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November 2011 - early birds, just in time and late to the party, all welcome!!

998 replies

TwoJackRussellsandapumpkin · 22/10/2011 19:26

Hi all,

just starting up a post natal thread for all the due in November peeps on the antenatal forum and anyone else who would like to join in too, hoping to see my arrival by the end of the week, so officially an early bird I hope :)

OP posts:
alicat10 · 13/11/2011 10:02

Poppet glad to hear Willow stayed off the meds & the doctors were happy.

Much better night here - only 3 feeds & settled back in cot in between - hurrah

MooseyMoo · 13/11/2011 14:04

Alicat ooh, very jealous of your night. Ds currently feeding every two hours at night. After at least one feed he will not settle due to wind or poo.

Just had 5 day check up and ds has not lost any weight. Very proud of this Grin.

TwoJackRussellsandababy · 13/11/2011 16:53

Afternoon all,

Good to hear that Willow stayed off the meds Poppet and happy 12 week birthday (am watching the antenatal and postnatal threads)

J has contracted conjunctivitis, probably from his cousins who visited last weekend, what a good wee soul he is, he doesn't complain much about his eye drops although they must sting a little and he isn't looking his bonniest at the moment with a crusty eye!!

How is everyone doing today? I have a chicken roasting in the oven at the moment, nom nom nom :o

Caliphora · 14/11/2011 02:18

Aaah, back to three-hourly feeds thanks to the 3 week growth spurt... And we were settling in so well to the 4 hour routine!

After some thrush (thanks to all the anti-biotics at hospital, I think), we're all back on track in the CaliSprout camp - just some wind/poo grizzlyness from time to time to battle with.

Mother goes home tomorrow (well, later today, technically), and DP goes back to work - AIBU to be so, so nervous and scared?

SnoozleDoozle · 14/11/2011 14:05

Cali not unreasonable at all - I cried last Monday morning when DH went out to work and I faced the reality of my first day coping on my own. And this is my second time round! But it did pass, and by Tues we had settled into our own wee routine, and hopefully you'll find that you'll do the same.

cookie9 · 14/11/2011 15:53

Christopher seems to want to feed all night so our first night at home was a long one. Midwife came today and she is quite happy with him and me. bf seems to be going ok just waiting for my milk to come in now.

Anyone else have second degree tear? Midwife says healing well but am having to take care sitting and moving around.

Katiebeau · 14/11/2011 16:42

Hello cookie. I too have a 2nd degree tear. It's healing ok (day 5). But it hurts if I sit on it with my full weight and I'm attempting to do the splits any time soon. But walking about is no problem. I find a cheap kids popstickle lolly well wrapped in a sock pressed against my battered bits very soothing. X

Poppet45 · 14/11/2011 19:14

Wow Twojacks am v impressed with your roast! I did a roast yesterday too but I was in no way capable of that so soon after DC1. In fact I think I spent the first 15 weeks living off biscuits!
V jealous of those attempting 4 hour routines! That's something they don't tell you about BFing - you can bin any attempt at that. DS was only ever 3 hourly and DD is on 2 hourly during the day. Although the neonatal unit had helpfully put her on a four hourly routine like all the bottle fed babies in the nursery - and then they wondered why she wasn't gaining weight Hmm which we're currently having to break her out of.
Am slightly worrying those intermittent symptoms she had of being congested and pukey after feeds may be reflux. Oh god I hope not, but its v common in premmies, I have to handle her like a china doll after any feed to avoid seeing it again, and she's often sick when she's working on a poo, sometimes arches during feeds, is pretty hard to settle after a feed appearing uncomfortable, and when she is sick it literally takes her breath away and I have to stroke her or blow air in her face for her to start gasping again. So far she's only been sick 6 times today - most v small but one was a whole feed down the boobs affair. Hmmm, another question for the HV.... argh its sounding like reflux I hope its not, my cousins wee girl had it and its hellish.

Caliphora · 14/11/2011 19:23

Poppet Abigail was prescribed Gaviscon for reflux - Godsend! So much calmer and less pukey after feeds - still arches her back but no crying with it. It's a bit messy while bfing, but worth it!

Tjuice · 15/11/2011 05:10

Hello ladies
Just jumping in the fray, following a long 4.30am feed.
Amaya Rose is one week old today and we are doing good. First health visitor visit today and she has gained a fraction over her birth weight at 6.8 lbs so happy about that. But hv was quite annoying and patronising, I thought, although that could be my hormones speaking...Everyone was pissing me off yesterday, after being on an absolute high since the birth, I guess I had to come down a bit ;)

Bfing is going ok, but my nipples are just super fragile and have sores on them, so much so that I had to rest a boob yesterday and just express from it, which is a real pain. Also doing an occasional formula top-up at night and will try and get my supply up this week by pumping after each feed.

My c-section scar is healing but it's a huge difference in recovery compared to a vaginal birth and I have barely been out the house. Need to go for at least a short walk tomorrow otherwise I can feel cabin fever coming on...

cali and snoozle also feeling a bit weird about dh going back to work although it is a long way off as he took three weeks break, but it's whizzing past. My mum is flying over for a week and may stay longer but after that it's a matter of settling into the routine during the dark grey Scandinavian winter, not looking forward to that. Have been assigned to an international mums group by the hv already but really its such a crap shoot as to whether these groups work or not. They can be quite useful for sharing experiences but there is also so much comparing of babies which can do your head in.

lktoday5 · 15/11/2011 07:58

Hoorah! I found you all Smile

I posted my birth story on the ante-natal thread and thanks to everyone who sent support. ali when dh is back off exercise I'm going to do exactly what you suggested. Think I need to just go through it all calmly and when my hormones aren't quite so raging. Hopefully by then the flashbacks will have stopped.

Little tyke saw in 11,12,1,3,4 and now 7 with me. Sleep? Completely under rated. Wink have to say I now have utmost respect for single parents because this is bloody hard on your own. Unfortunately dh phoned last night right when I was having a 'this is too hard' wobble. I felt like I'd committed the cardinal sin of stressing him whilst he's on operations. Sad will make sure he gets lots of 'were ok' msgs today.

To those of you with tears, my heart goes out. Like the Popsicle idea though. Bit genius that! I'm still getting periods of severe pain, mostly concentrated in one spot just under my c-scar but am feeling brave enough today to move off the regimented 3 hourly drugs to taking them on need. Might be foolish!

Midwife in this morning and hv tomorrow. Fingers crossed are both ok...

TerrysNo2 · 15/11/2011 09:14

Morning all

lk Its so strange to think you have a DH but he's just not there, I don't have any experience of people in the forces but it must be so tough for you both, especially at this special but tiring time. I think you are doing really well!

cali and poppet be a bit careful with the gaviscon, what they don't tell you is that is can cause constipation. DS suffered from this (and it was horrid as he was in so much distress and up all night) after taking it at 8 weeks, I even wrote a complaint to gaviscon as it doesn't say it on the packet but after asking on MN I found this is quite a common side effect. Don't want to scare you, just keep an eye on it as it took us a few days to realise what was wrong.

My breasts are much better now and seem to have settled down and feeding is going really well. DD sleeps a lot and has settled into a nice routine - I can't believe how well she is sleeping at night, last night she slept 6-10, 11-5 and 5.30-8.30 when I woke her. No idea if this will last, I know they like curveballs Smile but trying to enjoy it while we can.

Right gotta go make DS breakfast!

alicat10 · 15/11/2011 11:26

Cali & Poppet DS1 had reflux & we had similar issues to Terrys so we tended to limit our use of gaviscon a bit (mainly nighttime) - our main approach was to keep him fairly upright for 20 mins after a feed and to keep his bed on an angle too but this was time consuming.

I too am very apprehensive about DH's return to work next week - I've spent a fair bit of time worrying about how I'll cope with 3! My best sleep at the moment tends to be between 7am & 10am when I will be needed to get DS1 out to school. I'm sure thinking about it is worse than the reality!

Well they found 3 diff infections on my 2 swabs ( wound & internal) so I'm now on 2 diff antibiotics. Wound is looking a bit cleaner though so hopefully I caught it all early. Managed to drive 4 weeks after previous 2 CS but think I'll need at least 6 weeks this time which is a nuisance.

PamSco · 15/11/2011 11:45

Booking marking here as I may be joining you very soon :)

SnoozleDoozle · 15/11/2011 15:59

Ooh Pam I was just wondering about you, and the others, as I seem to have lost my way on the antenatal thread and have just been hanging out here for the past few days and hoping that all the old regulars will be here soon.

Ali I had been thinking about you too, wondering about your infection. I haven't had any swabs done on mine, but I am halfway through my course of antibiotics and not sure if they are working or not. Look away now if you are squeamish, but when I was cleaning it last night (tea tree oil is my friend) I noticed that about an inch from the wound, there was a hard, discoloured bit of skin, about an inch across, which felt hot to touch. This morning, when I took the dressing off to clean it again, that had turned into a hole and was full of pus Shock and my whole abdomen feels sore to touch. I don't want to go running back to the Dr without giving the meds time to work, but it does't look right to me. Confused

lktoday5 · 15/11/2011 16:07

Thanks terrys, yes it's very strange and sad with dh away. But the flip side is the incredible sense of community amongst the ladies here who have been brilliant. Smile am counting the sleeps ....

lktoday5 · 15/11/2011 16:09

Pressed send too soon! snoozle I'm the one who hates to 'put upon' the Nhs but that doesn't sound right at all. Are you near a walk in clinic? X

SnoozleDoozle · 15/11/2011 16:42

LK sadly there are no walk in clinics in my area, although I am lucky to be registered with a fantastic GPs practice who are very efficient, and you don't have to wait too long for an appt, so if it hasn't improved in the morning, I might have to give them a ring. Problem is that its not within walking distance and I can't drive due to C-section (and subsequent infection). Talk about catch 22! Oh, the irony....

alicat10 · 15/11/2011 16:47

Snoozle definitely get it checked - my antibiotics were def working after a couple of days so maybe you haven't got right ones - I'm on co-amoxiclav & pus has more or less gone but still is a little red & hot to touch. I don't have a dressing on mine as they said air was needed - I am wearing big pants with a mat pad loosely against the wound so air can circulate. I also try and lie down with it exposed for a while every day & have been drying it with a hairdryer after showers. Can you get an appt with a practice nurse as they tend to have lots of experience with wounds & will get doc to look if needed, plus can give you advice on how to care for it. Think my main prob is the overhang of tummy which means the wound is in a fold so hard to keep completely dry. Mine still has a hole after 2 weeks (about size of a pencil) so will be a while to heal yet.

LK just been watching The Choir & thinking of you - I have so much respect for military wives - effectively living as single mums for months at a time whilst overshadowed by worry for DHs. Roll on Christmas!

alicat10 · 15/11/2011 16:49

Snoozle you might be able to request a visit from a district nurse as you are stuck without transport

cep · 15/11/2011 19:31

hello ladies.

snoozle second ali, or the gp might be able to come to you.

i'm still having problems with bf, he's still not interested in latching on. bf mw thinks might be too used to the taste/texture of the teat so we're going to try the shield. was a complete disaster with ds1 but will give it my damdest (sp?)

hope all are ok.

goldmaple · 15/11/2011 19:45

Just found this thread despite Emily being 16 days old! Have only read parts as I have limited time!

cali i don't miss being pregnant. but you already fit back into your jeans?! I'm a long ways away from that!! Oh well...

lizzy and everyone else who was/is feeling overwhelmed I feel the same!! Obviously feel better after sleeping a bit but its just so continuous and demanding. If Emily won't settle then I have to carry her and yesterday I couldn't even fix myself a meal... And i have help most of the time. Could use some reassurance from mothers with more than one child that this passes...


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Katiebeau · 15/11/2011 19:50

Hello Everyone. Finally on a proper PC for typing.

I managed to post via my phone about BF woes but I put it all on the antenatal thread......

CEP we have the same none latch issue (mine is due to flat nipples, DS the first to complain!!!). I was pumping for 6/7 hrs a day which by day 3 we realised was utterly impractical with a 2 year old to love, care for and entertain as well. The nipple shield filed with hand expressed milk, he latched, he bloody hurt me he latched so well for all of 20 seconds. Refused to go back, same every time we try. Nightmare. But I just cannot take 6/7 hrs out of the day for expressing so he either learns to take it from me or its formula. My issue now is engorged breasts, lovely!! DS fortunately doesn't care where his milk is from which worried me as for 3 days he got about 80% breast milk.

Snozzle, you need to see a Dr, explain you are immobile from the pain and they will come out to you. Don't even think about being a nuisance. You genuinely need help.

LK, I'm glad you have real life support but huge hugs for being so strong. It must be so incredibly difficult. Re the flash backs, if they don't fade there is help. I opted for a specific consultant and midwife team (and spending a chunk of savings to have them) this time and they put me on to a councillor and it really helped to talk about it. Also it helped to have a very experience consultant agree my experience was "filthy" (his word) and I had every right to be frightened about my next birth and also sad about my first. After he said that I felt much stronger and started to properly put DDs birth behind us. I just needed someone "in the know" to admit it was a horrible experience rather than saying "never mind all that, baby and you are fine now".

We might find out tomorrow if DH is to be made redundant. Wish him/us luck please, we have no idea how the company taking over his will act.

Otherwise all OK except the nerves are back in my bladder and making me pee every 30 - 60 minutes, slowly lasting longer..........between small wees.

PamSco - what's happening???

Oh and DD had reflux - we found the keep upright after food method and cot blocks at one end worked best too.

I work in pharmaceuticals and its not acceptable for a known side effect not be on the label. Healthcare professionals have a responsibility to report any unlabelled side effects reported to them back to the regulatory authority who communicate with the company (who must legally record anything sent to them as well from Drs/patients). It's so crap the system is there to capture this information but it isn't used by HCPs a lot of the time. Bah.........

Katiebeau · 15/11/2011 19:51

goldmaple it passes, and then you miss it!!!

Caliphora · 15/11/2011 20:58

goldmaple I know, I feel a bit smug about it, tbh, as I was a right lardy before pregnancy, and so scared I'd balloon from it - now I'm just back to being a lardy!

Gaviscon It's worked for us, but I can see the constipation problem - how ever, the Colief (which our GP refuses to prescribe, despite us getting noticeable results) negates it for us.
I was a bit meh about the medications, but today we tried her without and it's been a noticeably worse day, so I'm less meh now I've seen what a difference it makes.

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