency c section it wasn't an "emergency" if that makes sense and they sterilised me whilst they were in there so no more babies for me.

I just want to go back to normal now and enjoy my family Smile

Alb1 · 04/10/2015 08:33

How's everything going mrsg? You've deffiently been through a lot, I'm not surprised your not feeling 100%. Is Olivia's cast off now?

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