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November 2012 - Teeth? Don't talk to us about teeth.

999 replies

StuntNun · 23/08/2013 09:11

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PurplePidjin · 25/08/2013 21:34

BP i see you sposie-users talking about 4 and 4+ and leaks and ponder bemusedly :o

I couldn't use sposies if i wanted to. No dosh. Although TC appear to have dropped 2k into the account, i need to check against the figures they sent through for arrears they owe Hmm

Kyz · 25/08/2013 21:35

Evening all :) couple of pages to catch up on, here I go!

eliza I think writing it down is a sensible idea and its really encouraging that e is fine bar the weight gain :) I hope writing it down does help and you see a pattern. Hope the conjunctivitis fucks off soon too

Looked at your Fred too det and no idea either sorry

Hey luis we all miss you, lovely to hear from you :) hope you still pop in from time to time! I reckon j has the gummy quiche babies shares in teeth as well as his own Grin he has lots!

Happy 10 months day to j vq! Well done too on the snooze

Regression pikz?

Sounds like o is sleeping really well det! I thought the morning and evening bottles were the ones to stick with too but I guess with all other aspects there's no hard and fast rules so if o wants rid of the morning one first maybe it's ok to go with that? I am still unsure of dropping e to two bottles though I think he will manage. Today he ate a sandwich and a yoghurt for lunch and only had 2oz of his bottle but the sandwich was cheese, and was two slices of a normal loaf of bread bar crusts and he ate the lot. I am not sure if this is 'enough' to not need the milk though ??

Weather wise it's about the same here det and e wears a baby grow and a 1 tog bag. He doesn't fit in any of his long sleeved vests anymore I need to get new ones, but would probably be ok in one of those. He likes to be warm in bed though. Daytime wise he hasn't worn a vest for yonks and is usually in shorts/t shirt or trousers/t shirt and socks. I barely ever put shoes on him and he hasn't worn a jacket in ages now.

Good luck with the crochet pp :)

Sounds like good times sophia hurray for the last cushions!

E loves rich tea too det can o have ginger biscuits? E loves them and recommends them if so!

Is there room in this big ass bed for me?

In dietary news I have managed to drink 500ml water daily for a while now. Starting small but a massive achievement for me lol!

TheDetective · 25/08/2013 21:44

I think so BP she seems to have taken stuff on board. We can only give it a try, and if it doesn't work, she either baby Oscar proofs a bit more, or he goes to a CM!

TheDetective · 25/08/2013 21:45

Kyz I haven't looked at ginger biscuits, or many biscuits tbh! I will have a nosy next time I go shopping and see what he could have! I am keeping to soya traces, so it opens up a lot more which he could have. Thank goodness.

BigPigLittlePig · 25/08/2013 21:47

Oh thanks for reminding me kyz - I was going to say to det re: the bottles - F hasn't had a breakfast bottle for at least 6 weeks now. She has a big breakfast, and water, then has a big milk drink mid-morning. Very very occasionally she'll shout for milk but even then, she'll only have 2 or 3 ozs. So I think if O isn't fussed on that bottle, it's not the end of the world. He'll get what he needs in his own way.

TheDetective · 25/08/2013 21:57

That's good to know BP! I think it would be easier for us to be able to drop the morning bottle to be honest. As when I am back at work, it will make things easier in the morning.

He has a 1 weetabix with 4oz milk plus a full fruit pot in it for breakfast. It's quite a substantial breakfast really.

I might try that tomorrow. Breakfast when he gets up. Then after his morning nap offer a bottle. Which would be around 11-12ish. He could have a later lunch though. Then skip the afternoon bottle.

To be honest, the only one he really wants is the bedtime one.

Just talked it through with DP now..! We are going to try this: Giving him half his bottle in his breakfast instead of the Oatly, then the other half in his sippy cup so he has it as a drink with his breakfast. That way he is still getting the same amount but less in a bottle as such.

That could work well. I tried his milk in his sippy cup today, he took about an ounce before getting a strop on for the bottle Hmm. Will keep encouraging the sippy cup with breakfast then maybe.

Pikz · 25/08/2013 21:58

BP L is exactly the same with breakfast milk now too.

BigPigLittlePig · 25/08/2013 22:04

Det we have b'fast at 7. Bottle at 9.30/10, snack 11ish, lunch 1, bottle 3.30, tea 5.30, bottle 6.30.

Pidj Grin glad to know I'm not the only one who's routinely baffled lol.

Kirrin · 25/08/2013 22:08

luis Lovely to hear from you. Glad all is well. Please keep posting, we've missed you. MN does seem to be hard on men Confused Some people just seem to make negative assumptions as soon as they realise the poster is male - very weird, but we have nothing but positive thoughts about you :)

detective N also only wears a baby grow at night if its less than 24 degrees. She often only wears a vest at night - although our upstairs bedrooms do get very warm.
She hasn't had a vest on in the day for ages - mostly just leggings and a thin long sleeved top.

congratulations on the water consumption Kyz Grin

both my girls woke at 7 this morning Shock They also both woke once in the night, so room for improvement, but still!

We had a pottering about type of day, apart from being silly enough to go and get DD1 some some new shoes. Completely failed to consider the whole going back to school thing - doh! It was madness. But DD1 only had one melt down all day and was pretty delightful the rest of the time so I'm not a gibbering wreck and we actually had a pretty nice day!

ChasingDaisy · 25/08/2013 22:23

Gah, there's lots of bottle dropping going on. O is still on 4 6-7oz bottles a day plus a 3oz one most nights which I am trying to wean him off. He always drains the bottles and I have only just managed to reduce it from 5 to 4. What is the aim with milk? To be done with bottles by the time they are 1? I'm completely clueless.

daisychain76 · 25/08/2013 22:26

Hello newish thread! Busy weekend. Out of the blue H just started crawling yesterday thwn clapping today oh and a tiny (2 steps) bit of cruising. His developmental check isn?t til he?s 11 1/2 months. I seem to recall older dcs checks being pretty basic.

eliza whereabouts in Derbyshire are you going? Hope E starts putting on weight soon.

Bp H is in reusables all day (sposies at night) and l?m still not sure l understand all the terms or even do the nappies right really!

Making salted caramels tonight. Not a good move weight wise!

Bryzoan · 25/08/2013 23:51

That is amazing vq. Perhaps you are turning a corner. Hope you are having a good night.

Well done daisy's h.

Chasing - no. It is just that by far most of their intake should be from food. They stil need milk, be it bf and / or cows. Up to you how to give it but I reckon hv's would nudge you towards cups rather than bottles after a while as better for teeth and mouth development - open cups are best for speech development (small victories - we've just got dd drinking independently from one at 3)! We are bf but I would like to just be on a morning and evening bf by 1 - though will need to take advice as g is one of the dairy free crew so may need more.

TheDetective · 25/08/2013 23:59

Well done H daisy! Funny how they just get up and go one day...! Grin

Re: milk intake. According to my dietician appt on Friday, the actual intake doesn't matter so much, it is how much calcium they are getting. She didn't give me the figures, but I expect you can find out how much calcium is in their particular milk or the average BM, and then how much they should be having.

She said that O was just about having enough calcium at 24oz plus 4oz on his breakfast. She said if he drops lower he will need a calcium suppliment.

She said by the time he is 1 he should be having 2 milk feeds, it doesn't matter if it is now, or then, just at some point. She said if his calcium intake drops, he can simply have calcium suppliments.

So, in a nutshell. Don't worry, and there are always suppliments if their intake isn't 'enough'.

Bryzoan · 26/08/2013 04:13

How much calcium are other dairy free bf mums getting? I am taking pregnacare bf supplements which have 800mg. Also having calcium rich bread and oatly so prob averaging another 400 per day. I have no idea how much g is getting. He has very little that isn't from me. I am a little concerned because his femoral heads still haven't ossified (he still has regular hip scans). Still waiting to see a fecking dietician. This has reminded me to hassle again on Tuesday.

Bryzoan · 26/08/2013 04:16

He averages 6 bf in 24 hrs still

  • the night ones seem the most effective though (I'd like to phase them out but haven't the nerve).
StuntNun · 26/08/2013 07:11

Quiet night last night then? J was up three times before midnight so I ended up giving him a late breastfeed but then he slept for six hours once the Calpol kicked in so that was a relief. Still no sign of that top tooth yet. DS1 and DS2 have both lost three teeth this summer holiday, both on the same day on one occasion. The tooth fairy has been working overtime here particularly awkward when you have an older child who doesn't sleep well and when both boys share a room.

That sounds like plenty of calcium to me Bry. Afaik breastmilk contains 280-400 mg calcium per day and you are getting far in excess of that which should be enough even if absorption isn't 100%. If you're worried you could give G other sources of calcium such as sardines, tinned salmon, kale, bok choi, oranges and would you believe, Cheerios! One possible cause if you think there is a problem could be G's vitamin D intake as this is needed to properly absorb calcium. Are you giving vitamin drops daily?

Has anyone had any advice on tapering ranitidine? I know you're not to stop it dead as there's a hormone-driven rebound effect but I want to stop J having it and I'm not sure how slowly to decrease the dose. I think J's reflux is secondary to his egg intolerance and that's why his reflux became apparent relatively late on (diagnosed at six months). So I'm thinking now that the egg is out of his system he doesn't need the ranitidine any more. I will continue on with the Gaviscon as he still pukes if he misses a dose but I don't think he needs both mediations any more.

OP posts:
StuntNun · 26/08/2013 07:13

*medications stupid spellcheck I already changed it once!

OP posts:
Bryzoan · 26/08/2013 07:25

Thanks stunt, that is reassuring. Yes, he has vit d in drops. His hip consultant doesn't seem worried about his bone development being a little late so I will try not to either. Sounds like you got a bit more sleep... Wishing you more still though.

Happy Monday everyone. Enjoy the bank holiday. I am off to a children's farm with sil - should be nice :-)

PurplePidjin · 26/08/2013 07:27

2 wake ups. 10 minutes each. 11:30 and 12:30


Up for the day at 5:15 not so great Sad

MissMummy1 · 26/08/2013 08:02

Every half an hour.... Sad

PurplePidjin · 26/08/2013 08:23
BigPigLittlePig · 26/08/2013 08:23

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ValiumQueen · 26/08/2013 08:46

Sophia, J has a few pairs of leggings that are probably for girls tbh, but not pink. They are age 2-3 but cropped so just right for him at the moment. I had them for DD1 so they are very old.

PP why 'vq fuck off Angry' ? I read this last night and immediately left the thread as it really upset me. I do not know what on earth I said to deserve that Hmm This morning I have come back and noticed a Wink further down so I am guessing you were joking. Didn't help last night though.

J settled really late due to wind and a bit of reflux with it, but yesterday was so much better. And he is only just stirring now.

DD1 hysterical going to school today. School is no longer fun apparently. P3 is when they start proper work it seems.

PurplePidjin · 26/08/2013 09:04

Sorry VQ, it was at the outrageous suggestion that i might use despicables. I didn't mean to upset you Sad

MissMummy1 · 26/08/2013 09:08

Teething baby. Puppy is ace, he sleeps. Although he did chew through Dp's drysuit boot yesterday Angry. But M? She was inconsolable last night with teeth. Calpol did nothing Sad

VQ I am so sorry to hear you were upset last night. I must say I raised an eyebrow but then assumed I had missed a joke or something. Sarcasm is very hard to gauge without tone.

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